Search found 81 matches

by CAT21
Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:12 am
Forum: Football
Topic: OVC Chip Portsmouth @ Ironton who you got
Replies: 242
Views: 21906

Re: OVC Chip Portsmouth @ Ironton who you got

I think we’d all like for this game to be closer than it will be. Portsmouth is a great team, but they don’t have what it’s going to take to beat Ironton this late in the season. Tigers win by 2 scores. Ironton 42 Portsmouth 28
by CAT21
Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:55 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections
Replies: 108
Views: 13244

Re: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections

I think that this regions only true contenders are Fort Frye, West Jefferson, and Fairland. I don’t see any other team making it out of the region. I don’t think northmor is as good as their record shows, and seeing Africentric get blown out by a team with a losing record tells me they don’t have t...
by CAT21
Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:33 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections
Replies: 108
Views: 13244

Re: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections

I think that this regions only true contenders are Fort Frye, West Jefferson, and Fairland. I don’t see any other team making it out of the region. I don’t think northmor is as good as their record shows, and seeing Africentric get blown out by a team with a losing record tells me they don’t have th...
by CAT21
Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:35 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections
Replies: 108
Views: 13244

Re: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections

The situation in Barnesville might derail their season. Just an absolutely bizarre and horrifying ordeal. What’s going on? Among the accusations: crossbow was put to a kid’s head; kid was tied to a telephone pole ...
by CAT21
Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:21 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections
Replies: 108
Views: 13244

Re: region 23 after week 8 playoff projections

formerfcfan wrote: Tue Oct 12, 2021 6:15 pm The situation in Barnesville might derail their season. Just an absolutely bizarre and horrifying ordeal.
What’s going on?
by CAT21
Mon Oct 11, 2021 7:57 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Fairland vs Coal Grove 10/15/21
Replies: 15
Views: 2065

Re: Fairland vs Coal Grove 10/15/21

Sad for those seniors and kids. I’m sure they don’t mind playing on the road though. Fairland travels very well. I’d really like to see them throw together the funds to build a new stadium but who knows if that will ever happen. If a lot of these other school in southern Ohio are capable you know P...
by CAT21
Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:30 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 9: South Point (1-6) @ Portsmouth (6-2)
Replies: 4
Views: 627

Re: Week 9: South Point (1-6) @ Portsmouth (6-2)

Easy game for Portsmouth. Rest the starters after the half, and give the tigers all you got come week 10.
by CAT21
Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:16 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 9 Ironton vs Gallia
Replies: 68
Views: 9728

Re: Week 9 Ironton vs Gallia

Past two years this one has been a blowout and it sure won’t be any different this year.
by CAT21
Mon Oct 11, 2021 10:13 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Fairland vs Coal Grove 10/15/21
Replies: 15
Views: 2065

Re: Fairland vs Coal Grove 10/15/21

Dragonsbreath12 wrote: Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:49 am Where is this game? I’ve seen schedules where the game is home and one where it is away?
At coal grove I’m pretty sure
by CAT21
Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:18 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Fairland vs Coal Grove 10/15/21
Replies: 15
Views: 2065

Re: Fairland vs Coal Grove 10/15/21

Nothing fairland can’t handle, dragons comfortably win by 3 scores.
by CAT21
Sat Oct 09, 2021 5:13 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)
Replies: 161
Views: 14094

Re: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)

There is one thing I've really been puzzled by. Among the signs hanging on the Home side bleachers and by the concession standa disparaging our players was one that read "Portsmouth doesn't pump their own gas". Is there an innuendo I'm missing there? I guess if taken literally it could be...
by CAT21
Sat Oct 09, 2021 3:49 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Region 23
Replies: 15
Views: 1496

Re: Region 23

By the looks of the seeds right now is it possible to tell which teams will play each other? I don’t know how the seeds match up and how all that works, can anyone fill me in? The easiest way to do it is to add the seeds and get 17. 16 will play 1. 15 will play 2. And on down the line to 8 vs 9. Ah...
by CAT21
Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:20 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)
Replies: 161
Views: 14094

Re: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)

For those of you looking down on Portsmouth fans, a lot of us think highly of Fairland. They are a very good team and could have very easily won on a dry field as well. Pointing out a few things like watching Roe slip when he moves out of the pocket every snap he ever plays isnt making an excuse it...
by CAT21
Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:25 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Region 23
Replies: 15
Views: 1496

Re: Region 23

By the looks of the seeds right now is it possible to tell which teams will play each other? I don’t know how the seeds match up and how all that works, can anyone fill me in?
by CAT21
Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:43 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)
Replies: 161
Views: 14094

Re: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)

Fairland student section got in some trouble I heard? Refs very questionable. Field horrible, stands suck per usual. This game gets played on a dry field Portsmouth wins by 14, won’t change my mind on that. Better team didn’t win. Am I being a crybaby maybe a little, but Fairland clearly wasn’t the...
by CAT21
Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:35 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Minford at Waverly
Replies: 112
Views: 8937

Re: Minford at Waverly

I think waverly takes this one, but I’m very impressed with how Minfords season has turned out. They got pummeled by fairland in the preseason but since then evidently they have greatly improved.
by CAT21
Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:12 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)
Replies: 161
Views: 14094

Re: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)

Fairland loses 9/10 times if this game is played on any other field. Won’t change my mind. But come on to say Portsmouth sucks would also mean Fairland sucks. You won by 1 point at home on a sloppy field, so if Portsmouth sucks, Fairland does too. That said it’s clear neither team sucks. The refs t...
by CAT21
Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:05 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)
Replies: 161
Views: 14094

Re: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)

Fairland student section got in some trouble I heard? Refs very questionable. Field horrible, stands suck per usual. This game gets played on a dry field Portsmouth wins by 14, won’t change my mind on that. Better team didn’t win. Am I being a crybaby maybe a little, but Fairland clearly wasn’t the...
by CAT21
Fri Oct 08, 2021 9:34 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)
Replies: 161
Views: 14094

Re: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)

Fairland wins 15-14. What a game.
by CAT21
Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:19 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)
Replies: 161
Views: 14094

Re: Week 8: Portsmouth (6-1) @ Fairland (5-1)

At home, factoring in the weather, I’m taking Fairland 28-21. Good luck to the dragons and let’s hope for an injury free game for both teams.

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