Search found 4 matches
- Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:12 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: OAK HILL 3-1 at MINFORD 3-1
- Replies: 22
- Views: 1935
Re: OAK HILL 3-1 at MINFORD 3-1
Going with Minford by a TD.. Cant wait to see who the starting 11 are tonight and what positions they will be playing .
- Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:47 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
- Replies: 217
- Views: 11386
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
Yes, I am a new member of this forum and area. Everybody has opinion which is fine and to answer your question My kids are peewee football players. As a new person to the area looking at new era would be running the spread offense a little more and read option. Going out of the spread does not mean ...
- Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:12 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
- Replies: 217
- Views: 11386
Re: Valley (9-0) @ Minford (7-2)
I'm new to this area and Minford, and if Vladimir is a past , present or future coach then I should have chosen a different area to send my kids. Cause with his attitude and degrading of kids that's not someone I would want around the peewee program. I know this is a football forum but wow. Or maybe...
- Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:26 pm
- Forum: Football
- Topic: 6-2 Minford @ 2-6 Waverly
- Replies: 41
- Views: 2516
Re: 6-2 Minford @ 2-6 Waverly
Lets just hope the coaches all get on the same page for Minford, bickering amongst their selves will not get them anywhere. All Minford can do is move forward cant dwell on last weeks loss to the Burg . They need to Come together as a team and win stop blaming each other for mistakes and move on go ...