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by chloe
Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:38 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Burg 8th Grade Beat?!?!
Replies: 46
Views: 6549

Re: Burg 8th Grade Beat?!?!

so chloe, i take it your kid didnt make the basketball team, so you have it in for the kids that came here from minford, because it cut your kid out of a position ,possibly, i could be wrong but thats the way it sounds.That none of the kids on the team made it because they were good enough,because ...
by chloe
Mon Jan 26, 2009 3:04 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Burg 8th Grade Beat?!?!
Replies: 46
Views: 6549

Re: Burg 8th Grade Beat?!?!

fbnut wrote:This will all be resolved at the highschool level. Barrick could care less what your name is or where you are from.

Really? Even with all the Mommy's and grandma's of the boys that wotk at the school. That he will have to look at everyday?
by chloe
Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:03 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: Burg 8th Grade Beat?!?!
Replies: 46
Views: 6549

Re: Burg 8th Grade Beat?!?!

Well.......Welcome to the wonderful sport of basketball at Wheelersburg!!! It has always been that way and always will be. The so called coach of the team can't stay up off the floor (slapping the floor like a nut) long enough to teach his boys any disipline. They have to see it before they can do i...
by chloe
Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:20 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Wheelersburg @ Valley Friday, Jan 23
Replies: 209
Views: 11916

Re: Wheelersburg @ Valley Friday, Jan 23

Go!!!!!!! Valley bring down the house!!!!!!
by chloe
Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:53 am
Forum: Softball
Topic: Any info on the Buckeye Divas for this coming season?
Replies: 7
Views: 1363

Re: Any info on the Buckeye Divas for this coming season?

Wasn't sure if they have gotten together yet. Just wondering how they will be this year. If it is the coaches that I am thinking have that team, they will be and all-around good team.
by chloe
Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:03 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Topic: best 8th grade team
Replies: 36
Views: 4905

Re: best 8th grade team

The Burg ought to be good.....they only switched one boy out this year. Same team as last year...Same ole song and dance. :roll:
by chloe
Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:29 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: Congrats to Burg's Lainee Clay
Replies: 8
Views: 1609

Re: Congrats to Burg's Lainee Clay

Way to go Lainee!!!!!
by chloe
Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:42 am
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Replies: 6
Views: 889


Go Blue!!!! Regardless of the numbers if you play with ALL that you got you WILL come out on top
by chloe
Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:10 pm
Forum: JR High, AAU, Travel, Youth League Sports
Replies: 31
Views: 4350


Anyone have the try-out dates for East?
by chloe
Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:31 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Wheelersburg 08-09
Replies: 75
Views: 5955

Re: Burg B-Ball 08-09 Season

I know this is not a junior high thread but, in response to the above post. Speaking about the 8th grade team at Wheelersburg last year. 4 of the boys were transfers from Minford. 2 of them were starters and the other 2 played more than their share. Ummm..... Was the team suppose to be stacked for ...
by chloe
Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:24 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Wheelersburg 08-09
Replies: 75
Views: 5955

Re: Burg B-Ball 08-09 Season

Yes, I can see why a student would want to go to wheelersburg to play sports but, if they would stay in the district where they live, there would be a lot more competition in that sport. It would build the program at that school where they come from where they would not have to leave that district.
by chloe
Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:04 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Wheelersburg 08-09
Replies: 75
Views: 5955

Re: Burg B-Ball 08-09 Season

I know this is not a junior high thread but, in response to the above post. Speaking about the 8th grade team at Wheelersburg last year. 4 of the boys were transfers from Minford. 2 of them were starters and the other 2 played more than their share. Ummm..... Was the team suppose to be stacked for b...
by chloe
Sat Oct 18, 2008 8:48 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Wheelersburg 08-09
Replies: 75
Views: 5955

Re: Burg B-Ball 08-09 Season

REDSFAN: I fully understand why they transfer to Wheelersburg to play B-ball in a very well ran program. As far as if I think that they recruite players no I don't think that at all. I think that they do not give everyone the chance that they deserve. Even if by chance that one player is just as goo...
by chloe
Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:08 pm
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Wheelersburg 08-09
Replies: 75
Views: 5955

Re: Burg B-Ball 08-09 Season

The Massie boy is only a 8th grader. But he is one of the few that was born and raised in the school system. Four boys transfered from Minford to play basketball at Wheelersburg. Just think....that is four boys spots that they took. Again....Thank You!! Open Enrollment!!!
by chloe
Thu Oct 16, 2008 8:11 am
Forum: Boys Basketball
Topic: Wheelersburg 08-09
Replies: 75
Views: 5955

Re: Burg B-Ball 08-09 Season

I'm with you Falcon Fan. At Wheelersburg the transfer thing starts early in junior high. I have known about many great B-Ball players born and raised in Wheelersburg that never got the chance to play on the team because of transfers. If they want to play bad enough they have to transfer to another s...
by chloe
Tue Oct 07, 2008 9:07 pm
Forum: Softball
Topic: now that tryouts are close to over
Replies: 17
Views: 2857

Re: now that tryouts are close to over

From what I have seen of the girls on the Buckeye Divas. I think they will have a very good team this year. The have most of Scioto County's finest. They will have really good pitching and they will be a strong hitting team also. The coaching staff will do a fine job. I would put the Divas on top of...

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