Search found 4 matches

by TheBigOne
Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:59 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg
Replies: 689
Views: 74190

Re: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg

#89 Hasn't played all season due to a knee injury, but if he does you can forget about the game even being close. Have you ever heard the name chasen burk?? Lol he will be back for this game! I'm sure he alone is a better athlete than anyone on ZT team! Hahaha and he's just one of many for burg. Be...
by TheBigOne
Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:23 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg
Replies: 689
Views: 74190

Re: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg

What do you know Mr.P(irate) your just a deadbeat that gets off at arguing about highschool football because you could never do any thing for yours.
by TheBigOne
Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:00 pm
Forum: Football
Topic: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg
Replies: 689
Views: 74190

Re: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg

#89 Hasn't played all season due to a knee injury, but if he does you can forget about the game even being close.
by TheBigOne
Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:53 am
Forum: Football
Topic: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg
Replies: 689
Views: 74190

Re: DV R17 Finals #2 Zane Trace v. #1 Wheelersburg

All ZT needs is #89 if he plays its over.

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