Search found 12 matches

by NLPanther
Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:16 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

I haven't said it before but congrats to the players on a season in which you guys were able to make the playoffs.. as for tigercannon... i can't believe someone can be that blind. I was at the game and i do know what happened. Ironton had the ball inside the 20 twice and only scored on one. What ha...
by NLPanther
Sat Nov 08, 2008 2:05 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

You got 10 posts so you dont know what a typical Tigercannon posts is. I gave props to all the teams that beat us this season when they deserved it Logan, Chili, ans Burg all deserved them. They all three outplayed us and capitalized on our miscues. Tonight totally different story. New Lex is not b...
by NLPanther
Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:54 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

You guys must have watched a different game than I did. New Lex didnt beat Ironton Ironton beat Ironton. Our recievers dropped at least 4 TD passes, we got more penalty yards than you had offense which helped lead to our donfall. Pretty much the way we played we could have been the only ones on the...
by NLPanther
Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:47 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

Brutus, I am glad someone knows where i was coming from with that. All i read all week was "NL is overrated, Lutz makes amazing halftime adjustments, we are going to run it right at you and we dare you to try and stop us." It gets very frustrating not getting any respect and it is a great ...
by NLPanther
Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:28 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

It is a good thing Coach Lutz made a major halftime adjustment just like he always does... This game would have been 58-6 if he didn't...
by NLPanther
Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:26 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

tigergrad95 wrote:NLPanther most people making ridiculous predictions from what I can tell are not from Ironton.

I guess having tiger in your name doesn't necessarily mean your from Ironton...
by NLPanther
Tue Nov 04, 2008 3:45 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

Stop Cannon and you stop NL.I think Tigers have enough dogs to tree this panther.Ironton 21-12 The problem with that is it is easier said than done. Also for the guy saying Logan would run through the MVL they are a D2 school the mvl is mostly D3 and D4. I also remember Logan playing a New Lex team...
by NLPanther
Mon Nov 03, 2008 9:18 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

I guess I don't understand why kickers have to change their shoe... New Lex played Aaron Bates who never changed shoes and still busted 50+ yard field goals.. as for the game this reminds me of '06 when we played Martins Ferry. Everyone said "ohh the MVL is weaker than the Buckeye 8." and ...
by NLPanther
Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:05 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON

There isn't going to be a game at Jackson on Friday. New Lex decided they aren't even going to go since they are so "Over rated" Why waste the gas money?
by NLPanther
Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:35 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Playoffs: Ironton vs. New Lexington

Crooksville was much improved this year and is somewhat one of our rivals. Bishop Hartley is also a good team and it just so happened that we played them in week seven which was there FIRST home game of the year so they were pretty fired up. Not making excuses for why they were close just glad we ca...
by NLPanther
Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:08 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Round 2 Ironton vs. New Lexington at JACKSON
Replies: 380
Views: 28630

Re: Round 2 Playoffs: Ironton vs. New Lexington

From googling every possibility, Jackson is almost twice the distance for New Lex. I don't know about the field or if they applied but the midway point would actually be in chillicothe.
by NLPanther
Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:16 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Playoffs D4 R15 (8-2) Meigs @ (9-1) New Lex
Replies: 155
Views: 13365

Re: Playoffs D4 R15 (8-2) Meigs @ (9-1) New Lex

FrozenRope9 wrote:Maraudermom...I read on that noise makers are not allowed at New Lex.

This is true... but it isn't just at New Lex it is any state tournament game. It is a rule by the OHSAA

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