Search found 11 matches

by tiger71
Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:10 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week10: Zanesville 5-4 vs Marietta 2-7
Replies: 10
Views: 1356

Re: Week10: Zanesville 5-4 vs Marietta 2-7

Uggghh the weather channel shows sunshine and 20% rain. Looks like we got the 20%, pretty good drizzle going on.
by tiger71
Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:44 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week10: Zanesville 5-4 vs Marietta 2-7
Replies: 10
Views: 1356

Week10: Zanesville 5-4 vs Marietta 2-7

Thought I would start this post for the seop pickem contest. One so someone could post the score. And two,to wish the boys good luck. If your a Marietta fan reading this. You know how this season has gone. And the one behind that and so on. Not sure what the pre game was last season before The warre...
by tiger71
Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:51 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Dover vs. Marietta
Replies: 40
Views: 6676

Re: Dover vs. Marietta

Good luck tigers. Class of 86 & 87 will be in town this weekend. Play hard and never give up. This is a golden opportunity this week. Playing a good program that as I read above. Start building for next year and finish off this year strong and competitive for our few seniors we have. From what I...
by tiger71
Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:55 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Marietta 2-5 @ Zanesville Rosecrans 4-3
Replies: 26
Views: 3040

Re: Marietta 2-5 @ Zanesville Rosecrans 4-3

After witnessing this one. It's a tuff one to swallow. And I give Rosecrans there repect. They were well coached. Very disciplined, and brought a good fight. I won't mention any names. The coach that was here last year for Marietta. Showed a blue print to be successful. He managed the game the way a...
by tiger71
Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:01 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Marietta 2-5 @ Zanesville Rosecrans 4-3
Replies: 26
Views: 3040

Re: Marietta 2-5 @ Zanesville Rosecrans 4-3

newarkcatholicfan , hope the coaches saw this ( your perspective) on game film. Noreply66, always a positive reply.
Go Tigers
by tiger71
Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:58 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Marietta 2-5 @ Zanesville Rosecrans 4-3
Replies: 26
Views: 3040

Marietta 2-5 @ Zanesville Rosecrans 4-3

Well another week has past by and Game day is almost here. Rosecrans coming off a tough loss to Claymont. And we all know what happened to the tigers at New Philly. Our boys played hard and to the end. Good luck and play hard.

Go Tigers
by tiger71
Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:40 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Chillicothie at Warren Week 8
Replies: 27
Views: 3983

Re: Chillicothie at Warren Week 8

Good luck warriors, hope the feild won't be a factor out there. Click on all cylinders, show Them your arsenal. Loved your spirit and fight last week.
by tiger71
Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:14 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: week 7 Marietta 2-4 @ New Philly
Replies: 14
Views: 1566

Re: week 7 Marietta 2-4 @ New Philly

Seriously, no one. Had some good numbers reading this post. Good luck Tigers at New Philly. I really enjoy reading every Monday afternoon. It was neat seeing coaches Monday talk on Mariettafootball.Com Monday. Good luck Marietta, play hard.
by tiger71
Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:41 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 7: Warren (3-3) at Logan (1-5) SEOAL
Replies: 146
Views: 10886

Re: Week 7: Warren (3-3) at Logan (1-5) SEOAL

Good luck to the warriors. I will travel down for this one. Always good to come to Logan, easy trip.And like to hit sonic in Nelsonville.
by tiger71
Mon Oct 03, 2011 8:17 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: week 7 Marietta 2-4 @ New Philly
Replies: 14
Views: 1566

Re: week 7 Marietta 2-4 @ New Philly

There is an article on on New Phillys over time win last Friday. Our young tigers will need to reach deep. No quit and be tuff, and win every play. I hope they Are looking past us.
by tiger71
Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:47 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: week 7 Marietta 2-4 @ New Philly
Replies: 14
Views: 1566

week 7 Marietta 2-4 @ New Philly

At this point of the season, I have no expectations other than for the Tigers to have fun and stay healthy. And of course, to be competitive for the next few weeks. I would like to complain about this and that. I choose to support this team. I know what we have, personnel wise. I still remember our ...

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