Search found 6 matches

Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:23 am
Forum: Football
Topic: RedRocket O-Line Clinic
Replies: 7
Views: 1128

RedRocket O-Line Clinic

Wonder when this time tested coach and his strategies will be made available to the general coaching public again. Lots of new coaches need to hear his theories on boobyblocking from back in the days when southern had a respectable program. Any possibilities?
Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:36 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Reedsville Eastern @ South Gallia 12/1/07
Replies: 46
Views: 4318

Re: Reedsville Eastern @ South Gallia 12/1/07

Maybe the kids didnt play well with the apparent news of Justy leaving...It could be a factor.
Thu Dec 18, 2008 2:06 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: South Gallia 2009
Replies: 362
Views: 23603

Re: South Gallia 2009

Does this mean that Justy is going to GA? The way some are talking on here it sounds like he is on his way.
Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:12 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Southern at Trimble 12/19
Replies: 80
Views: 7600

Re: Southern at Trimble 12/19

s&w 7 wrote:Dont reply to chucky taylor he obviously doesnt know anything about sports. I mean really he cant see the importance of this game. This game has huge TVC implications. Will be a great one!

Its only important if Trimble wins. Southern has NEVER won the TVC and will find a way to choke this year too.
Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:06 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Southern Tornado Football 2009
Replies: 130
Views: 9831

Re: Southern Tornado Football 2009

The only time this program had a chance was when they had a rutter at the helm.....who was that guy? Duck Junior?
Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:54 am
Forum: Football
Topic: Trimble Futbol 09
Replies: 17
Views: 2265

Re: Trimble Futbol 09

Didnt know they had kickball at trimble. Cant wait to watch.

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