Regional Event Schedule Question?

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Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by Ironman92 »

Why do they allot a minimum of 15 minutes for the starts of the 4x1 and the 4x2 but will put an athlete in the 2nd heat of the 300 hurdles and then 12-15 minutes later have them run in the first heat of the 200? Why couldn't they have that athlete in the first heat of the 300 H and the last heat of the 200? What would that hurt? It would allow at least 4-5 minutes of recovery. I know you can't expect every event to be 15 minutes from the prior....but why not at least heat them as far apart as possible?

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by jmichael »

12-15 min is even a stretch. It was closer to 7 or 8!
Makes it tough on the kids!

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by davewottle »

Coach could have considered scratching the weaker event and go with your strength. Eveyone knows the rest is tight at Regional vs District.

Took guts to try it though. Don't fault you.

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by wildthingRV »

I've been down that road with Hager in '10 and '11. She survived until state, and always got destroyed at State prelims. in the 200. It's tough, but if that's what she does best, that's what she does best.

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by Ironman92 »

loureed wrote:Coach could have considered scratching the weaker event and go with your strength. Eveyone knows the rest is tight at Regional vs District.

Took guts to try it though. Don't fault you.
Seeded 5th in 300H and seeded 4th in 200m....don't understand not being able to put in first heat instead of second and then vice versa.

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by wildthingRV »

Do you really think Terry sits around and thinks about that, with all that there is to do? That's getting into dangerous territory, what if he misses somebody? Then they are going to be SURE that he's out to get them. No, no. Terry is a good solid guy who doesnt' rig his heats to benefit anyone, ever.

What are you going to do in finals, when there is even less time? That's a tough combo, and eventually something has to give.

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by Ironman92 »

First.....I didn't know how the regional seedings were done...simply asking a question. My tone is definitely not intended to how you took it. I knew Terry worked the regionals and seemingly every other big event around....he does an amazing job....I assumed there was a format for what heat and what lanes everyone was placed in. Each regional is made up of 4 different district races.....and something concrete on which events must get a 15 or so minute start after the other.

What will they do in the finals? 8 athletes get the chance....can't win if you don't play AND making the finals is a significant step from just making the regionals.The athlete on paper had virtually the same chance in each as 300 H was continuously improving. If somehow they make the finals in both....hello 800m issue whatsoever. How long would it take a committee of say 3 people to see a small conflict like that throughout the meet and how long would it take Terry to change it?

I have nothing whatsoever against Terry...did not know he set everything. He is basically the Joe Eitel of track and XC. I don't think it would take very long once everything is set to find little potential gliches and flip flop in a few areas.....but if Terry is the one man crew it's ridiculous IMO there aren't a few people in charge helping.

Great job Terry doing all this! Live results are awesome.

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by jumphigh »

Am I correct that it is the state that determines the break in between events. Could the coaches petition the state to add 20 minutes to the meet by adding more rest time between events.

Osborne did the 100, 400 and 200 at the regionals. The finals were ok because of the distance races but the prelim day was a bear.

I know it is up to the coach to look at the schedule and the athlete, but with a girl like her the triple is the only choice that makes since.

So how do the coaches get the system changed

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by Ironman92 »

I would hope the big wigs at the state make a determination that is true across the state....but I don't know how it's determined.

And the athletes Osborne is going against is so impressive.The division one athletes, especially regionals are just a level above the two other divisions. If Osborne never attains a state championship it'll be because Chillicothe is a few girls too high for of luck to her!

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by coach k »

Okay, I will try to explain this as clearly as possible. If you look at the event sheets prior to the regional meet, the fastest district winner is placed into lane 4/heat one. The second fastest district winner is placed into lane 4/heat 2. The third fastest into lane 5/heat 2; the fourth fastest lane 5 heat 1, and so on until the lanes and heats are full. There is zero consideration given to athletes and the events they run. It's all about the seeding. It's a cut-and-dry method.

On a more opinionated note, anytime you put kids in the 300H/200, 400/800, or a few other demanding combinations, you are playing with fire. Sometimes it works out, but more often than not, especially by the time the district or regional finals roll around and there is very little time between the events, the athletes more often than not pay the price.

I believe the regional/state schedule comes from the state, but the district schedules are set by the district athletic board and the meet managers.

Jumphigh, OATCCC would probably have to make a recommendation to OHSAA to have the schedule changed. However, it may be worth exploring. I believe Matt Paxton and Al Riffey are the reps from this part of the state. I will mention it to Matt.

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Re: Regional Event Schedule Question?

Post by Ironman92 »

Thanks Coach K....your first paragraph is what I thought, just didn't know if there were ever any adjustments.

Why the minimum time between the 4x1 and 4x2 at regionals? No 1600 on the first that why?

3 years ago I watched a girl run the final leg of the 4x800 and she was met at the finish line by an official and told she had 6 minutes to begin jumping at the high jump. Obviously the girl who cleared 5'0 all season couldn't clear the 4'8 starting height. It was the only high jump event of the meet obviously and the official running the event never left his chair but made sure this event was over quicker than I've ever seen a field event end.

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