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by masterchief_2
Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:50 am
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Logan 6th grade Girls Tournamrnt
Replies: 16
Views: 2056

Re: Logan 6th grade Girls Tournamrnt

We have 10 teams, looking for at least 2 more. We have extended the deadline to the 23rd. Please Contact Rick Kennard for more information @ 740-385-7182
by masterchief_2
Sat Dec 22, 2007 10:40 am
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: 5th Grade Girls Tournament-Feb 22-23-24
Replies: 0
Views: 1753

5th Grade Girls Tournament-Feb 22-23-24

The Logan Lady Chieftains will be Hosting a 5th Grade girls Basketball Tournament at Chieftian Elementary School, in Logan. Ohio. The dates are Feb 22-23-24,2008. This will be a school team only Tournament. Entry Fee Will be $75.00. With a four game Guarantee. Deadline for entry is Feb 12, 2008. Max...
by masterchief_2
Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:57 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Logan Basketball 2007-2008
Replies: 127
Views: 20026

Jmoney nobody got ejected i dont know what game you were watching. The Cavs are going to be the best team in the SEOAL and also one of the best in the state. Logan will be .500 at best.
by masterchief_2
Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:55 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Logan Football 2008
Replies: 285
Views: 33489

My bad. Div. 4 you guys couldnt even make in it in d5 anyways. Lets stay on topic before it gets locked. 2008 Chiefs are going to have a better year next year than this year. Better o-line better qb. They only question i have are the db's going to be ready come next season? Losing Wright is going to...
by masterchief_2
Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:54 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Logan Football 2008
Replies: 285
Views: 33489

My bad. Div. 4 you guys couldnt even make in it in d5 anyways. Lets stay on topic before it gets locked. 2008 Chiefs are going to have a better year next year than this year. Better o-line better qb. They only question i have are the db's going to be ready come next season. Losing Wright is going to...
by masterchief_2
Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:42 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Logan Football 2008
Replies: 285
Views: 33489

Thinking you can make the playoffs in Div 5 thats even funnier. Try not to get blown out next season alright. :lol: :lol: :lol: 53-14!!!!!!!!!!!
by masterchief_2
Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:31 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

I am pretty sure Coach Kennard has coached Middle School soccer for 10 years maybe a little longer.
by masterchief_2
Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:45 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

I only responded to your one point because that was the only one worth responding too. IMO. It doesnt matter who get the JV job, because Coach Walsh will be watching over them anyways. SO in Walsh I trust.
by masterchief_2
Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:42 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

Alright lets actually start talking about the up coming season instead of wasting our time debating on who is going to get the JV job lol. Logan returns All-Ohio Jessica Harris , Bosch , and Bolen . Those three i can see doing the most damage this season for the Chiefs. Since Hughes is out for most ...
by masterchief_2
Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:35 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

Playing in high school has nothing to do with it. Coach Walsh i dont think played in high school. Locos might have to correct me on that. Maybe even the GREAT pFLoyd can correct me haha.
by masterchief_2
Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:22 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

I dont believe Coach Nelson or Hermann are up for the job.

So basically if you minus those two you get Coach Burns, and Coach Kennard

What do you think of those two PFLOYD i am sure everyone wants to hear your thoughts.
by masterchief_2
Sun Jul 15, 2007 12:18 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

If you look back in the old programs you can see that Coach Kennard. Has coach 7th and 8th grade Boys basketball, and 7th&8th grade girls thats beside the point. That that adds up to 4 years of experience, and i beleive he has more than enough biddy and AAU experience. So what if i want Coach Ke...
by masterchief_2
Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:42 am
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

I just believe that most qualified individual should get the job. Whether its a teacher or somebody outside of the school system.
by masterchief_2
Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:05 am
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

pfloyd all i want is for the right person to be hired. I hope great success comes out of the girls program for many of years down the road, and it starts off with coaching. I am done talking about this issue, untill someone is hired.
by masterchief_2
Thu Jul 12, 2007 10:21 am
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

pfloyd When i mentioned Burns not doing a dam thing Coach Walsh says i was only using that to explain things a little better. All i am saying is that you have to have the RIGHT coaches to build a great program. Walsh is on top, and i am sure the right choices WILL be made. I sure hope so at least.
by masterchief_2
Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:45 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

Emilie Hughes i heard she tore her ACL AGAIN. So that means someone is going to step up and fill her shoes.[/b]
by masterchief_2
Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:42 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Lady Chiefs 2007-2008
Replies: 497
Views: 72373

... I suppose I can answer my own question "sort a" ... looking at the coaching staff on the girls side (I don't know all of the coaches ie. 7th grade coach ) ... 8th grade is Kennard, freshman - Burns, JV - open, Varsity Assistant Hermann ... for the life of me I can't remember who the 7...
by masterchief_2
Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:15 pm
Forum: Games, Birthdays, Welcomes, Trivia & More
Topic: random 3 digit numbers
Replies: 11898
Views: 489848


2000th POST YES!!!!!!!!!!! lol
by masterchief_2
Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:15 pm
Forum: Games, Birthdays, Welcomes, Trivia & More
Topic: random 3 digit numbers
Replies: 11898
Views: 489848

by masterchief_2
Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:14 pm
Forum: Games, Birthdays, Welcomes, Trivia & More
Topic: random 3 digit numbers
Replies: 11898
Views: 489848


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