Search found 7 matches
- Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:52 pm
- Forum: Boys Basketball
- Topic: DEAR IRONTON FANS!!!!!!!!!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 1774
I have to agree w/houndfan. Those aren't excuses.....take pride in your town and support your kids. Oak Hill has NO industry compared to Ironton and they don't have the population that Ironton does....but you can bet that 2 hours before the game they are going to be there waiting in line to get into...
- Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:39 pm
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: IRONTON 43 VS Oak Hill 31 - 3/13 - FINAL
- Replies: 53
- Views: 7083
Re: IRONTON 43 VS Oak Hill 31 - 3/13 - FINAL
Congrats to Ironton. Looks like I-ton is going to experience a year like Oak Hill did last yr with their girls/boys teams both at state. Good luck and show SE Ohio proud. That said, should Oak Hill or any team for that matter call of their dogs because the teams within their league or schedule aren'...
- Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:16 am
- Forum: Boys Basketball
- Topic: The Official Bash Oak Hill Like a Childish Idiot Thread.....
- Replies: 98
- Views: 8948
Re: The Official Bash Oak Hill Like a Childish Idiot Thread.....
Of course, that means we are too since we are keeping up with it!!!
- Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:14 am
- Forum: Boys Basketball
- Topic: The Official Bash Oak Hill Like a Childish Idiot Thread.....
- Replies: 98
- Views: 8948
Re: The Official Bash Oak Hill Like a Childish Idiot Thread.....
Its kinda immature that you would even make this thread
Seems they named the thread correctly, huh?
- Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:30 pm
- Forum: Boys Basketball
- Topic: South Webster vs Oak Hill
- Replies: 65
- Views: 6601
Re: South Webster vs Oak Hill
Good Luck Oaks! Some may not think this is a game worth their time....I say anytime you can hang an undefeated season in your gym is pretty impressive. I am sure not many teams can say that this year.
- Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:28 pm
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: Oak Hill vs. Adena-----District Championship
- Replies: 102
- Views: 10585
Re: Oak Hill vs. Adena-----District Championship
Good Luck Lady Oaks....You need some more hardware to hang on your neck. Play the D you're capable of and shut'em down!!! Bring it on!
- Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:27 pm
- Forum: Boys Basketball
- Topic: Burg 57 vs Oak Hil 51..FINAL 2-26-10 3rd meeting this year
- Replies: 332
- Views: 20719
Re: Burg vs Oak Hill 2-26-10 3rd meeting this year
Why has the Burg suddenly become so popular after being one of the most disliked?