Top 2023 20 playoffs Boys

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Top 2023 20 playoffs Boys

Post by noreply66 »

Northwest vs Belpre

Wheelersburg vs Sheridan

Nelson/York Vs Whiteoak

Logan Vs Washington

Unioto vs Dawson Bryant

Zane Trace vs Warren

Chillicothe vs Fairfield Union

First matchup Northwest/Belpre

Sprints The sprints go to Northwest.

Hurdles Look to be even.

Distance This will go to Belpre.

Field Belpre also take this.

Relays Will go to Northwest.

This looks like a very close meet. On paper I ran this and in a close meet I would give it to Belpre with the big difference in the Field Events and the Distance.

2nd matchup Wheelersburg/Sheridan

Sprints This will go to Sheridan.

Hurdles Close but should go to Sheridan.

Distance Big difference with Sheridan taking this.

Field This will go to Wheelersburg big.

Relays Look for them to split the relays.

With Sheridan winning three of the five event group and being even on one they will advance

3rd matchup Nelson/York Vs Whiteoak

Sprints Nelson/York will get the sprints.

Hurdles The Buckeyes take this too.

Distance Whiteoak wins the group of events big time.

Field Events This goes to Whiteoak.

Relays Nelson/York will take three out of four here.

Score this three times and it comes out to a tie. Both schools will advance

4th matchup will be Logan vs Washington

Sprints Washington wins this in a close one.

Hurdles I see this as a draw point wise.

Distance Logan takes these big.

Field Logan wins this with a slim margin.

Relays with Logan having most everyone back in all relays this will go to Logan.

With Logan winning three of these groups and tying another I will go with Logan.

5th matchup will be Unioto vs Dawson-Bryant

Sprints Unioto wins this by a hair.

Hurdles Teams are about even on this one.

Distance Unioto takes this rather easy.

Field Dawson-Bryant comes out on top here.

Relays looks like Unioto take three of four here.

The distance and relay depth wins this one for Unioto.

6th matchup will be Zane Trace and Warren

Sprints Zane Trace will win this.

Hurdles Another win for ZT

Distance Warren will take this by a slim margin.

Field Both teams look to be even here.

Relays This will go to Warren.

With the big advantage Zane Trace had in the sprints and Hurdles this goes to Zane Trace

7th matchup is Chillicothe and Fairfield Union

Sprints This belongs to Chillicothe.

Hurdles Give a small edge to Fairfield Union.

Distance Fairfield Union takes this group.

Field Chillicothe on this one

Relays Will go to Chillicothe

The point difference in the sprints and the relays gives this to Chillicothe

With Nelson/York and Whiteoak advancing by a tie there are six teams from the loser's bracket trying to advance. Northwest, Wheelersburg, Washington, Dawson-Bryant, Warren and Fairfield Union. Names go into the hat, and it will be Northwest vs Warren, Wheelersburg vs Washington and Fairfield Union vs Dawson-Bryant.

Round two matchup 8 Northwest vs Warren

Sprints Northwest takes this.

Hurdles This looks to be even.

Distance Northwest wins another one.

Field Northwest with a little more.

Relays Warren should win these.

The groups that Northwest won looks a little too much for Warren. Northwest will get another playoff meet. Warren will play against another loser from round two.

Round Two matchup 9 Wheelersburg vs Washington

Sprints Wheelersburg takes this group.

Hurdles Looks real close.

Distance Wheelersburg takes all three events.

Field Washington just takes this.

Relays Wheelersburg takes three of the four.

Washington might have had more depth, but WB just had to many top guns. Wheelersburg moves on to try to advance to the later rounds. Washington will play another team that lost in this round.

Round two matchup #10 Fairfield Union vs Dawson-Bryant

Sprints Sprints will go to Dawson-Bryant.

Hurdles Dawson-Bryant with the edge.

Distance Fairfield Union takes this one very easily.

Field Dawson-Bryant wins here.

Relays Fairfield Union wins here.

This one came down to the big edge Dawson-Bryant had in the field events to give them the win. DB advances and FU will fall into the loser's bracket. With three team's falling into the loser's bracket, Warren, Washington and Fairfield Union their names went into the hat and Washington and Warren were drawn to play each other. The loser of this meet will take the 14 spot in the top 14.

Round three matchup #11 Washington vs Warren

Sprints Washington has too much speed in the 100/200.

Hurdles We have a tie here.

Distance Warren has the better distance runners.

Field Field events go to Washington.

Relays Warren wins this with the better 4x4.

Warren gets into the win column. This has Washington at the #14 spot.

Round three match up #12 1-0 Chillicothe vs 1-0 Washington

Sprints Chillicothe takes this big time.

Hurdles Close but Chillicothe wins it.

Distance Chillicothe takes the 800/1600 to take this.

Field Chillicothe gets the best of them here.

Relays Chillicothe takes three out of the four relays.

Chillicothe wins big here and moves to 2-0

Round three matchup #13 Sheridan vs Zane Trace

Sprints Going with Zane Trace here.

Hurdles Zane Trace with the edge.

Distance Sheridan takes this and puts a big dent in ZT lead.

Field Zane Trace in a close one.

Relays Looking for the teams to split the relays.

This has been one of the better matchups so far. Zane Trace moves to 2-0. Next two out of the hat Whiteoak Vs Logan.

Round three matchup #14 Whiteoak vs Logan

Sprints Logan takes the sprints.

Hurdles Logan wins this.

Distance Whiteoak destroys Logan here.

Field Logan wins this big.

Relays they split the relays.

Logan's depth wins this one as they move to 2-0 and Whiteoak falls to 1-1. Last two names in the hat are Unioto and Nelson/York. Round four will have eight team names go into the hat. Belpre, Dawson-Bryant, Fairfield Union, Northwest, Sheridan, Warren, Wheelersburg and Whiteoak.

Final of round three matchup #15 Unioto vs Nelson/York

Sprints Nelson/York wins this.

Hurdles. Unioto wins a close one.

Distance. Unioto runs away with these.

Field Unioto pulls out a close one.

Relays They split these.

Unioto wins this mostly due to NY not having the distant runners. Unioto goes to 2-0 and Nelson/York gets their first lose. Next two coming out of the hat is Sheridan vs Northwest.

Round four matchup #16 Sheridan vs Northwest.

Sprints Northwest has enough speed to take this.

Hurdles Northwest depth hurt them here as this goes to Sheridan.

Distance It was a sweep for Sheridan.

Field This went one way then jumped back to the other final settling for a tie.

Relays Teams splint here.

This came down to Sheridan having better distant runners. Sheridan moves to 2-1 and Northwest falls to 1-2. The next two out of the hat will be Dawson-Bryant vs Belpre leaving Warren vs Fairfield Union in the final matchup in round four.

Round four matchup #17 Dawson-Bryant vs Belpre

Sprints Dawson-Bryant wins this.

Hurdles Sweep by Dawson-Bryant.

Distance Belpre take this.

Field Dawson-Bryant rubs away with this.

Relays Dawson-Bryant takes three of four here.

Dawson-Bryant takes this one and moves to 2-1 while Belpre drops to 1-2. Warren and Fairfield Union are up next in the last matchup in round four.

Round four matchup #18 Warren vs Fairfield Union

Sprints Fairfield Union made a sweep here.

Hurdles Another sweep for Fairfield Union.

Distance Fairfield Union takes two out of three.

Field Fairfield Union squeaks out this one.

Relays Warren takes three out of four.

Fairfield Union handled Warren with shocking ease. Fairfield Union wins their first to go 1-2 as Warren falls to 1-3.

Round 5 match #19 Chillicothe vs Belpre

Sprints Chillicothe wins this.

Hurdles Chillicothe too much.

Distance One tie and two wins for Belpre.

Field Chillicothe wins three of the five.

Relays Chillicothe takes three of the four.

Chillicothe wins big here. Chillicothe goes to 3-0 and Belpre falls to 1-3. Next two out of the hat are Zane Trace vs Nelson/York.

Round five matchup # 20 Zane Trace vs Nelson/York

Sprints Sprints will go to Nelson/York.

Hurdles Nelson/York takes this too.

Distance Zane Trace takes this.

Field Zane Trace get the field events.

Relays They will split these.

This was a real close meet, but it goes to Nelson/York by the skin of their teeth. Zane Trace takes their first loss and NY goes to 2-1. Next two out of the hat are Northwest vs Logan.

Round five matchup #21 Whiteoak vs Logan.

Sprints This comes out even.

Hurdles Logan takes this big.

Sprints Whiteoak take all three

Field Logan Big.

Relays Teams split these.

With the big difference in the Hurdles and field events Logan Takes this one. Logan moves to 3-0 and Whiteoak falls to 1-2. Next name out are Sheridan vs Unioto.

Round five matchup #22 Sheridan vs Unioto

Sprints Unioto in a close one.

Hurdles Unioto once again.

Distance Unioto Big.

Field Unioto sort of easy here.

Relays Unioto takes all four and sweeps every event.

Unioto takes this by more than I thought they would. Next two up will be Dawson-Bryant vs Wheelersburg.

Round Five match #23 Dawson-Bryant vs Wheelersburg.

Sprints This was close, but Dawson-Bryant takes it in the end.

Hurdles Dawson-Bryant sweeps the hurdles.

Distance This was close too with Wheelersburg winning this.

Field Dawson-Bryant pulls this one out.

Relays Teams split this one.

Dawson-Bryant wins this matchup mainly due to the sprints and hurdles. DB moves to three and one while Burg falls to one and two. Next up will be Fairfield Union vs Northwest.

Round five match up #24 Fairfield Union vs Northwest.

Sprint Northwest takes this.

Hurdles Fairfield Union gets the hurdles.

Distance This goes to Fairfield Union.

Field Fairfield just wins this.

Relays Northwest takes three out of four.

Fairfield Union has too much and wins this matchup. After dropping the first two meets Fairfield now stands at 2-2 and Northwest drops to 1-3.

Round six matchup #25 Warren vs Whiteoak.

Sprints Whiteoak wins here.

Hurdles White big here.

Distance Whiteoak with the sweep.

Field Warren trying to come back.

Relays This comes out a tie.

Whiteoak takes four of the five groups to win this. Whiteoak is 2-2 and Warren 1-4. Next matchup will be Wheelersburg vs Belpre.

Round six matchup #26 Belpre vs Wheelersburg.

Sprints Wheelersburg big.

Hurdles Close but Burg takes it.

Distance Belpre puts a dent into Burgs lead.

Field Another close one and Burg takes this one too.

Relays Wheelersburg wins three out of four.

Wheelersburg wins the meet sort of easy. Burg evens their record at 2-2 with Belpre falling to 1-4. Next schools out of the hat are Zane Trace at 2-1 vs Northwest at 1-3.

Round six matchup #27 Zane Trace vs Northwest.

Sprints The two teams have a tie here.

Hurdles. Zane Trace get these.

Distance Zane Trace takes two out of three.

Field Four out of three go to Zane Trace.

Relays The teams split the relays.

Zane Trace take this one and moves to 3-1 as Northwest falls to 1-4. Next match is Chillicothe vs Sheridan.

Round six matchup #28 Chillicothe vs Sheridan.

Sprints Chillicothe takes this with ease.

Hurdles Close but it goes to Chillicothe.

Distance Sheridan takes all three.

Field Chillicothe wins this.

Relays Chillicothe takes three of the four.

Chillicothe just has too much for Sheridan. Chillicothe first to four wins to be at 4-0. Sheridan goes to 2-3. Next up will be Unioto vs Wheelersburg.

Round six matchup #29 Unioto vs Wheelersburg.

Sprints Unioto wins this.

Hurdles One more Unioto.

Distance Unioto wins again.

Field This was close, but Unoto wins.

Relays Unioto takes three of four.

Unioto wins all five categories and moved to 4-0 as Wheelersburg falls to 2-3. Last two in the hat are Fairfield and Logan.

Round six matchup #30 Fairfield Union vs Logan

Sprints Logan takes the sprints.

Hurdles they come out even.

Distance Fairfield Union wins big.

Field Another one that comes out even.

Relays they split these.

Fairfield Union wins a close one. Logan outscored too much in the distance. Fairfield Union has won three straight after dropping the first two. Fairfield Union stands at 3-2 Logan falls to 3-1. Next up will be Nelson/York vs Wheelersburg in the first matchup of round seven.

Round seven matchup #31 Nelson/York vs Wheelersburg.

Sprints Nelson/York takes the sprints.

Hurdles NY wins the hurdles.

Distance Burg takes all three of the distinct events.

Field Teams split four and are even in the fifth, but Wheelersburg squeaks it out.

Relays Nelson/York takes three of four.

Nelson/York takes this matchup and moves its record to 3-1 and Wheelersburg falls to 2-4. Next matchup will be Sheridan vs Whiteoak.

Round seven matchup #32 Sheridan vs Whiteoak.

Sprints Both teams look even.

Hurdles Sheridan wins big.

Distance They look even.

Field Sheridan big here.

Relays Once again they look even.

Sheridan wins this. Whiteoak lost this meet due to the hurdles and field events. Sheridan has a 3-3 record and Whiteoak has a 2-3 record. Last two teams out of this hat will be Fairfield Union and Wheelersburg. The loser here goes up against Whiteoak and that winner will advance, and the other takes the 10th spot on the top 14.

Round seven matchup #33 Fairfield Union VS Wheelersburg.

Sprints Close but Wheelersburg wins it.

Hurdles Fairfield Union takes both hurdles.

Distance Fairfield Union takes two out of three.

Field teams split tis with one tie.

Relays This is split too.

This was a close meet with the lead changing a few times. The last two events sort of sealed it for Fairfield Union. Fairfield Union has won four in a row to run their record to 4-2 and Wheelersburg falls to 2-5. Next match up and last meet of this round will be Sheridan vs Whiteoak.

Round seven matchup #34 Whiteoak vs Sheridan

Sprints Whiteoak wins two of the three to take the sprints.

Hurdles Sheridan takes both hurdle events.

Distance All three of these races come out even.

Field Sheridan runs away with these winning four of the five events.

Relays Relays split.

Sheridan wins comfortably. Sheridan will advance while Whiteoak become raking team number 10. We have nine teams left and eight of those will play in round eight. Sheridan drew the bye. 1st matchup Dawson-Bryant vs Zane Trace 2nd Unioto vs Fairfield Union, 3rd Nelson/York vs Logan and 4th Chillicothe vs Wheelersburg.

Round eight matchup #35 Dawson-Bryant vs Zane Trace

Sprints Zane Trace takes the sprints.

Hurdles Dawson-Bryant takes both hurdle races.

Distance Dawson-Bryant gets the distance.

Field The field events go to Zane Trace.

Relays Teams split these.

This was a very close meet but the difference in the relays and distance for Dawson-Byrant gives them this meet. Next two up will be Unioto vs Fairfield Union.

Round eight matchup # 36 Unioto vs Fairfield Union

Sprint Unioto takes all three sprints.

Hurdles Fairfield Union takes both hurdles.

Distance Union takes the distance.

Field This came out a tie.

Relays Unioto takes all four relays.

Most events where very close but Unioto was winning them. Unioto moves to 5-0 and Fairfield Union drops to 4-3. Next matchup will be Nelson/York vs Logan.

Round eight matchup #37 Nelson/York vs Logan.

Sprint Nelson/York wins the sprints.

Hurdles Hurdles come out tied.

Distance Logan takes all three distant races.

Field Logan wins three of the field events and the other two come out a tie.

Relays Teams split here.

Once again the distant races hurt Nelson/York as Logan wins two of the groups and tie two for the win. Logan is now 4-1 and NY is 3-2. Next up will be Wheelersburg vs Chillicothe.

Round eight matchup #38 Wheelersburg vs Chillicothe

Sprints Chillicothe wins the sprint.

Hurdles Chillicothe takes the hurdles.

Distance Chillicothe take two out of three.

Field Wheelersburg takes the field events.

Relays Chillicothe takes all four relays.

Chillicothe handles Wheelersburg. Chillicothe moves to 5-0 and Wheelersburg falls to 2-6 and takes the number nine spot. Next up will be Fairfield Union vs Sheridan in the first matchup of round nine.

Round nine match up #39 Fairfield Union vs Sheridan.

Sprints Sheridan takes the sprints.

Hurdles Fairfield Union wins the 110 and they tie for the 300

Distance The teams split the distance each team wins one and they tie one.

Field Very close here with Fairfield Union winning two and they tie three.

Relays Sheridan wins three out of four.

These two battled all the way to the end with Fairfield Union pulling it out. Fairfield Union runs their record to 5-3 while Sheridan goes to 4-4. Next up Zane Trace vs Logan.

Round nine matchup #40 Zane Trace vs Logan.

Sprints Logan wins the sprints.

Hurdles Logan wins the 110 and they tie in the 300.

Distance We have a tie in the Distance.

Field The team have another tie.

Relays Logan Takes all four relay.

Logan takes three out of the five groups and ties the other two. Logan moves to 5-1 and Zane Trace moves to 3-3. Next match up will be Chillicothe vs Unioto where both teams stand at 5-0.

Round nine matchup #41 Chillicothe vs Unioto.

Sprints Chillicothe take the sprints easy.

Hurdles Unioto takes the Hurdles.

Distance Unioto big.

Field each teams wins two and tie one.

Relays This one comes out a split.

Unioto wins this mainly due to the big difference in the Distance. Unioto runs their record to 6-0 and Chillicothe falls to 5-1. Next up will be Nelson/York and Dawson-Bryant in the final matchup of round 9

Round nine matchup #42 Dawson-Brant vs Nelson/York

Sprints NY takes the sprints big.

Hurdles Dawson-Bryant takes the Hurdles.

Distance DB takes the distance.

Field Dawson-Bryant takes three of five with one tie.

Relays This was split.

Too much distant strength for Dawson-Bryant plus they had too much in the field events for NY. Dawson-Bryant goes to 5-1 and NY falls to 3-3.

Round nine matchup #43 Zane Trace vs Faifield Union.

Sprints Zane Trace doubles the score on Fairfield Union.

Hurdles This comes out a tie.

Distance Fairfield wins two out of three.

Field This came out a tie.

Relays This was a tie.

Zane Trace wins this. Big difference here was the sprints for Zane Trace. Zane Trace moves to 4-3 and Fairfield Union falls to 5-4. Next up is Logan vs Dawson-Bryant.

Round nine matchup #44 Logan Vs Dawson Bryant

Sprints Logan takes the sprints.

Hurdles Dawson-Bryant wins this.

Distance Logan takes the distance.

Field Logan takes three out of four.

Relays Logan 3 to1 here.

Logan takes the meet and moves to 6-1 as Dawson-Bryant falls to 5-2. Next up will be Unioto vs Zane Trace.

Round nine matchup #45 Unioto vs Zane Trace.

Sprints Sprints come out to a tie.

Hurdles Unioto wins the hurdles.

Distance Unioto take all three of the distance.

Fields comes out to a tie with each team winning two and one tie.

Relays Unioto takes three of the relays.

Unioto take this meet and moves on and Zane Trace takes the eight spot. With Nelson/York win over Zane Trace earlier they take the seventh spot. Next up for round ten will be Chillicothe vs Dawson-Bryant.

Round ten matchup #46 Chillicothe vs Dawson-Bryant

Sprint Chillicothe takes the sprint big.

Hurdles Chillicothe squeeze past DB

Distance Chillicothe just get past DB again.

Field Dawson Bryant takes this big time to get back into it.

Relays Chillicothe takes three of four to win this.

Chillicothe struggled in this one but pulled it out. Chillicothe goes to 6-1 and while Dawson-Bryant is 5-3. Next up is Sheridan vs Logan.

Round ten matchup #47 Logan Vs Sheridan

Sprints This comes out a tie.

Hurdles Logan wins the hurdles.

Distance Sheridan takes all three here.

Field Logan takes four of five.

Relays Logan Takes three of four.

Logan takes three of the five groups and ties one but all of them were close a mistake here
or there could have changed the outcome. Logan moves to 7-1 while Sheridan falls to 4-4 and take the fifth spot. Fairfield Union takes the fourth spot. Logan vs Chillicothe have not played each other so they will be the final match of in the last round. Unioto takes the top spot being unbeaten. I will be getting to the 19th & 20th spot.

Round eleven matchup #48 Chillicothe vs Logan

Sprints Chillicothe takes the sprints.

Hurdles Logan takes the hurdles.

Distance Chillicothe wins one and the other two tie.

Field Logan takes two events and tie two take this.

Relays Logan takes three of four.

All of these were close. Field events decided this one.
Last edited by noreply66 on Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:21 pm, edited 112 times in total.

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Re: Top 2023 20 playoffs

Post by noreply66 »

Top 20
4.....Fairfield Union-MSL
8.....Zane Trace-SVC
9.....Logan Elm-MSL
15....Paint Valley-SVC
Last edited by noreply66 on Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:37 pm, edited 60 times in total.

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Re: Top 2023 14 playoffs

Post by Omega »

noreply66 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:58 pm Belpre 1-0
Sheridan 1-0
Nelson/York 1-0
Whiteoak 1/0
Logan 1-0
Unioto 1-0
Zane Trace 1-0
Chillicothe 1-0
Northwest 1-1
Wheelersburg 1-1
Dawson-Bryant 1-1
Washington 0-2
Warren 0-2
Fairfield Union 0-2

I enjoy your T&F write ups and you always seem to have stats and results which are not readily available on line or in print . Just out of curiosity were you a T&F coach and or official in your younger days?

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Re: Top 2023 14 playoffs

Post by noreply66 »

Omega wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 5:39 pm
noreply66 wrote: Thu Jan 19, 2023 3:58 pm Belpre 1-0
Sheridan 1-0
Nelson/York 1-0
Whiteoak 1/0
Logan 1-0
Unioto 1-0
Zane Trace 1-0
Chillicothe 1-0
Northwest 1-1
Wheelersburg 1-1
Dawson-Bryant 1-1
Washington 0-2
Warren 0-2
Fairfield Union 0-2

I enjoy your T&F write ups and you always seem to have stats and results which are not readily available on line or in print . Just out of curiosity were you a T&F coach and or official in your younger days?
Always been a fan of track and Field. I go to several meets a year here in southeastern Ohio.

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Re: Top 2023 14 playoffs

Post by noreply66 »

By special request I will be adding Logan Elm, Marietta and Peebles to what is NOW top 17.

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Re: Top 2023 14 playoffs

Post by noreply66 »

noreply66 wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:05 pm By special request I will be adding Logan Elm, Marietta and Peebles to what is NOW top 17.
I have run the three teams through and at this time I will hold off on ranking Peebles

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Re: Top 2023 20 playoffs Boys

Post by noreply66 »

With Bolin returning for Waverly, I will be running them through this soon.

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