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- Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:09 pm
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: Rules question...
- Replies: 91
- Views: 9373
Re: Rules question...
md We do move the spot to get the needed distance most of the time. You very rarely see the ball taken out in front of the scorer's table which is on the floor. We will instruct the defense to move back if we are trapped, but i haven't had to do this for a long long time becausr most of the gyms now...
- Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:58 am
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: Rules question...
- Replies: 91
- Views: 9373
Re: Rules question...
As Hoppy said jump ball. Also the 3 feet is side to side not back, the player who is throwing in the ball can back out to the parking lot if the wall doesn't stop him. There is no warning for reaching over the line and touching the ball it is an automatic technical. Don't confuse live ball dead ball...
- Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:22 pm
- Forum: Boys Basketball
- Replies: 13
- Views: 2276
Green has lost 3 games to d4 teams also. South Webster (#2 seed) SyValley (#2 Seed) and Clay #4 seed.
- Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:02 am
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: Prayers for Coach Cliffords family.
- Replies: 2
- Views: 965
Re: Prayers for Coach Cliffords family.
Prayers for Curt and Mary
- Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:01 am
- Forum: Football
- Topic: Portsmouth Trojans Football 2011
- Replies: 88
- Views: 11571
Re: Portsmouth Trojans Football 2011
Thought and Prayers to Coach and Mary
- Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:57 pm
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: Zane Trace's Defense
- Replies: 35
- Views: 4834
Re: Zane Trace's Defense
If your talking about my post maybe i need to make it clear, I didn't mean to say dad did start on the coach or ref, i meant to say if he did. If coach yelled at dad then that should be dealt with also. Agreed we can't really prevent any situation from happening only penalize the action. Coach and/o...
- Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:02 am
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: Zane Trace's Defense
- Replies: 35
- Views: 4834
Re: Zane Trace's Defense
First I wasn't at the game. Just a couple of comments, if the ref would have called a flagrant foul it is an automatic ejection. If the situation occured as stated the offending player should have been ejected, no matter what happened. Also for Dad to be on the floor, if he is there to check on his ...
- Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:43 am
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: fan behavior???
- Replies: 69
- Views: 9189
Re: fan behavior???
Basketball is an emotional game and I don't think coaches, fans, or officials want to take the emotion out of the game. Just like coaches are paid to think their team is in the right, fans pay their money to see their team and they think their team is in the right. Some players have a lot of talent ...
- Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:01 am
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
We leave quickly so as not to promote a confrontation. Are we afraid? No, normally law enforcement is there and/or game administration but if you think about it what is the most uncontrolled moment of the game. I think in a close, heated game the minute or 2 after the final buzzer, emotions are stil...
- Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:12 pm
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
esully - If its a foul in the front court its a foul in the back court and since i only see the games i work, with the people i work with i guess i don't know what you are talking about. I told a group of young men the other night "I don't care if we shoot a hundred free throws, we are still go...
- Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:34 pm
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
E - I referee because i want to and i enjoy and yes i know the rules better than you do and thats part of being an official. So again go ahead go to the games and yell, have fun and gripe about the refs if you want. But if you perceive a problem and are not part of the solution then you are part of ...
- Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:00 am
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
Manitou - what i have said all along is i don't care what you call it there has to be contact to have a foul. You would be suprised at some of the rules that are misunderstood. Verticallity is one, A lot of times the players will hold their arms out at an angle and when the shooter jumps up for a sh...
- Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:54 am
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
Manitou I don't care what you call it but you keep leaving out the contact part. It is not a foul to reach "Over" someone to gain an advantage. It is a foul to reach over and make CONTACT to gain an advantage. Efarns it is illegal to wear jewerly, in fact the only type of jewerly allowed i...
- Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:03 pm
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
Here here cb1 i concur!
- Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:55 pm
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
Those that can't or worst won't, complain about those that can and do.
Athens78- CB1 must have hit the nail on the head disgruntled and never called to do the job.
Athens78- CB1 must have hit the nail on the head disgruntled and never called to do the job.
- Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:25 am
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: fan behavior???
- Replies: 69
- Views: 9189
Re: fan behavior???
Normally a goods night work for us is everyone forgetting who called the game, but I'm sure Mr. Munn won't mind the "atta boy".
Mr.Munn just remember one "ah Crap" wipes out ten "atta boys"
Mr.Munn just remember one "ah Crap" wipes out ten "atta boys"
- Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:18 am
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
"Can't we all just get along" lol. Its a foul plain and simple. So Manitou its alright for the fans to use their terms to discredit officials but its not alright for officials to use their terms. Just stoking the fire. haha
- Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:23 am
- Forum: Girls Basketball
- Topic: fan behavior???
- Replies: 69
- Views: 9189
Re: fan behavior???
Just a word on this subject. Contary to popular belief us blowing the whistle doesn't prevent injury. All we can do is penalize an act after it happens. We can and do practice "preventative officiating", by talking to the kids, "watch your hands, set that pick, get out of the lane,&qu...
- Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:53 am
- Forum: The Off season
- Topic: REFS????
- Replies: 56
- Views: 9527
Re: REFS????
1) For there to be a foul there has to be contact. So it is very possible for a player from behind to get a rebound without fouling the player in front. (extreme example player in front is 5'6", player in back is 6'6", if the ball bounces to a point directly over the player in front i bet ...
- Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:51 am
- Forum: Boys Basketball
- Topic: Thrown out of a game.
- Replies: 176
- Views: 19884
Re: Thrown out of a game.
As a Ref the best I ever heard, (it didn't happen to me) "Coach- Sir can you call a Technical on me for what I think. Ref- of course not. Coach then i think you are an SOB. From the dark side (refs), (again didn't happen to me) Coach runs onto the floor to protest a call, ref just stands there,...