2009 SEOAL

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2009 SEOAL

Post by 5kdude »

so lets get stared with this years season. who will be the team to watch this year. i will say watch Logan this year. they did not lose that match.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by GAHSNOW »

It's a little early, but since "conditioning" has already started, and I have nothing else better to do......my preseason favorites are Boys-Marietta and up til about a week ago, I would've chosen Marietta for the girls, but now I'm going with Gallia. SEOAL race is at Chilly this year, correct?

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by 5kdude »

GAHSNOW wrote:It's a little early, but since "conditioning" has already started, and I have nothing else better to do......my preseason favorites are Boys-Marietta and up til about a week ago, I would've chosen Marietta for the girls, but now I'm going with Gallia. SEOAL race is at Chilly this year, correct?

i think marietta will get the win but the 2nd place will be a good race between logan and warran this year.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by runhallerun »


OK, you have peaked my curiosity - what happened a week ago to change your mind?

Marietta / Warren for the boys and Marietta / Gallia for the girls.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by GAHSNOW »

OK runhalle....I'm ready to answer your question....I'm going with GA because Barnes has decided to run XC as well as K Jackson and B Close and a few others who've decided to come back to the dark side...."conditioning" is looking promising, and camp is in a couple of weeks. Team chemistry is good and I'm looking forward to Aug 29th in Pickerington. What's your schedule look like this year?

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by runhallerun »


Schedule looks about the same, Marietta 8/29, Warren 9/05, Athens 9/12, Bishop Harley 9/19, Wood/Washington at Mineral Wells 9/22, Pick N. 10/03 then the rest is the same as yours. I am not completely sure about Athens on 9/05 - they may go elsewhere.

If you guys are not coming to Mtta this year - I doubt we will see you till your home district meet????

Should be an interesting year for both Warren squads. Both will be way young, and the boys move to D-I this year (ouch). The boys have the potential to be pretty solid. I have no clue about the girls, I only know of 2 for sure that are running.

Sounds like things are looking promising for your girls team, if those 3 you mentioned really commit to it - your girls team should manage just fine.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by team_xc »


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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by GAHSNOW »

Congrats to Marietta girls for a well-deserved win. I knew it would be close between GA and MHS as it almost always is........GA loses on the tie-breaker. Good luck to the Tigers as they move on to Districts!!

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by JoeRoberts »

And congrats should go out to the Warren boys. They ran a very nice race and packed up it well in the top 10.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by 5kdude »

GAHSNOW wrote:Congrats to Marietta girls for a well-deserved win. I knew it would be close between GA and MHS as it almost always is........GA loses on the tie-breaker. Good luck to the Tigers as they move on to Districts!!

what has to be sad for gail losing by a tie. and i would have never thought that warren was going to win on the boys side. that place did you have to get to get ALL SEOAL?

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by jumphigh »

If ironton had one more female runner the title would have been the blue angles.

HAs anyone ever seen a cc meet scored with virtual runners (ghost runners) so that a team with only 4 kids could earn a team score. I saw something on that at an officials meeting but I can not find any records on it. If anyone has anything please post it.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by JoeRoberts »

Yeah, I've heard about that one time, but the problem is, hypothetically, you could have a team with 4 very good runners, but no 5th, and they could win a meet even while being assigned the last place. If we're going to do that, then we might as well just change the rules and go with 4 scorers per team instead of 5.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by ironmen1987 »

With so many schools struggling to put together a roster of 5, maybe it is time to explore other options. Dropping it to four runners might be an option. Allowing middle school runners to compete in 4 or 5 meets on the varsity squad (invitationals/league meets only) could be another. I don't know what it will take but every school needs options in order to fill a team. We can't allow this sport to fall by the wayside. Somebody needs to come up with some ideas and lead the charge.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by Ironman92 »

My team would've won 2 smaller meets thsi year but were wtihout a 5th runner....a few weeks into the season I convinced a girl to help us out and we've won the county championship, finished 2nd at an invitational and 3rd in our 10 team league.

In my 6 years we've only had a full team for 1 entire season and parts of 3 seasons.....with an insane amount of recruiting.

My school doesn't allow 2 sports but nearly every team in our league has soccer and volleyball....even golfers on the XC teams.

It's a tough sport with little glory.

I87.....your daughter scored well at the league meet...congrats to you and her

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by team_xc »

Jumphigh ,

if marietta's 6th girl hadnt had to drop out due to and injury it wouldnt have made a difference.
it is what it is. marietta girls won the league, gahsnow knew what we all knew , that it was going to be close and it could go either way at any time. these 2 teams are very competitive and the competition between them is always good.
its the same between warren and marietta boys. but when the dust settles at the end of a meet these kids always know
they had to run the best they had on that day. so throw away the "if" it was one heck of a race no matter how it turned out.
give the kids that. good luck gallia girls at your district and as you move on, you have the support of the lady tigers in your corner through out the rest of your season.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by ironmen1987 »

thanks I92. i will be sure to pass that on to her. she has worked hard all season and has a confidence in herself that comes with it. i knew she had the ability but i must be honest and say i thought it would be next season before reaching the point she is at. she is already excited about next season. congrats to your team and keep up the hard work.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by MariettaPride21 »

Congrats to Alex Wesel SEOAL Boys Champ!

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by JoeRoberts »

Based on last year's returning runners, Marietta had a significant advantage going into this year in the boys race. Compound that with the fact that Warren's top returner from last year, Jared Cantley, decided not to run to focus on his academic and other pursuits, and it is pretty impressive what Warren was able to do. And looking at what their jr high did in both races, they are doing some good things at Warren.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by runhallerun »

Warren's Coach Hoffman does a great job. His teams will run their best this Saturday. Obviously, the boys have followed his program, and put the work in. Congratulations to all of Warren's Coaches and runners girls and boys, HS and Jr High.

Well done!

Run your best stuff this Sat.

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Re: 2009 SEOAL

Post by SErunner »

Hoffman does a great job, but Marietta has some great people on their staff as well. I'm sure that a lot of schools would love to have a HEAD Coach as good as Marietta's assistant Coach Cassady.

Ironton's Coach must be doing something right....

Congrats to all the teams

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