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by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:08 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: WK1 Valley @ Portsmouth
Replies: 94
Views: 6460

Re: WK1 Valley @ Portsmouth

I think some of the Trojans Critics are selling Valley short. I guess I didn't realize they had 19 of 21 starters back from last year. They are likely the best team in our area. I thought Cole Lowery was fairly accurate when he had some time to throw and Austin Hollins ran well. It still seemd to me...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:16 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: WK1 Valley @ Portsmouth
Replies: 94
Views: 6460

Re: Valley @ Portsmouth

This game has been close for the last few years and I expect The Trojans to stay close in this one. Portsmouth has some talented kids but has failed to develop depth which always shows after a few weeks into the season. Yes defense has been poor but its the lack of depth that is hurting. Here's hopi...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:18 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Was Portsmouth on The Radio Last Night?
Replies: 0
Views: 371

Was Portsmouth on The Radio Last Night?

I know that WNXT was having Phone trouble last night but around 7:30 the Burg/Minford game popped on the air and I believe West/Waverly came on 107.5 around then too. 1260 am continued to carry fox sports radio unless I missed something. I kind of understand the longer trips not being aired. Warren ...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Sat Aug 03, 2013 6:32 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Valley 28 Portsmouth 19
Replies: 65
Views: 3439

Re: 8/30 Valley @ Portsmouth

Based on how last years teams finished, I really wonder how last years game was as close as it was. I think Valley made great strides as last year progressed so I'd give the Indians the edge but I think this will be a little closer than some folks are expecting. Very anxious to see the new look Troj...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Mon Jul 22, 2013 6:34 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Portsmouth 2013
Replies: 35
Views: 2149

Re: Portsmouth 2013

I have quite a few young kids in my neiborhood and I am seeing somewhat of a disinterest in the sport in general. Portmouth needs more than one Pee Wee team and yet 3 teams is probably too many based on the interest. Two teams that compete in a Scioto County League would be fine but we would be spre...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:53 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: trojan dave or anyone affiliated ?
Replies: 2
Views: 408

Re: trojan dave or anyone affiliated ?

I'm doing well. Dave stopped by to pick up the stuff tonight. Hey thanks for all the interest.

Go Trojans!
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:54 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: trojan dave or anyone affiliated ?
Replies: 2
Views: 408

trojan dave or anyone affiliated ?

with the Portsmouth Basketball alumni site. Can you contact me A house cleaning has resulted in me finding some old save newspapers and programs. I didn't know if you guys needed any of the pictures or not. These include some Daily Times and Cols Dispatch photos. 1988-199...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Thu May 17, 2012 3:52 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies
Replies: 4
Views: 1242

New Boston, Notre Dame, Northwest, Burg Oldies

I need some help identifying some past game Dates. I had an old box of 16mm films recently converted. I can only give you a few details from what I watched below. many of these reels were barely labeled so I am at a quandry. I tried the hunt and peck method using the Library but to no avail right no...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Tue Mar 27, 2012 6:22 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?
Replies: 8
Views: 1282

Re: Hey STO - How about showing the semi-finals?

I think it has to do with the OHSAA and attendance. I used to love the finals at St John Arena. It held 13,000. The schott holds, give or take, close to 19,000. A crowd of 11 or 12 thousand still looked almost full at SJA. That same crowd makes the schott look half empty. I'd love to see it move bac...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:00 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Replies: 117
Views: 14566


OG has had a great run the last 15 years or so. If I recall, the won state titles in 04 and 08. I remember they had a couple red headed brothers that gave LaBron James and SVSM fits in a couple of regionals and then won it after LaBron left. It should be interesting. At this stage, throw out the rec...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:46 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 3-17 (7:30 pm) Ironton vs Portsmouth (Regional Finals) @ Co
Replies: 84
Views: 12496

Re: 3-17 (7:30 pm) Ironton vs Portsmouth (Regional Finals)

I know Dave will have this but I'm trying to remember some Portsmouth/Ironton tourney games form the past. I think there have been some great ones, just not that many. I don't think any Trojan fan could forget 1979. Possibly our best team losing in a District Championship. I also recall played at Sh...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:53 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Final: @ Portsmouth 67 Peebles 44
Replies: 111
Views: 8791

Re: (14-2) Peebles @ (15-2) Portsmouth, 2/7

I was fairly impressed with Peebles in the first half. Only they know how big of a game it was too themselves. Sometimes, when you overhype a matchup one team wears emotionally and physically thin after the initial burst of energy. The Indians were kind of toast at the beginning of the second half w...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:06 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Wheelersburg @ Portsmouth week 3
Replies: 132
Views: 14109

Re: Wheelersburg @ Portsmouth week 3

After last years game I was pleased with The Trojans effort for four quarters. West did pretty much dominate the line of scrimmage though. Not sure about this weeks game. If Wheelersburg did lose everything up front and it becomes a matchup of speed The Trojans may have a sleight edge. I look for an...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:48 am
Forum: Football
Topic: ironton
Replies: 18
Views: 4108

Re: ironton

I ran a Portsmouth Football site for four plus years. It cost some money but the time involved is immense. At that time, John ran Ironton Football and I think it was Spencer maybe who ran Logan Football, An SEOAL site and this site. I can remember shooting pictures and videos at the game until 10:30...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:08 am
Forum: Football
Replies: 46
Views: 4414


I think The Trojans will win some games within the conference and possibly spring a big upset along the way. We had a state semifinal basketball team last year and very few of those kids played football a year ago. This year, most of them are out, so I think the SEOAL might be a little surprised at ...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:37 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Portsmouth Trojans Football 2011
Replies: 88
Views: 11571

Re: Portsmouth Trojans Football 2011

Good Point Trojan7. So far from what I can tell almost every school that has withdrawn from the SEOAL has do so, in part, due to travel expenses. Below is a pool of schools I would like to see on the Trojan schedule if The SEOAL folds. Any SOC II School Old SEOAL Opponents Jackson, Gallia, Ironton, ...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:38 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Portsmouth Trojans Football 2011
Replies: 88
Views: 11571

Re: Portsmouth Trojans Football 2011

I'm looking forward to this year. High expectations are great but there are times when they come back to haunt you. I'm going to measure this years team on improvement through the season. I think the first three games will all be very tough. Hopefully we will learn from them, get better, and not suf...
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:15 am
Forum: Football
Topic: 8/28/10 Wilmington at Portmouth
Replies: 0
Views: 896

8/28/10 Wilmington at Portmouth

I had to compromise the quality a little bit for this one. The uploads are becomming more difficult with the age of my machines but I think this will work. Its a color film with the WNXT Radio Call of last years Portsmouth Wilmington Game. Trying to get fired up for the new year.
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:48 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Final: Cleveland Central Catholic 58 Portsmouth 47
Replies: 204
Views: 23452

Re: Final 4 Portsmouth vs Cleveland Central Catholic -3/25 @

The schedule this team played looks very strong.

What ever happened to Colin Irish?
by BigSlowWhiteGuy
Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:40 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19
Replies: 347
Views: 36689

Re: Chesapeake vs. Portsmouth - Regional Final - 3-19

Win or lose, The Trojans could say they've had a good year. I think Chesapeake fans might be surprised at The Trojans on Saturday. They tend to play to the level of competition. That being said, The Panthers are probably the Best team in The Region but, PROVE IT or else.

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