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by Billy bob
Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:37 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: Playoffs D7R23 #3 Trimble (9-2) vs #2 Caldwell (10-1)
Replies: 144
Views: 22589

Re: Playoffs D7R23 #3 Trimble (9-2) vs #2 Caldwell (10-1)

J_Manziel2 wrote:
EasternDspy wrote:Heaven forbid I root for a team on a forum go figure. That being said the better team won. Go Skins Go PVC
Loud and Proud DSpy! PVC PVC PVC
PVC PVC PVC yea buddy whatever tell you what next year will be like all other years you will be back to reality and we will be laying that PVC like a plumer

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