Search found 25 matches
- Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:05 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp back in at Rock Hill
- Replies: 67
- Views: 10499
Re: Knipp back in at Rock Hill
I'm not, nor have I ever pointed a finger at anybody in that system. I think by now you'd have figured out I want it to be a success. I frankly am puzzled as to what the problem is. but if you keep doing the same things wrong. whatever they are year after year after year. then have an opportunity t...
- Mon May 30, 2016 12:37 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp back in at Rock Hill
- Replies: 67
- Views: 10499
Re: Knipp back in at Rock Hill
[quote="gametime"]I don't think game day has a clue about RH[/quote
I Agee he might not but for sure RH has been a bottom of the league for many years except for last year. In a league I would say before expansion was the worst in Ohio.
I Agee he might not but for sure RH has been a bottom of the league for many years except for last year. In a league I would say before expansion was the worst in Ohio.
- Tue May 24, 2016 6:37 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp back in at Rock Hill
- Replies: 67
- Views: 10499
Re: Knipp back in at Rock Hill
Unreal - Good Luck!
- Mon May 23, 2016 1:11 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
Can anyone list RH's football record since 2008 thru 2015. If I am correct I think the last winning season before last season was 2007.
- Fri May 20, 2016 5:00 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
[quote="gametime"]What's sad about the BOE at Rockhill is they know they will have to pay for the coaches they fired regardless. Because they didn't renew contact without notice, so they still get payed for the year, plus new coaches[/quote So the AD, Principle and Superintendent have noth...
- Fri May 20, 2016 4:25 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
That's funny I agree.
- Fri May 20, 2016 9:12 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
I will say this there has been some really good talent out at RH during past 9 years. When did RH win a conference championship? I can remember off hand when that happened? If you want to throw it on the kids then so be it but the best facilities in the area should bring out some ball players.
- Wed May 18, 2016 1:00 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
Time is running out for Rock Hill, the later it gets the less wins you are going to be able to achieve. If the BOE and AD is not in a hurry to find someone then there needs to be a change made all around. If this is drug out any longer could we be talking about Rock Hill dropping football in the fu...
- Wed May 18, 2016 9:19 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
It appears that they were not satisfied with who was put in front of them. I would also say that the AD needs to get busy finding a candidate.
- Wed May 18, 2016 8:33 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
Really I would really get serious about the search now!
- Tue May 17, 2016 9:54 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
I wonder if they have even interview anyone for the job at this time?
- Tue May 17, 2016 6:56 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
Did anything happen at the BOE meeting last night?
- Sun May 15, 2016 8:28 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
A friend of mine said that job was in the Ironton Tribune last week again. If they hire someone Monday night the ad must have only been a show. They had the right person coming there about 4 or 5 years ago but once again the BOE had there own agenda. I just don't understand why changes were not done...
- Fri May 13, 2016 8:15 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
Does anyone know when and if the interview process will start?
- Thu May 12, 2016 7:37 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
Who is he ?
- Wed May 11, 2016 9:55 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
I agree I have also heard that they already know who the head coach will be. This could be true since they have not done a great deal to advertise the job.
- Mon May 09, 2016 11:49 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
You really think the players believe in his system? Come on man!
- Mon May 09, 2016 7:58 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
One good season does not have the community believing in Knipp. Last year was the first year in 5 years that RH won more than 3 games in one year.
- Sun May 08, 2016 12:31 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
I think Rock Hill should think about getting someone that has rebuilt programs. I would suggest Triplett he knows the area and he understands how to rebuild a program.
- Sat May 07, 2016 7:13 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
- Replies: 173
- Views: 28683
Re: Knipp voted out at Rock Hill
Where does Frye coach now and at what level? I think it was said earlier I would like outside the Rock Hill walls but that is up to the BOE.