Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

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Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by noreply66 »

3200-no certain order

1. Cooper..........Chillicothe
2. Fairchild.........Gallipolis
3. Watts............Gallipolis*
4. Stumbo..........Ironton*
5. Runyon...........Ironton*
6. Salman...........Jackson
7. Reed..............Logan*
8. Myers.............Logan
9. Wesel.............Marietta
10. Fobes............Marietta*
11. Johnson.........Portsmouth*
12. Cochran.........Warren*


1. Webber..........Chillicothe
2. Watts............Gallipolis*
3. Mckinniss........Gallipolis
4. Fairchild.........Gallipolis
4. Reeves...........Ironton*
5. Monore...........Ironton*
6. Stumbo...........Ironton
7. McMamaway.....Logan*
8. Schafer...........Marietta
9. Wesel.............Marietta*
10. Fobes............Marietta
11. Browne..........Marietta
12. Johnson.........Portsmouth*
13. Mcintyer........Portsmouth
14. Freeman........Warren
15. Harding.........Warren


1. Lowe...........Chillicothe*
2. Amos...........Gallipolis*
3. Watts..........Gallipolis
4. Gravely.........Gallipolis
4. Monore.........Ironton*
5. Stumbo.........Ironton
6. Reeves..........Ironton*
7. Morven..........Jackson
7. McManaway....Logan*
8. Schafer.........Marietta*
9. Browne.........Marietta
10. Kyle............Marietta
11. Henry..........Warren*


1. Beverly I..........Chillicothe*
2. Beverly L..........Chillicothe
3. Amos..............Gallipolis
4. Moore.............Gallipolis
5. Green.............Ironton
6. Bishop.............Ironton*
7. Payne..............Ironton
7. Ervin..............Jackson*
8. Mullins............Jackson
8. Lindsey............Logan*
9. Benson............Marietta
10. Jones ............Marietta
10. Porter............Portsmouth

300 Hurdles

1. Osborne............Chillicothe
2. Fields................Chillicothe
2. Ward...............Gallipolis*
3. Caldwell............Gallipolis*
4. Moritz..............Ironton
5. Sizemore...........Ironton*
6. Martin...............Jackson*
7. Cummins..........Jackson
6. Ruff................Logan*
7. McCort.............Logan*
8. Graham............Logan
9. Baker..............Marietta*
10. Roberts...........Marietta*
11. Cantley...........Warren
12. Windland.........Warren*
13. White.............Warren


1. Oats.............Chillicothe
2. Netter...........Chillicothe*
3. Straight..........Gallipolis
4. Wilson............Gallipolis*
5. Jenkins............Gallipolis*
5. Wilks.............Ironton*
6. Monnig...........Ironton
7. Sias...............Ironton
8. Artis.............Ironton
8. Warner.........Ironton
8. Mays..............Logan*
9. Stimmel..........Logan
10. Graham........Logan*
10. Royster........Portsmouth
10. Canaday........Warren

110 Hurdles

1. Osborne...........Chillicothe*
2. Fields...............Chillicothe
3. Gray................Chillicothe
2. Ward...............Gallipolis*
3. Caldwell............Gallipolis*
4. Sizemore...........Ironton*
5. Moritz...............Ironton
6. Cumins.............Jackson
5. McCort.............Logan*
6. Graham............Logan
7. Ruff................Logan*
8. Hugh...............Marietta*
9. Baker..............Marietta
10. Chabot...........Portsmouth*


1. Netter.............Chillicothe
2. Oates.............Chillicothe
1. Wilson............Gallipolis
2. Straight..........Gallipolis
3. Moore............Gallipolis
4. Jenkins...........Gallipolis
4. Wilks.............Ironton
8. Atris..............Ironton
9. Carter............Ironton
5. Stimmel..........Logan
6. Mays..............Logan
7. Royster..........Portsmouth
7. Wynn.............Marietta
9. Starner...........Warren

Shot Put

1. Defino.............Chillicothe
2. Gilbert.............Chillicothe
3. Gray...............Chillicothe
4. Golden.............Gallipolis
5. Allison..............Gallipolis
6. Pethal..............Gallipolis
6. Wells...............Ironton
7. Shetsky.............Ironton
8. Rainey.............Jackson
9. Robinson...........Logan
10. Murphy............Logan
11. Arnold.............Logan
12. Blair................Logan
13. Hendricks.........Marietta
14. Alfred.............Warren


1. Gilbert.............Chillicothe
2. Garrett............Chillicothe
3. Golden.............Gallipolis
4. Wray...............Gallipolis
5. Wells...............Ironton
6. Fouty...............Jackson
7. Robinson...........Logan
8. Dietz...............Logan
9. Hendricks..........Marietta
10. McAtee...........Warren
11. Alfred.............Warren

Long Jump

1. Osborne.............Chillicothe
2. Allison...............Gallipolis
3. Campbell............Gallipolis
4. Moore...............Gallpolis
5. Mullins...............Jackson
6. Rutter...............Logan
7. Mays.................Logan
8. Wynn................Marietta
9. Hugh.................Marietta
10. Cantley.............Warren
11. Canaday............Warren

High Jump

1. Sias................Ironton
2. Henderson........Jackson
3. Mason.............Logan
4. Cowan.............Warren


1. Graft...............Gallpolis
2. Monnig.............Ironton
3. Sias.................Ironton
4. Mason..............Logan
5. Hasley..............Marietta
6. Cantley.............Warren
7. White...............Warren


1. Chillicothe..........2 back
2. Gallipolis............4 back
3. Ironton..............3 back
4. Jackson.............2 back
5. Logan...............3 back
6. Marietta............2 back
7. Portsmouth.........0 back
8. Warren..............2 back


1. Chillicothe..........3 back
2. Gallipolis............4 back
3. Ironton.............3 back
4. Jackson.............1 back
5. Logan...............4 back
6. Marietta............3 back
7. Portsmouth.........2 back
8. Warren..............2 back


1. Chillicothe...........4 back
2. Gallipolis.............3 back
3. Ironton...............4 back
4. Jackson..............1 back
5. Logan................3 back
6. Marietta.............2 back
7. Portsmouth..........0 back
8. Warren...............1 back


1. Chillicothe..........2 back
2. Gallipolis............3 back
3. Ironton.............4 back
4. Jackson.............3 back
5. Logan...............3 back
6. Marietta............2 back
7. Portsmouth.........3 back
8. Warren..............2 back
Last edited by noreply66 on Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:13 pm, edited 9 times in total.

Charles Farquar
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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by Charles Farquar »

Jackson boy's discus, Louis Shauver graduated. They do have a move in from Unioto that has thrown around 130 in the discus other than that it depends how many football players throw and they will not have any throwing experience if they do come out. It is possible that some will get better as the season goes on.

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by Charles Farquar »

Also there is a good chance Jackson will have pole vault again for the first time since the early 90s, it depends on a corporate sponsor coming through with the money for a pit.

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by Ironman92 »

Heard Coach Hall (football) wants many of his players to do track.......that may increase Jackson's chances of finishing a little higher in the league....and helping the football team in the meantime.

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by T&F09 »

Sophomore, Coy Blair will also be very good for Logan in the shot put.

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by PacJones61 »

jacksons 4x100 only has two kids coming back, 4x400 only has one kid coming back, and 4x200 has only one coming back

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by warriorfootballer »

Mark Mayle from Warren (thrower) moved to Columbus or somewhere...

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by noreply66 »


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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by Blazer83 »

The transfer from Unioto, Dave Fouty, should be throwing discus in the high 140's to low 150's with some coaching. He has really put on some muscle since I saw him throw last year.

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by bvmv4life »

Mike Turner is running this year for the Cavs. I believe he is running the 100,200, and relays. He was very quick on the basketball court,let's see how fast this young man is.. go Cavs!!

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Re: Boys 2010 SEOAL Preview

Post by jackson1017 »

Jackson has two kids coming back in both the 4X200 and 4X100 and in the 200 and 100 Aaron jones is back in both. Salmons for jackson also isnt running this year and Mullins is running the 800 not the 400.

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