Search found 19 matches
- Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:20 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: SEOAL: Logan (1-5) at Warren (4-2)
- Replies: 92
- Views: 6533
Re: SEOAL: Logan (1-5) at Warren (4-2)
Klaw10 you really know how to beat a dead horse. Everyone is offering good insight to what they individually think would help the program here with ideas. You should stop critisizing every person on here and just discuss the game at hand which is Logan Vs. Warren. Besides I highly doubt you personal...
- Mon Oct 04, 2010 7:23 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: SEOAL: Logan (1-5) at Warren (4-2)
- Replies: 92
- Views: 6533
Re: SEOAL: Logan (1-5) at Warren (4-2)
Wow..Never thought I'd have to say or think this..but..Warren by at least 7, maybe 14. I'm hoping I'm wrong but warren played pretty good last year and Logan still has no identity and they always seem to fade away down the stretch. BUT, IF Logan wins any more games this year I could see it being aga...
- Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:02 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: SEOAL: Gallipolis (4-1) @ Logan (1-4)
- Replies: 119
- Views: 8913
Re: SEOAL: Gallipolis (4-1) @ Logan (1-4)
RE: SSReaper, "You don't know me....." You should have said, "I don't know what I'm talking about (referring to yourself)." I sincerely hope you are not in a position of influence with young people or worse yet, a parent. Your philosophy of "if something isn't working remov...
- Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:52 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: SEOAL: Gallipolis (4-1) @ Logan (1-4)
- Replies: 119
- Views: 8913
Re: SEOAL: Gallipolis (4-1) @ Logan (1-4)
Talent goes in cycles. Logan is likely entering a difficult period. Waterboy and others - way to keep it classy. Rats abandoning ship. Need talent and experience to win. Coaching staff is fine. Unless you are willing to pick up a whistle put in 70+ hours a week zip it. You reference Dale knowing wh...
- Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:19 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: SEOAL: Gallipolis (4-1) @ Logan (1-4)
- Replies: 119
- Views: 8913
Re: SEOAL: Gallipolis (4-1) @ Logan (1-4)
no logan is that bad,bad teams make bad mistakes and we make them all the time -poor concentration all around ,they wont win another game this year plus outcoached again.over 40 points in 4 games now what a joke whu is the d- line coach and linebackers coach nobody is ever in the right postion or se...
- Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:07 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Week 5: Marietta (2-2) AT Logan (0-4)
- Replies: 88
- Views: 6696
Re: Week 5: Marietta (2-2) AT Logan (0-4)
How do you know? Are you a player who thinks this? Do you have some special connection to the team that you can state this with some certainty? Or are you a fan who lives vicariously through them and makes this assertion from the seat of your pants. A seat which may or may not be in the stadium on ...
- Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:39 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Week 5: Marietta (2-2) AT Logan (0-4)
- Replies: 88
- Views: 6696
Re: Week 5: Marietta (2-2) AT Logan (0-4)
buckeye - Not sure what you are watching, Logan's crowd was PATHETIC on Friday, fair or no fair. Our kids deserve better. I was very disappointed. I would like to comment on this. Logan does typically bring in a very large crowd. Logan is all about football. I grew up in Logan and was on the drumli...
- Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:14 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: D2 - R7: (2) Logan vs. (3) Brookhaven AT Hamilton Township
- Replies: 210
- Views: 19682
Re: D2 - R7: (2) Logan vs. (3) Brookhaven AT Hamilton Township
Hey "Dave" how about you shove your negative comment about Logan where the sun don't shine. Your statement has been heard and addressed to many times to count. It is beyond old to say Logan is a big fish in a small pond and blah blah blah. So you "called" the outcome for Logan af...
- Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:12 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: WK6 (5-0) Zanesville @ (5-0) Logan
- Replies: 185
- Views: 14118
Re: WK6 (5-0) Zanesville @ (5-0) Logan
Hey all. I know my posts about ironton were a little out if line. Perhaps I was just caught up in the moment. BUT. I don't know how accurate this info is but i read that the Drew Pastuer Fantastic 50 list had Logan winning this game tonite by 21 with a 97% probability of that outcome being correct. ...
- Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:00 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Week 5 Logan @ Ironton
- Replies: 570
- Views: 29584
Re: Week 5 Logan @ Ironton
tjhtygeverve-Don't be dumb..u know as well as I that nobody is calling up any ideas of was an example of double standards..and i'm not a noob..thank you very much..just don't post much on here but read the posts everyday...I can see now WHY I don't post on here. All BS politics and passive ...
- Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:01 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Week 5 Logan @ Ironton
- Replies: 570
- Views: 29584
Re: Week 5 Logan @ Ironton
Respect: Warren, Gallia, Jackson, Marrieta, Zanesville..Maybe Chilli..but just no love for Ironton.. I had more to say but I can see true passion is not appreciated here so I'll excuse myself from this Topic. On to next week. Let's beat down Z-Ville.. I'll remember there are apparently rules on this...
- Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:45 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Week 5 Logan @ Ironton
- Replies: 570
- Views: 29584
Re: Week 5 Logan @ Ironton
Someone has to be Passionate...not lovey-dubby..When you beat a rival you stand over the broken remains of the team and make sure it's not moving anymore..if it is then you score more next time..just for good measure..that's called a rivalry. I've SEEN OSU fans beat up Michigan fans for just being a...
- Sat Aug 22, 2009 12:15 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Logan fan down...Prayers needed!
- Replies: 33
- Views: 2741
Re: Logan fan down...Prayers needed!
To all the people who have sent prayers out for Earl...I am part of Earl's family and it is very sad and difficult news to cope with right now. When I found out about his passing I was actually at the Logan-Sheridan scrimmage on Friday night with my family, which seems fitting being that he loved Lo...
- Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:29 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
- Replies: 455
- Views: 24455
Re: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
Oh..Look everyone..N.C.F. Changed his avatar back to the green helmet now that he's done hating on Logan. Never thought I'd meet somebody as old as N.C.F. that is such a loser. I'll see about starting a petition going in Logan to put Newark Catholic on the football schedule so Logan can beat them do...
- Sat Nov 08, 2008 8:01 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
- Replies: 455
- Views: 24455
Re: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
N.C.F...This goes to you: Everyone on here is saying how both teams played such great games and the L.Ville fans were class acts and I'm thinking to myself that N.C.F. hasn't reared his ugly face on here yet to ruin everything. Logan lost, we all know that, but it was only 7-0. Both teams are outsta...
- Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:33 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
- Replies: 455
- Views: 24455
Re: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
Dazed: I agree with you..Why should Logan even show up to this game? Obviously we don't stand a chance so we should just start practicing for next season. One would think from reading these posts that Logan is 5-5 or 6-4 and barely won the games that they did instead of the 11-0 team that they actua...
- Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:36 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
- Replies: 455
- Views: 24455
Re: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan
The point of all this back and forth is this: Your initial score prediction was unrealistic and outlandish at best. Every person is entitled to their own opinions but as a person who hasn't missed a Logan game in 20 years I know that this Logan team is the best I've ever seen to date. The score will...
- Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:27 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
- Replies: 455
- Views: 24455
Re: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan
IfLogan dropped down to a D5 or D6 they WOULD win the state title every year. For a small town such as Logan to have competed on the D1 stage for many years with decent success I would say that the D5 or D6 level would be a walk for Logan...IMO, of course. No disrespect to any other D5 or D6 schools...
- Sun Nov 02, 2008 2:04 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan At ZANESVILLE
- Replies: 455
- Views: 24455
Re: Round 2 (11-0) Louisville vs. (11-0) Logan
Logan has been strong all year. Yeah, maybe we're not one of the "big columbus teams" or maybe everyone thinks we're just a bunch of hillbillies that carry pitch-forks and can barely read..but the Logan boys know how to play some serious football. Don't be so disrespectful N.C.F. and predi...