Search found 2 matches

by ZLamb25
Fri Dec 22, 2006 3:53 pm
Forum: Games, Birthdays, Welcomes, Trivia & More
Replies: 5771
Views: 237200

I'm convinced that the earth spun an extra 230 times over the past few weeks and it's actually spring. 43 and Rainy in Columbus.
by ZLamb25
Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:50 pm
Forum: Games, Birthdays, Welcomes, Trivia & More
Replies: 5771
Views: 237200

44 freakin' pages on a thread titled "Temperature!!!" What in the @#%! is this world coming to??? This is total bull@#$&!!! You guys can do better than that. There are several members on this forum. Lets all get together and collectively come up with some better @#$% to talk about. By ...

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