Fairland Home Meets!!!!

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Fairland Home Meets!!!!

Post by wrestlch02 »

Fairland Cross Country
Invitational 2018

Chuck Wentz
Head Coach Cell Phone: (304) 544-5816
School: (740) 886-3250
812 County Rd 411 E-mail [email protected]
Proctorville, OH 45669

Dragons’ Run by the River
September 8, 2018
First Race Begins at
There will also be a 2mile meet Aug. 20th 6pm start $20 per school
Rosters on baumspage.com by 19th please

Course Description: Challenging course along the Ohio River with long straight stretches and moderate hills. We have had state placing runners and teams from OH, WV, and KY and will have a very competitive field again this year E-Mail for entry ASAP. The course will be ready for inspection Thursday before the race but please let me know in advance if you will be coming to run the course early at the request of the property owners (thank you).
Rosters must be entered on baumspage.com before 8am Friday September 8th
Race Schedule:
Junior High Girls 10:00 a.m.
Junior High Boys 10:30 a.m.
One Mile open youth run 1st-6th grade who are not on a MS team
High School Girls 11:10 a.m.
High School Boys 11:40 a.m.
Award Ceremony 12:15 p.m.(approximately)

Junior High Course – 3200 meters
High School Course – 5000 meters
Individual – Medals to top10 – Ribbons – 11 place through 25th place
Team Trophies – 3 per High School Race; 3 per Junior High race

Entry Fees: Make checks payable to Fairland High School Athletics
$65.00 per FULL TEAM/MAXIMUM per SCHOOL - $130.00
$10.00 per individual if a school does not have enough for a full team
Make Checks Payable to Fairland HS Athletic Dept
Mail entry to school or and check all checks must be in before start of race in order for your team to participate.
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