Troy d2 Unioto gets out and (1-2) SE individual
Pickerington d3 Ironton goes and SE could get 5-6 runners in the top 16
Anyone else have any thoughts on how SE will do?
Troy & Pickeringtton Regional boys predictions
Re: Troy & Pickeringtton Regional boys predictions
Will Taylor Hacker make a 2nd straight appearance?
Re: Troy & Pickeringtton Regional boys predictions
I like Kody Wolfe from Southern to finish in the top five.
Re: Troy & Pickeringtton Regional boys predictions
Unioto gets out as a team and 4-6 individuals make it out (Ross, Mattie, McDonald, Watts, and possibly Wireman and Moodispaugh)
Re: Troy & Pickeringtton Regional boys predictions
Mootispaw will be a touch of a longshot....but the kid keeps surprising outsiders.
Re: Troy & Pickeringtton Regional boys predictions
Mootispaw was only beaten by (6) runners in (2) SE Districts. If he holds the same margin for the other (2) or slightly worse he is very close.
Anyone in the top 5-6 out of (2) districts should have a shot. You only have (4) districts and Rio in both D2 & D3 boys is much better than recent years.
I say around 17:00 in D2 Troy boys and 17:10-17:15 D3 Pickerington boys should be very close.
Anyone else have an opinion on times?
Anyone in the top 5-6 out of (2) districts should have a shot. You only have (4) districts and Rio in both D2 & D3 boys is much better than recent years.
I say around 17:00 in D2 Troy boys and 17:10-17:15 D3 Pickerington boys should be very close.
Anyone else have an opinion on times?