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Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:18 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: South Gallia (2-4) @ Green (2-4)
Replies: 53
Views: 5844

Re: South Gallia (2-4) @ Green (2-4)

Congratulations,,, Rebels
Lots of love and Prayers to the Haner Family....
Sun Oct 04, 2009 7:03 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: South Gallia (2-4) @ Green (2-4)
Replies: 53
Views: 5844

Re: South Gallia (2-4) @ Green (2-4)

HeeHeeHee ,,,I know something that you don't know...South Gallia is gonna keep on truckin',,,now that the aces are in their places and the coaches feel like they are making a difference in these young mens lives,,,things are definetly looking bright for this talented young team!!! GO REBELS you are...
Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:27 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: WK6 (1-4) Fairfield Christian Academy @ (1-4) South Gallia
Replies: 30
Views: 3432

Re: WK6 (1-4) Fairfield Christian Academy @ (1-4) South Gallia

:122249 can you feel the rumble of the SG freight train,,,WAY_TO_GO FELLAS,,you are all playing like a wildfire burns,, Hey Campbell,,,nice recovery of FC's fumble,,,Keep up the good work and always eat more PROTEIN !!! :122245
Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:46 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: WK6 (1-4) Fairfield Christian Academy @ (1-4) South Gallia
Replies: 30
Views: 3432

Re: WK6 (1-4) Fairfield Christian Academy @ (1-4) South Gallia

Almost forgot to say this..... I really wish that the coaches were allowed to do what they do without all the B.S. flowing. Stop griping about them and ask what you can do to help...Praying for them and the Fellas is an excellent start...Just keep watchin that South Gallia freight train....woo-woo!!...
Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:40 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: WK6 (1-4) Fairfield Christian Academy @ (1-4) South Gallia
Replies: 30
Views: 3432

Re: WK6 (1-4) Fairfield Christian Academy @ (1-4) South Gallia

:12224 confucious say: hmmmmm,,, there are many who doubt, however the few who are BELIEVING shall see this team go for another BIG WIN !!!!! :mrgreen: hoping you are not GREEN with envy cause our Rebels Rule...hey FELLAS eat more PROTEIN...
Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:37 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 5 South Gallia @ Notre Dame
Replies: 72
Views: 6570

Re: Week 5 South Gallia @ Notre Dame

Knew this BIG WIN was comin' just wish we could get students, parents, teachers and administration on board with Coach's 3F's theory,,, FAITH, FAMILY & FOOTBALL! WAY To GO REBELS,,,,YOU definetly rock ! Hope you are not green with envy! Can hardly wait to see what lies ahead with this dynamic a...
Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:05 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Week 5 South Gallia @ Notre Dame
Replies: 72
Views: 6570

Re: Week 5 South Gallia @ Notre Dame

:122246 Good Golly can you believe the talent that exploded from the rebels o and d line last week. People said wahama would creamate our guys but look out they barely were able to bloody our nose. Way to go fellas. Proud of ya cant wait to see what you do this week. :mrgreen:

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