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by tkbuckeye
Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:30 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Division 5 Region 19 in 2010
Replies: 504
Views: 37707

Re: Division 5 Region 19 in 2010

Anyone goin to the Minford / Valley or Burg / West game that can send me scores pm me..
I can send updates from Nelsonville / Athens game.
by tkbuckeye
Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:11 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Best athletes in southeastern Ohio all time?
Replies: 37
Views: 5641

Re: Best athletes in southeastern Ohio all time?

NY BUCKS wrote:Paul the ARTIST Smith Basketball.............Baseball.I have stats that is unreal.
What are the stats for Paul?
He was my basketball coach when I was little and could still shoot the ball.

Another good one was Kevin Canter. Saw some old films and could hit from anywhere on the floor.
by tkbuckeye
Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:40 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Best athletes in southeastern Ohio all time?
Replies: 37
Views: 5641

Re: Best athletes in southeastern Ohio all time?

The Conrad twins from Logan are also on my list
by tkbuckeye
Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:31 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: TVC-Ohio Championship: Athens @ Nelsonville-York
Replies: 201
Views: 14290

Re: TVC-Ohio Championship: Athens @ Nelsonville-York

I don't think going to the hocking would be a good move for NY. To be the best you have to beat the best and no offense to the tvc hocking but I think nelsonville would win that league outright 9 out of ten years at worst. In the region nelsonville is in they couldn't get enough points to make the p...
by tkbuckeye
Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:10 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Best athletes in southeastern Ohio all time?
Replies: 37
Views: 5641

Best athletes in southeastern Ohio all time?

My vote is for Justin Gail from NY

Honorable mention
Brad Young - wellston
Justin Roush - meigs
Derek Arnold - ny
by tkbuckeye
Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:37 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Division 5 Region 19 in 2010
Replies: 504
Views: 37707

Re: Division 5 Region 19 in 2010

I just don't understand how Wheelersburg is #8 in Region 19 fighting to stay in the playoff picture. If you look at their schedule you could easily say they are for sure one of the top teams in the Region. They lost to Ironton, #1 in R 15 and to the #1 in R 19 Oak Hill. They lost by a combined 12 p...

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