southern 09 track and field

Riding the Bench
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Re: southern 09 track and field

Post by cross_country_xc »

SErunner wrote:
cross_country_xc wrote:
noreply66 wrote:Southern might finish in the bottom half at the league meet.--[boys]

Yeah maybe, But i do think there is going to be some runners that will stand out! Like there distance team. Kyle Goode, Colby Rooseberry, Dylan Roush. And maybe some others. Since Kyle Goode won the TVC meet in Cross Country i expect to see him doing well but who knows.

What do u think?

More people than Goode, Roseberry, and Roush are going to have to pick up the slack to win a conference championship.

They are good kids, but three guys don't tend to win a track meet.

Yeah i totally agree with that, but with this being their fourth year with the kinda "new" program i think it will still take more time to with a conference meet. I mean you can't come out over night and start winning bigger meets, so i wouldn't expect southern to win a conference meet until maybe like a couple more years down the road. IDK

Jim Ryan
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Re: southern 09 track and field

Post by Jim Ryan »

Is Southern still having track? I heard they didn't have a coach. Is this true? If they are still having track when is their first meet?

Riding the Bench
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Re: southern 09 track and field

Post by cross_country_xc »

Jim Ryan wrote:Is Southern still having track? I heard they didn't have a coach. Is this true? If they are still having track when is their first meet?

Yeah they are still having track. The Jr high coach took over. And the first meet is March 31st @ belpry then april 2 @ waterfourd then April 4th @ nelsonvill

Storm Chaser
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Re: southern 09 track and field

Post by Storm Chaser »

I really appreciate Mr. Smith stepping up, taking over the program and keeping it alive.
It's great to see someone keep something going for the kids who don't go for the traditional stick and ball sports.
Thanks Mr. Smith if you are reading this.

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