Search found 176 matches

by independent2012
Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:00 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 2013 Bannon Park Basketball Classic
Replies: 41
Views: 2402

Re: 2013 Bannon Park Basketball Classic

This is a great event,the atomophere is off the charts,especially the deeper the tournament goes.I have witnessed big names,I mean real big names get humbled in this tournament,you must have grit,not heart, grit, heart can only take you so far,you need back up. I would strongly advise every High Sch...
by independent2012
Fri Apr 26, 2013 11:20 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Top Ten SE Basketball Programs in last five years
Replies: 17
Views: 1913

Re: Top Ten SE Basketball Programs in last five years

by independent2012
Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:09 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: 1/22 - Portsmouth 52 Ironton 86
Replies: 28
Views: 3748

Re: 1/22 - Portsmouth 52 Ironton 86

Looks like this year may be Irontons year,Trojans have had their number under coach Collins,but Laphonze has the horses this year.Good luck to the Tigers,from this old Trojan,like we say here in Trojan land if we cant do it let Chilly, or Ironton do it.
by independent2012
Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:28 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Portsmouth vs Chesapeake Regional semifinal
Replies: 135
Views: 14340

Re: Portsmouth vs Chesapeake Regional semifinal

Here we go again,keep talking about chesapeake being better than Portsmouth at what position,Portsmouth has the best two players on the floor and I would take our bench over theirs. Sky Oliver is not ready until Collins says he's ready which is the same thing his grandfather is telling him,his time ...
by independent2012
Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:08 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: District Final 3/10: Lucasville Valley vs. Portsmouth
Replies: 134
Views: 13841

Re: District Final 3/10: Lucasville Valley vs. Portsmouth

Valley has a good team,played hard but the key to this game imo was coach Eugene Collins.The way he handles his players is awesome,he reminds me of Tom Izzo,you can tell he has had 20 years of colledge coaching experience. He never panics and it rubs off on his team,even when Portsmouth didn't bring...
by independent2012
Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:36 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Final: @ Warren 61 Portsmouth 56
Replies: 56
Views: 6265

Re: Portsmouth @ Warren, 12/16

by independent2012
Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:32 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Final: @ Warren 61 Portsmouth 56
Replies: 56
Views: 6265

Re: Portsmouth @ Warren, 12/16

Keep it coming.
by independent2012
Tue Nov 22, 2011 3:11 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE
Replies: 34
Views: 4925

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

As far as taking Collins over Barrick or Persin yes I would,he's young,refreshing,enthustiastic,not knocking the other two,they may have experience on the high school level but I like what Collins brings to the table,he is a players coach who has proven he can take a good team who buys into his phil...
by independent2012
Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:49 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE
Replies: 34
Views: 4925

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Who is D1,well first of all,I understand that from time to time some of these young men who play ball get on this thread and read what is said about them,their coaches and teams,so for me to give my opinion about the skill set of a young man and what they may lack,and bruise dreams is never going to...
by independent2012
Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:11 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Fairland
Replies: 15
Views: 2275

Re: Fairland

They won 15 games last year. I think they will be better than last year plus when they played Portsmouth they didn't have their starting point guard so they had to play a freshman. And Wayne Evans is probaly one of the best on ball defenders in the area. They did have their starting point guard las...
by independent2012
Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:08 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE
Replies: 34
Views: 4925

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

And one more thing Dime Portsmouth's,Superintendent,Principal,Asst. Principal,School board President,along with the rest of the school board,Parents,Teachers,Students and Community,have all heard how the boys have been a class act since Collins has taken over,at home and on road trips.The principal ...
by independent2012
Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:57 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE
Replies: 34
Views: 4925

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

I understand your argument but now hear me out! In Coach Collins 1st year i think they were (12-6) Yes they did upset Chesapeake but then i look at some of their losses and thats when i question. Lost to an ok team in South Point by 23, Lost to Ironton 2 out of three times and remember Ironton was ...
by independent2012
Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:29 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE
Replies: 34
Views: 4925

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

torjandave, Well said. I have no problem with agreeing to disagree. I am a big fan of two of your players, so I hope for their sake I am wrong. If I am a few years down the road I will have no problem saying I was wrong. You were wrong most of the time last year and then went and hid when Portsmout...
by independent2012
Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:18 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE
Replies: 34
Views: 4925

Re: Dime's Pre-Season FAB FIVE

Who cares what you been sold on Dime,coach Collins took his team to the final four last year,and smashed Chesapeake along the way,the mighty,mighty,Chesapeake Panthers with all that talent,and great coaching they had,give the man a break I would take him over any coach around this area,and by the wa...
by independent2012
Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:42 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012
Replies: 27
Views: 4424

Re: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012

It says top seniors,Carter and Fletcher are juniors.
by independent2012
Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:53 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012
Replies: 27
Views: 4424

Re: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012

It is alright to disagree I am interested in your top ten Tribe.
by independent2012
Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:44 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012
Replies: 27
Views: 4424

Re: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012

Brian Grant graduated high school in 90
by independent2012
Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:41 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012
Replies: 27
Views: 4424

Re: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012

That is 21 years I thougt I said 20,hind sight Grant would be better because of what he has achieved,but at the high school level I couldnt say,didnt see Grant. London can pick ACC,Big Ten,Big East,and a host of other conferences,however good argument.
by independent2012
Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:31 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012
Replies: 27
Views: 4424

Re: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012

OK you want to go there,Mr Guru,then name the center,if he was better I will say you are right I forgot about him,but until then he is the best and that just goes to show how good the kid is.#2 He is a better player/prospect than anyone in the shl the past 20 years,you may not think so but 98per cen...
by independent2012
Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:47 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012
Replies: 27
Views: 4424

Re: Top Seniors in the area 2011-2012

Raw please explain that to me in your next post Tribe.This guy (London) is simply a game changer he does not have to score 20pts a game to be a force,high per centage shots which I consider to be in the paint drop drastically against the Cavs,its called intemidation,ask colledge scouts around the co...

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