Search found 7 matches

by tomcatfrenzy11
Fri May 21, 2010 1:16 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: 2010 - Wahama White Falcons
Replies: 42
Views: 3324

Re: 2010 - Wahama White Falcons

After we trounce meggs in our scrimmage again, we will be liking our chops for some white chicken. Then we will wash it down with a meal from the land of corns and tomatees.
by tomcatfrenzy11
Fri May 21, 2010 1:09 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !
Replies: 157
Views: 11560

Re: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !

I will be playin and yer QB will be cryin. My classes att the career center in Nelsonville gauranttee my eiligibility.
by tomcatfrenzy11
Fri May 21, 2010 11:50 am
Forum: Football
Topic: TVC-Hocking 2010
Replies: 278
Views: 31655

Re: TVC-Hocking 2010

WRITE THIS DOWN! There is NO FRAKKIN WAY that Trimble will lose to any of these teams and that includes Wahama! No way we give up a TVC title to them EVER! I expect the Gambler to have a gameplan in place for the ramp eaters and win by 30+ points this fall. Ya gotta love it when our coaches speak t...
by tomcatfrenzy11
Fri May 21, 2010 11:45 am
Forum: Football
Topic: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !
Replies: 157
Views: 11560

Re: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !

We been workin hard at learning our plays and defenses this spring. Why you gonna make fun of my typing like that? Shouldnt you be working? Coach Faires says just learn yer plays and dont worry about siomething dumb like typing. I am at work. But if the coach tells you that, then he's not a very go...
by tomcatfrenzy11
Fri May 21, 2010 10:54 am
Forum: Football
Topic: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !
Replies: 157
Views: 11560

Re: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !

We been workin hard at learning our plays and defenses this spring. Why you gonna make fun of my typing like that? Shouldnt you be working? Coach Faires says just learn yer plays and dont worry about siomething dumb like typing.
by tomcatfrenzy11
Fri May 21, 2010 10:20 am
Forum: Football
Topic: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !
Replies: 157
Views: 11560

Re: TRIMBLE vs. Wahama: Bring it on !

I just wanna say that as a mimber of the Trimble futball team that we been werkin hard to get reddy for this here season and nothin is gonna get in our way to the playoffs. My coach says if i keep liftin real hard I could be a starter this season. We are gonna kick butt this fall. Dang strait! Here ...

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