Search found 17 matches

by almondrox
Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:12 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Prayers Needed for a Lady Oak
Replies: 43
Views: 6123

Re: Prayers Needed for a Lady Oak

prayers from the peake
by almondrox
Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:10 pm
Forum: Girls Basketball
Topic: Chesapeake girls BBall coach!
Replies: 24
Views: 5641

Re: Chesapeake girls BBall coach!

Pam Noble is an awesome lady and an excellent coach. She has been/always will be an asset no matter where she coaches. No matter the future, I wish the best of luck to Peake!!
by almondrox
Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:02 am
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Little League World Series
Replies: 21
Views: 2765

Re: Little League World Series

Thanks for the info! It sounds like a fun experience for the kids. And....since it's an exhibition game, it should be just that...FUN. :)
Good luck, Pointers!

Is this just a one-game deal for them?
by almondrox
Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:26 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Little League World Series
Replies: 21
Views: 2765

Re: Little League World Series

South Point plays it first exhibition game on Thursday Aug 21st against a team from New York. They also have a game on the 22nd against an international team SP is playing an exhibition game at the world series? Which team (age bracket)? Why? Please elaborate...more details. Will this be televised?
by almondrox
Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:47 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Traveling Teams and ASA softball vs Little League Allstars
Replies: 18
Views: 3704

Re: Traveling Teams and ASA softball vs Little League Allstars

The biggest difference is most travel ball players have PARENTS WORK WITH THEIR CHILD TO IMPROVE. They take them to camps and coaches who are good enough to spend their time with children to make them better. Most travel ball teams does not have mandatory play rules. Your child may make the team bu...
by almondrox
Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:51 am
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Traveling Teams and ASA softball vs Little League Allstars
Replies: 18
Views: 3704

Re: Traveling Teams and ASA softball vs Little League Allstars

Thank you, trojanbuckeye. My child just loves the game and wants to play. A major league career is highly improbable and not on the radar...however, my child (and many others) just like to play the game. The sad part is that, yes, my child would be able to play more on a travelling team, but we cann...
by almondrox
Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:30 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Traveling Teams and ASA softball vs Little League Allstars
Replies: 18
Views: 3704

Re: Traveling Teams and ASA softball vs Little League Allstars

We have tried to co-exist with Little league and travel ball, the problem is all of the travel ball parents "bad mouthing" Little League. If it weren't for Little League, most children would not get to play any baseball/softball at all. Parents need to let kids be kids and not everthing i...
by almondrox
Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:35 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: Symmes Valley senior league girls
Replies: 22
Views: 4921

Re: Symmes Valley senior league girls

SV....regional runner-ups...
Congrats for going this far!
by almondrox
Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:22 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: Symmes Valley senior league girls
Replies: 22
Views: 4921

Re: Symmes Valley senior league girls

SV is losing 9 - 0 in the 3rd inning...

Let's hope they can pull this off...
by almondrox
Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:27 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: Symmes Valley senior league girls
Replies: 22
Views: 4921

Re: Symmes Valley senior league girls

SV won the 10:00 game 1-0 in 12 innings.
They were to play the championship game at 12:00 today, right after the first game. I'm guessing it is currently underway.

If they win the current game, they go on to the World Series in Delaware.
by almondrox
Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:44 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: cancelled
Replies: 10
Views: 2337

Re: "Black Ice" 10u,12u,14u ASA tryouts

by almondrox
Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:25 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: 9 & 10 Girls Tourney
Replies: 50
Views: 8024

Re: 9 & 10 Girls Tourney

Good luck burg!!!
by almondrox
Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:26 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: 9 & 10 Girls Tourney
Replies: 50
Views: 8024

Re: 9 & 10 Girls Tourney

Who else has a team in this tourney?

good luck, girls!
by almondrox
Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:18 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: District 11 Softball Tournaments
Replies: 76
Views: 10736

Re: District 11 Softball Tournaments

When is the 13 & 14's tournament and where is it going to be held?
by almondrox
Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:17 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: District 11 Softball Tournaments
Replies: 76
Views: 10736

Re: District 11 Softball Tournaments

My apologies for the hijack. It was not my intent to bash LL...I'm all for it. My daughter loved LL up until this year....just too many "dramas" and residuals happened. Anyway, is the tournament schedule posted anywhere? Wheelersburg is an example of a well-run league and I wish them well....
by almondrox
Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:04 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: District 11 Softball Tournaments
Replies: 76
Views: 10736

Re: District 11 Softball Tournaments

Playing games that have so many walks/errors that the game last 3 hours is not best for my kid. Needless to say coaches brawling on the field was not good for anyone. LL was just not a good experience for us when we played (total of 3 years) I echo this sentiment. My daughter was invited to play wi...
by almondrox
Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:47 pm
Forum: Softball
Replies: 7
Views: 2525


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