Search found 2 matches

by JustHereForTheTruth
Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:53 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Fairview (KY) 18 - 42 Green 2022
Replies: 29
Views: 2844

Re: Week 5: Green (4-0) @ Ashland Fairview (1-3)

Green fans, tell me if this actually happened. I have some friends from Fairview. They are telling me that you kept your starters in until the very end of a 48-18 game. That alone, if true, is classless. Also, I heard that they called a time out with 20 seconds to play...with all starters still in....
by JustHereForTheTruth
Sun Sep 18, 2022 9:10 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Fairview (KY) 18 - 42 Green 2022
Replies: 29
Views: 2844

Re: Week 5: Green (4-0) @ Ashland Fairview (1-3)

Green fans, tell me if this actually happened. I have some friends from Fairview. They are telling me that you kept your starters in until the very end of a 48-18 game. That alone, if true, is classless. Also, I heard that they called a time out with 20 seconds to play...with all starters still in....

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