Search found 24 matches

by Purple Cobras
Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:06 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Waverly@Washington Courthouse
Replies: 30
Views: 2930

Re: Waverly@Washington Courthouse

Good to see that WCH & Waverly are meeting up - the teacher (Schaffer) vs. the pupil (T-Rob). Kyle Sloan is one of the top seniors in Southern Ohio - definitely worth watching.
by Purple Cobras
Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:58 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Piketon -vs- Greenfield McClain
Replies: 20
Views: 2205

Re: Piketon -vs- Greenfield McClain sayeth the loser
by Purple Cobras
Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:19 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Piketon -vs- Greenfield McClain
Replies: 20
Views: 2205

Re: Piketon -vs- Greenfield McClain

What crap would that be, hbk123? VanMatre never scored a basket for McClain. Just got his players to overachieve for the better part of 25 years in a town where overachievement is the only path to success. Sorry we tried harder than your team, hbk123....500+ times. McClain will be in for a long seas...
by Purple Cobras
Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:30 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Montserrat National Team Coming to Southern Ohio
Replies: 15
Views: 1929

Re: Montserrat National Team Coming to Southern Ohio

I know Coach Shoe has put a ton of time & effort into this. Buiding relationships is one thing Dave does as well as anyone I know, so I'm sure this Tour will be first-class all the way. Intersting notes on the younger players as is important to show these kids some genuine Southern Ohi...
by Purple Cobras
Fri Mar 05, 2010 10:07 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren
Replies: 95
Views: 8127

Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

I stand corrected, Wiz. I was in between jobs that year, working nights @ Airborne...must be why it didn't register.

I suppose I can go back to disliking WCH now Scoop...that's more comfortable anyway! :lol:
by Purple Cobras
Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:14 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren
Replies: 95
Views: 8127

Re: SE District DII Semi: Washington CH vs. Warren

I can't recall Warren ever playing McClain in anything, let alone beating them @ Rio Grande in 2001. Being a Tiger alum/fan I really can't stand Washington C.H., but after reading this thread you nimrods from Warren (except for the young man who is class president) are making this too easy. Go Blue ...
by Purple Cobras
Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:48 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Marietta vs. McClain @ the Convo on 3/5
Replies: 57
Views: 4548

Re: Marietta vs. McClain @ the Convo on 3/5

Jimmy Chipwood has the right idea. I've not seen Marietta but I know they dropped one by 30 to Chilli. McClain has made ultra-aggressive defenses pay in the past, shotting free-throws at least at a 2:1 clip vs. their opponent.
by Purple Cobras
Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:56 am
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Have any one ever seen some one dunk in biddy ball?
Replies: 7
Views: 1271

Re: Have any one ever seen some one dunk in biddy ball?

Saw Alex Wilson dunk in warmups @ a 5th/6th grade tournament in Greenfield. Alex graduated from Washington C.H. last year. His coach at that tournament was Jeff Shaw, former major league pitcher.
by Purple Cobras
Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:53 pm
Forum: Pfloyd’s Elite 8 for Southern/SouthEast Ohio
Topic: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio -Final Standings
Replies: 28
Views: 5766

Re: Pfloyd's Elite 8 of Southern/SouthEast Ohio -Final Standings

After a slow start, a healthy McClain (& Coach VanMatre) has won 12 of its last 13. Don't let the record fool ya...
by Purple Cobras
Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:48 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Who's the real Tigers? McClain vs. Waverly in Sectional dual
Replies: 41
Views: 4393

Re: Who's the real Tigers? McClain vs. Waverly in Sectional dual

Look for McClain to throw out several different defensive looks & disguises to confuse the young Waverly guards. Probably will settle in a 1-2-2 zone & chase the ball as if it were man. Offensively, McClain will need to be patient. They'll go right at the big guys from Waverly and shoot more...
by Purple Cobras
Mon Mar 03, 2008 8:54 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Dante' Jackson Sighting
Replies: 7
Views: 2011

Re: Dante' Jackson Sighting

Xavier has arguably the best senior backcourt in the A10 so its no diss to Dante to not be playing very many minutes. as said above he'll be competing for a starting job next year. Heck, I'd put Burrell & Lavender up against just about any backcourt in the country! Dante is really gaining confi...
by Purple Cobras
Sat Mar 01, 2008 8:04 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County
Replies: 151
Views: 14084

Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Congratulations to Vinton County on their first District Title. It was a heck of a ball game - neither team deserved to lose. I expectd to see much I what I've read, and the kudos to the kids & coaches at VC are well deserved. All the verbal back-slappin' & cheek-pullin' is a little over the...
by Purple Cobras
Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:32 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Chillicothe vs Logan Elm
Replies: 175
Views: 15800

Re: 2/29 Chillicothe vs Logan Elm

Hitch : I watched both Maysville and Meadowbrook play and they will both be heavy under-dog's down in Athen's.If the Cav's take care of business they beat either team by 25 plus.... win and advance Still have an affair to deal with concerning the Vinton County/McClain winner on 3/6, supposing the C...
by Purple Cobras
Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:17 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County
Replies: 151
Views: 14084

Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

I'm going to call it like I see it. VC has better 3 point shooters, and a better big man in Guthrie. I dont see how the Tigers can hang. VC 67 GM 51 I like your enthusiasm but there's no way in hell Vinton County scores 67 points on McClain. They have a nice program right now with Combs at the helm...
by Purple Cobras
Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:07 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County
Replies: 151
Views: 14084

Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

The difference maker in this game will be which team can weather the storm if the other team goes on a run. There will be spurts in the game where Vinton County will go four or five trips without a basket. How the players respond to this adversity could tell the tale in this game. There will also b...
by Purple Cobras
Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:48 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County
Replies: 151
Views: 14084

Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

McClain hasn't pressed since the Carter administration, folks...they just play good, solid defense the way it's supposed to be played, year in & year out.
by Purple Cobras
Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:56 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Chillicothe vs Logan Elm
Replies: 175
Views: 15800

Re: 2/29 Chillicothe vs Logan Elm

Holy cow - I hadn't read this thread yet, but as a born & bred resident of Greenfield I am shocked by mhs82's comments & offended by the false piety in Army's tone all at the same time. You both need taken out back behind the woodshed... :evil:
by Purple Cobras
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:50 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County
Replies: 151
Views: 14084

Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Go Vinton County!!! I would like to see Ethan Allen get more time during the press, he seems to be more comfortable with playing, and with his speed, he will be able to contribute to breaking the press. I am sure that Coach Combs will have the boys ready. Right on. Work on those press-breakers all ...
by Purple Cobras
Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:41 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County
Replies: 151
Views: 14084

Re: 2/29 Greenfield McClain Vs. Vinton County

Here are 2 quotes from the other site "Give the Viking fans time ... they have to get back from Athens yet. Them horse and buggies dont make very good time. Plus the ones that did make it back have to wait to go to work to post on here ... no electric run to most of the houses down that way.&q...
by Purple Cobras
Thu Feb 21, 2008 2:48 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Gallia Academy vs. Greenfield Mclain @ Convo 8:15p.m 2/22
Replies: 67
Views: 6631

I personally do not like the offense that Greenfield is running. There is not enough motion, too many guys standing still. Their offense might work well in the scol, but maybe not in the tourney. Against Unioto Polley did run right to the rim a lot of times, b/c Unioto did a nice job of pushing gre...

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