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SE District Coaches Meeting - Oct 1 - Jackson Ponderosa 6:30

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:05 pm
by coach k
There will be a meeting of the Southeast Ohio Track and Cross Country Coaches on Monday, October 1 at 6:30 PM at the Jackson Ponderosa. I would like to invite any and all SE district track and cross country coaches to attend this meeting.

Our major topic of the evening will be the seeding/voting for the upcoming district cross country races. The district seeding meetings have now been replaced by an online voting process. Many coaches like the face-to-face meetings, so they can discuss their teams with their fellow coaches prior to voting. This meeting will give coaches that opportunity. After the initial business of the meeting, we will break into divisional groups so these discussions can take place. The more knowledgeable coaches are about other teams, the more likely it will be the district races will be seeded evenly, which ensure the best runners and teams are most likely to advance to regional competition.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected].