OVC 2012 Updates

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Location: Logan, Ohio

OVC 2012 Updates

Post by noreply66 »

Girls 100 Meters

12.93.....Gore.....South Point---1st 12.93
12.94.....Pappas.....Fairland---2nd 12.94
12.98.....Warren.....River Valley---3rd 12.98
13.14.....Fields.....River Valley---4th 13.14
13.39.....Starr.....South Point---5th 13.45
13.63.....Moore.....Fairland---6th 13.63
13.66.....Short.....Coal Grove-13.64 district
13.70.....Prince.....River Valley
13.92.....Malone.....Rock Hill-District
14.10.....Ferrell.....River Valley
14.18.....Sites.....Rock Hill
14.29.....Lewis.....Rock Hill
14.31.....Chaffins.....Rock Hill-district
14.65.....Peters.....South Point
14.80.....Crow.....Coal Grove
15.06.....Wray.....River Valley
15.24.....Penick.....River Valley
16.64.....Nelson.....Fairland district

Girls 100 Hurdles

16.37.....Pappas.....Fairland---1st 16.37
16.97.....Harrison.....Coal Grove---2nd 16.97
17.03.....Conzett.....Fairland--4th 17.45-17.41 district-17.03 reg.
17.42.....Williams.....South Point---3rd 17.42
17.55.....Bailey.....Coal Grove
17.80.....Massie.....Rock Hill--5th 18.28
18.00.....Wray.....River Valley
18.33.....Malone.....Rock Hill--6th 18.84
18.67.....Tiller.....River Valley-18.67 district
19.50.....Browning.....River Valley
20.08.....Landers.....Coal Grove-20.08 district
20.20.....Plymale.....South Point
20.31.....Dillow.....South Point-20.31 district
20.33.....Koukos.....South Point
21.59.....A.Penick.....River Valley
21.86.....Pruim.....South Point
22.32.....Prince.....River Valley
22.80.....Eblin.....River Valley

Girls 200 Meters-

27.38.....Warren.....River Valley--4th 27.98-27.48 District-27.38 REG
27.47.....Pappas.....Fairland--1st 27.50-27.47 district
27.50.....Harrison.....Coal Grove--2nd 27.53-27.50 district
27.55.....Gore.....South Point---3rd 27.87-27.55 district
28.28.....Starr.....South Point--District
28.46.....Martin.....Chesapeake--5th 28.47-28.46 district
28.71.....Moore.....Fairland---6th 28.73-28.71 district
29.57.....Bacon.....South Point
29.72.....Chaffins.....Rock Hill-district
29.84.....Jones.....Coal Grove
29.85.....Pence.....River Valley
30.07.....Cade.....Rock Hill
30.40.....Hollingsworth.....River Valley
31.64.....Thompson....Coal Grove district
32.01.....Shaw.....River Valley
32.12.....Rifle.....Rock Hill
32.17.....Peters.....South Point
32.28.....Kuhn.....South Point
32.50.....Penick.....River Valley
32.50.....Prince.....River Valley
33.73.....C. Penick.....River Valley
34.36.....Wray.....River Valley

Girls 300- Hurdles

47.26.....Pappas.....Fairland--1st 48.41-47.93 district-REg-47.26
50.95.....Koukos.....South Point--2nd 52.07-50.95 district
52.97.....Short.....Coal Grove-District
53.00.....Meadows.....Chesapeake--3rd 53.51
53.24.....Malone.....Rock Hill--5th 54.24
53.53.....Wray.....River Valley--4th 53.62-53.53 district
54.49.....Dillow.....South Point
54.71.....Williams.....South Point--6th 54.71
55.65.....Massie.....Rock Hill
55.69.....Tiller.....River Valley
55.85.....Adkins.....Coal Grove
58.00.....Plymale.....South Point
59.77.....Browning.....River Valley
59.70.....Shaw......River Valley
59.80.....Forest.....South point

Girls 400 Meters-

1:00.56.....Fields.....River Valley--1st 1:00.56
1:03.39.....Price.....Fairland--2nd 1:04.17
1:04.51.....Johnson.....Coal Grove--3rd 1:04.85-1:04.51
1:06.55.....Spotts.....Fairland-4th 1:08.40-District
1:07.70.....Hammond.....River Valley
1:09.18.....Shaw.....River Valley
1:09.18.....Montano.....Rock Hill
1:10.30.....Dillow.....South Point
1:10.96.....Cravens.....Chesapeake--5th 1:10.96
1:11.18.....Khounlavong.....South Point--6th 1:11.18
1:11.38.....Ferguson.....South Point
1:11.87.....McGrath.....River Valley
1:12.19.....Thompson.....Coal Grove
1:13.05.....Ervin.....Coal Grove
1:13.67.....Riedel.....Rock Hill
1:14.77.....Plymale.....South Point
1:20.79.....Thibodaux.....Rock Hill-district

Girls 800 Meters-

2:32.43.....Pettit.....Fairland--1st 2:32.43
2:32.67.....Mulkey.....Coal Grove--2nd 2:33.75
2:34.07.....Letchford.....South Point--5th 2:41.46
2:36.22.....Blodgett.....River Valley--3rd 2:36.22
2:39.25.....S Ashton.....Fairland--4th 2:39.25
2:39.90.....Bennett.....Chesapeake--6th 2:42.13-2:39.90 District
2:40.14.....Montano.....Rock Hill
2:40.23.....Ward.....River Valley-District
2:41.00.....Blodgett.....River Valley
2:51.00.....McGrath.....River Valley
2:51.33.....Erwin.....Coal Grove- district
2:54.03.....Plymale.....South Point
2:55.59.....Adkins.....Coal Grove
3:01.12.....Thibodaux.....Rock Hill
3:19.87.....Duncan.....South Point

Girls 1600-

5:33.83.....Ashton.....Fairland---1st 5:33.83
5:36.84.....Blodgett.....River Valley--2nd 5:40.07
5:37.40.....Letchford.....South Point--4th 5:47.77-5:42.52 district
5:43.36.....Pettit.....Fairland--3rd 5:43.36
5:54.55.....M. Ashton.....Fairland
6:15.79.....Montano.....Rock Hill--5th 6:15.79
6:21.41.....Holmes.....Coal Grove--6th 6:29.23-6:21.41 district
6:33.02.....McGrath.....River Valley
6:43.70.....Thibodaux.....Rock Hill
6:46.24.....Lewis.....South Point
6:52.62.....Storms.....Coal Grove
7:49.52.....Welch.....Chesapeake-7:49.52 district
8:04.97.....Rosello.....River Valley-district

Girls 3200 Meters

11:03.06.....S. Ashton.....Fairland--2nd 13:37.91
12:15.87.....Blodgett.....River Valley
12:21.35.....M. Ashton.....Fairland--1st 13:36.33
12:45.38.....Letchford.....South Point
12:57.37.....M. Ashton.....Fairland
13:18.44.....Holmes.....Coal Grove--3rd 14:52.36-14:40.92 district
14:30.54.....Ward.....River Valley
14:56.10.....Rosello.....River Valley
15:00.00.....Saber.....River Valley--4th 17:00.00
16.23.57.....Stormes.....Coal Grove district
18:23.45.....Nelson.....Rock Hill--5th 18:23.45
19:02.76.....Welch.....Chesapeake--6th 19:02.76

Girls Shot Put-20' 00"

37' 08"........McWhorter.....Chesapeake--1st 35' 08"
35' 00 1/2"...Porter.....Chesapeake--2nd 35' 00 1/2"
33' 04 1/4"...Morris.....South Point--4th 31' 02 1/2"
33' 03 3/4"...Nelson.....Rock Hill--3rd 31' 06 1/2"
31' 08"........Ward.....Rock Hill
28' 07 1/2"...Hankins.....Coal Grove--5th 28' 07 1/2"
28' 04 1/2"...VanSickle.....River Valley--6th 28' 04 1/2"
28' 04"........Blankenship.....Fairland
26' 01 3/4"...McKenzie.....Coal Grove-District
25' 06 1/2"...Miller.....Chesapeake
25' 01 1/2"...Walker.....River Valley
24' 09 1/2"...Campbell.....River Valley
24' 09"........Taubenheim.....Fairland
24' 07 3/4"...Burditt.....Rock Hill
24' 01"........Cole.....Coal Grove
23' 11 1/2"...Shockey.....Fairland
22' 06 1/2"...Cains.....Fairland
21' 10 1/4"...Damron.....South Point
20' 01"........K.Campbell.....River Valley

Girls Discus

110' 04".....Hankins.....Coal Grove--1st 103' 10"-104' 01" district-110' 04" REG
087' 05".....Ellis.....Chesapeake--4th 83' 04"
087' 00".....Taubenhiem.....Fairland--5th 82' 10"
087' 00".....Morris.....South Point--2nd 85' 04"
085' 00".....VanSickle.....River Valley
084' 07".....Butler.....Rock Hill--3rd 84' 07"
081' 06".....Walker.....River Valley
081' 06".....Collins.....Coal Grove District
080' 08".....Cains.....Fairland--6th 80' 08"
077' 08".....Miller.....Chesapeake
075' 11".....Thompson.....Coal Grove
071' 06".....Mihm.....Coal Grove
068' 06".....Damron.....South Point-District
066' 02".....Casey.....Rock Hill
064' 02".....Wray.....River Valley
063' 02".....K. Campbell.....River Valley
057' 09".....Aaron.....River Valley

Girls High Jump

5' 00".....Ruffner.....Chesapeake--1st 4' 8"
4' 08".....Moore.....Fairland--5th 4' 06"
4' 08".....Bennett.....Chesapeake--2nd 4' 08"
4' 06".....Mulkey.....Coal Grove--3rd 4' 06"
4' 06".....Gore.....South Point--4th 4' 06"
4' 04".....Fulks.....Fairland
4' 04".....Riffle.....Rock Hill
4' 04".....Ferrell.....River Valley--6th 4' 04'
4' 04".....Shaw.....River Valley
4' 02".....Walker.....River Valley
4' 02".....Norris.....South Point
4' 00'.....Bacon.....South Point
4' 00".....Sites.....Rock Hill
4' 00".....Webb.....Coal Grove

Girls Long Jump

15' 06 1/2"...Hollingsworth.....River Valley--3rd 15' 02"[/color15' 06 1/2" REG
15' 04"........Martin.....Chesapeake--1st 15' 04"
15' 04"........Williams.....South Point--2nd 15' 04"
15' 00"........Ward.....River Valley
14' 08 1/2"...Johnson.....Coal Grove--4th 14' 08"
14' 08"........Massie.....Rock Hill--5th 14' 05 1/2"
14' 05 1/4"...Gore.....South Point--6th 14' 05 1/4"
14' 05 1/4"...Hawthorne.....Chesapeake
14' 01"........Shaw.....River Valley
13' 08 3/4"...Sites.....Rock Hill
13' 07 1/4"...Murphy.....Coal Grove
13' 04 3/4"...Pappas.....Fairland
13' 02"........Fulks.....Fairland
12' 09 1/2"...Pence.....River Valley
12' 03"........Blankenship.....Fairland
12' 02"........Ferguson.....South Point
11' 02 1/2"...Hankins.....Coal Grove district

Girls Pole Vault

8' 06".....Meadows.....Chesapeake--1st 8' 06"
8' 06".....Malone.....Rock Hill--2nd 8' 00" -REG
8' 00".....Price.....Fairland--3rd 8' 00"
8' 00".....Naegles.....Fairland--4th 8' 00"
7' 06".....Shockley.....Fairland
7' 00".....Ervin.....Coal Grove--5th 7' 00"
7' 00".....Meadows.....Rock Hill
7' 00".....Shockley.....Fairland
7' 00".....Neagle.....Fairland
7' 00".....Collins....South Point--6th 6' 06"-District
6' 06".....Massie.....Rock Hill
6' 00".....Bentley....Coal Grove

Girls 4x100

51.89.....Short, Jones, Mulky, Harrison.....Coal Grove.....1st 52.81-52.27 District
52.13.....Starr, Bacon, Khounlavong, Gore.....South Point---2nd 53.66
53.40.....Pence, Browning,Wray, Shaw.....River Valley--6th 57.75
55.19.....Martin, Meadows, Hawthorne, Ruffner.....Chesapeake--3rd 55.19
56.10.....Consett, Fulks, Moore, Spotts.....Fairland--4th 56.63
56.16.....Riffle, Malone, Lewis, Sites.....Rock Hill--5th 57.47

Girls 4x200

1:50.48.....Blodgett, Ward, Triller, McGrath.....River Valley-3rd 1:53.30-REG
1:51.21.....Short, Jones, Johnson, Harrison.....Coal Grove--1st 1:51.95-1:51.21 district
1:53.05.....Norris. Bacon, Khounlavong, Starr.....South Point--2nd 1:53.05
1:55.74.....Spotts, Moore, Conzett, Price.....Fairland--4th 1:55.74
1:58.71.....Massie, Chaffins, Lewis, Riffle.....Rock Hill--5th 1:58.71
2:00.60.....Handley, Cravens, Hawthorne, Ruffner.....Chesapeake

Girls 4x400

4:26.99.....Warren, Ward, Hollingsworth, Fields.....River Valley--1st 4:27.34-4:26.99 district
4:28.64.....Johnson, Adkins, Jones, Mulkey.....Coal Grove--2nd 4:28.64
4:37.50.....Nelson, Cravens, Bennet, Meadows.....Chesapeake--3rd 4:37.50
4:38.40.....Pettit, Price, M. Ashton, Spotts.....Fairland--4th 4:38.40
4:43.61.....Ferguson, Dillow, Khounlavong, Koukos.....South Point--5th 4:46.59
4:52.87.....Montano, Cade, Lewis, Chaffins.....Rock Hill

Girls 4x800

10:15.02.....M. Ashton, S. Ashton, Pettit, Price.....Fairland--1st 10:32.43-10:17.19 district-10:15.02 Reg.
10:45.91.....Ward, McGrath, Tiller, Blodgett.....River Valley--2nd 10:53.01-10:50.61 district-10:45.91 reg.
11:02.39.....Lewis, Plymale, Dillow, Letchford.....South Point---3rd 11:02.39
11:10.46.....Holmes, Adkins, Erwin, Stormes.....Coal Grove--4th 11:21.05-11:10.46 district
11:28.64.....Nelson, Welch, Cravens, Bennett.....Chesapeake---5th 11:28.64
11:44 43.....Nelson, Riedel, Cade, Thibodaux.....Rock Hill

Boys 100 meters

11.16.....Williams.....River Valley---1st 11.26-11.16 district
11.40.....Campbell.....South Point
11.52.....Thompson.....Chesapeake---2nd 11.52
11.60.....Patrick.....South Point---3rd 11.60
11.72.....Tanner.....River Valley---4th 11.84
11.85.....Nance.....Coal Grove---5th 11.85
11.90.....Wilson.....Coal Grove---6th 11.90
11.94.....Huff.....South Point-district
12.00.....Long.....Rock Hill--??
12.37.....Dalton.....Rock Hill
12.52.....Bare.....Coal Grove
12.58.....Leonard.....South Point
12.69.....Townsend.....South Point-district
12.78.....Stanley.....River Valley
12.79.....Kelly.....Rock Hill

Boys 110 Hurdles

15.58.....Smith.....Fairland---1st 15.58
15.90.....Harrison.....River Valley---2nd 15.91
16.50.....Schultz.....Coal Grove--16.50 district
17.02.....Garrett.....Coal Grove---3rd 17.02
17.77.....Estep.....Coal Grove---4th 17.77
18.34.....Lucas.....Chesapeake---5th 18.75-18.34 district
18.54.....Sloan.....South Point
18 82.....Kostival.....River Valley---6th 18.88
18.95.....Morrison.....River Valley-district
20.56.....Perdue.....South Point
20.79.....Jones.....South Point-district

Boys 200 Meters

22.70.....Williams.....River Valley--3rd 23.63-22.70 district
23.28.....Thompson.....Chesapeake--1st 23.28
23.49.....Steele.....Coal Grove--2nd 23.49
23.60.....Campbell.....South Point
23.84.....Harrison.....River Valley--4th 23.84
23.92.....Nance.....Coal Grove--5th 23.92
24.35.....Patrick.....South Point
24.59.....Collins....Chesapeake--6th 24.59
24.70.....Jewell.....Coal Grove--District
25.12.....Wilson.....Coal Grove
25.69.....Dalton.....Rock Hill
25.78.....Carey.....Rock Hill
25.84.....Townsand.....South Point
25.87.....Kelly.....Rock Hill
26.12.....Schultz.....Coal Grove
27.17.....Kostival.....River Valley
27.54.....Akers.....Rock Hill-District
27.60.....Quals.....River Valley
27.96.....Anderson.....River Valley
28.03.....J.William.....River Valley
28.03.....Cummings.....River Valley
28.25.....Mabe.....River Valley
29.06.....Lynd.....South Point

Boys 300 Hurdles

41.16.....Harrison.....River Valley--1st 41.16
41.43.....Smith.....Fairland--2nd 42.20-41.43 REG
44.46.....Barrett.....Coal Grove--3rd 44.46
45.74.....Schultz.....Coal Grove--4th 45.74
46.44.....Mabe.....River Valley--5th 46.44
46.54.....Kostival.....River Valley-District
47.54.....Perdue.....South Point-District
47.78.....Lucas.....Chesapeake--6th 47.78
48.40.....Sloan.....South Point
51.19.....Jones.....South Point
56.90.....Eblin.....River Valley

Boys 400 Meters

0:51.21.....Steele.....Coal Grove--1st 51.21
0:53.13.....Williams.....River Valley--2nd 53.13
0:53.48.....Wireman.....Fairland--3rd 53.48
0:54.41.....Pauley.....Coal Grove
0:54.70.....Harrison.....River Valley
0:54.70.....Mattie.....Fairland--4th 54.70
0:55.20.....Jewell.....Coal Grove--5th 55.20
0:56.18.....Brooks.....Fairland-56.18 REG
0:55.65.....Payne.....South Point--6th 56.55
0:56.28.....McFarland.....Coal Grove
0:58.17.....Hamilton.....River Valley-district
0:58.42.....Waddle.....Coal Grove district
0:59.64.....Huff.....South Point
0:59.69.....Workman.....River Valley
1:00.67.....Jenkins.....River Valley- district
1:00.68.....Campbell.....River Valley
1:01.60.....Porter.....South Point
1:01.68.....Akers.....Rock Hill
1:02.34.....Samples.....South Point district
1:02.88.....McClaskey.....Rock Hill
1:08.12.....Ball.....River Valley

Boys 800 Meters

1:56.56.....Wireman.....Fairland--1st 2:07.29-1:56.56 REG
2:01.80.....Pauley.....Coal Grove--2nd 2:07.39-2:02.54 District-2:01.80 REG
2:03.96.....Mattie.....Fairland--3rd 2:10.6-2:03.96 district
2:12.97.....Hollingsworth.....River Valley--4th 2:12.97
2:14.69.....Shuler.....River Valley-district
2:15.35.....Mathes.....South Point--5th 2:15.84-2:15.35-district
2:17.11.....Brisson.....Coal Grove--6th 2:17.11
2:17.98.....Adkins.....Coal Grove
2:18.80.....Smith.....Rock Hill
2:21.80.....Jackson.....River Valley
2:23.62.....Samples.....South Point
2:38.05.....Stewart.....Rock Hill- District
2:51.94.....Akers.....Rock Hill

Boys 1600 meters

4:35.45.....Mattie.....Fairland--1st 4:44.55
4:42.93.....Pauley.....Coal Grove--2nd 4:50.66
4:44.80.....Rowe.....Fairland--3rd 4:52.87
5:00.58.....T.Mathes.....South Point--4th 5:00.58-4:56.01 district
5:03.42.....Archambault.....South Point--5th 5:03.42-4:56.01 district
5:04.24.....McComas.....Chesapeake--6th 5:04.24
5:04.87.....Adkins.....Coal Grove
5:08.18.....Wolfe.....River Valley
5:19.32.....Shuler.....River Valley
5:26.88.....Bennett.....Chesapeake- district
5:30.47.....Schultz.....Coal Grove
5:47.77.....Hollingsworth.....River Valley
5:58.60.....Akers.....Rock Hill-district
5:59.31.....Stewart.....Rock Hill

Boys 3200 Meters

09:55.15.....Mattie.....Fairland--2nd 11:09.51-9:55.15 State
10:12.39.....Rowe.....Fairland--1st 11:07.88
10:56.00.....Archeambaut.....South Point--4th 11:35.60
11:20.87.....T.Mathes.....South Point--3rd 11:25.38
11:26.55.....McComas.....Chesapeake--5th 11:43.19
11:27.90.....Wolfe.....River Valley--6th 11:55.00
11:35.88.....Kazee.....Coal Grove
12:10.96.....Adkins.....Coal Grove
12:16.79.....Hersman.....River Valley-District
12.20.70.....Schultz.....Coal Grove district
12:25.62.....Pauley.....Coal Grove
12:27.08.....Shuler.....River Valley
12:50.42.....Randolph.....River Valley-Distric

Boys Discus

165' 07".....Bender.....Coal Grove--1st 161' 01"-165'07" district
129' 05".....Wilson.....Coal Grove--2nd 129' 05"
127' 01".....Banaei.....Chesapeake--3rd 127' 01"
123' 08".....McCoy.....Chesapeake---4th 123' 08"
122' 09".....Carey.....Rock Hill--5th 122' 09"
120' 10".....Mckinney.....Fairland--6th 120' 10"
114' 11".....Sifford.....Northwest--District
113' 03".....Baker.....Rock Hill-113' 03" district
109' 07".....Marcum.....River Valley
108' 10".....Gaines.....Minford-District
106' 00".....Shonkwiler.....Minford-- District
092' 06".....Webb.....South Point
090' 09".....Caesar.....Fairland-90' 09" district
090' 03".....Brown.....River Valley
089' 05'.....Pinkerman.....Fairland
067' 05".....Burge.....South Point District

Boys High Jump

6' 02".....Smith.....Fairland--2nd 6' 02"
6' 02".....Patrick.....South Point--5th 5' 08"
6' 02".....Steele.....Coal Grove--1st 6' 02"
6' 00".....Adkins.....Coal Grove--3rd 6' 00"
6' 00".....McMaster.....Chesapeake--4th 5' 10"-6' 00 District
5' 10".....Mable.....River Valley??
5' 08".....Wolcoxon.....Fairland
5' 08".....Sloan.....South Point
5' 06".....Mabe.....River Valley--6th 5' 06"
5' 06".....Seaman.....Northwest--District
5' 04".....Morrison.....River Valley

Boys Pole Vault

12' 00".....Nylund.....Fairland--1st 12' 00"
12' 00".....Estep.....Coal Grove--2nd 11' 06"-12' 00" district
11' 00".....McFarland.....Coal Grove--3rd 10' 06"-11' 00" district
10' 06".....Smith.....Chesapeake--4th 10' 00"
10' 00".....Wireman.....Fairland
10' 00".....Sifford.....Fairland
10' 00".....McKienzie.....Chesapeake--5th 9' 06"
09' 00".....Eckert.....South Point
08' 06".....Samples.....South Point--6th 8' 06"
08' 00".....Major.....South Point

Boys Long Jump

21' 00 1/4"...Harrison.....River Valley--1st 21' 00"
20' 03"........Smith.....Fairland--4th 19' 07 3/4"-20' 03"
20' 02 1/2"...Steele.....Coal Grove--2nd 20' 00"-20' 02 1/2" district
19' 11 1/2"...Hintz.....Chesapeake--3rd 19' 11"-19' 11 1/2" district
19' 06 1/2"...Campbell.....Fairland
19' 03 1/4"...Campbell.....South Point
19' 01 1/2"...Bare.....Coal Grove--5th 19' 01 1/2"
19' 00"........Dalton.....Rock Hill--6th 19' 00"
17' 11"........Sloan.....South Point
17' 09"........Nance.....Coal Grove
17' 07 1/2....Patrick.....South Point
17' 06 1/2"...Workman.....River Valley
16' 10"........Saunders.....Chesapeake
16' 08"........Manns.....Fairland
16' 02"........Robinson.....River Valley
16' 02"........Perdue.....South Point district
15' 07 1/2"...Flint.....River Valley
15' 06 1/2"...Lucas.....Chesapeake
15' 04"........Campbell.....River Valley

Boys Shot Put

51' 07"........Bender.....Coal Grove1st 51' 05"-51' 07" district
45' 04"........Carey.....Rock Hill--3rd 42' 10"-45' 04 -District
45' 03 1/4"...Burton.....Coal Grove--2nd 45' 03 1/4
46' 06 1/2'...McCoy....Chesapeake--4th 42' 00 3/4"- district
39' 03"........Brown......River Valley
38' 04"........Workman.....River Valley
38' 03 1/4"...McCoy.....Fairland--5th 38 03 1/4"
38' 02 1/2"...McKinney.....Fairland--6th 36' 02 3/4"
37' 11"........Pinerman.....Fairland
35' 03 1/4"...Webb.....South Point
33' 0."........McMillian.....Chesapeake- district
32' 09"........Matney.....Rock Hill-District
32' 02 1/4"...Steele.....River Valley
31' 04 1/2"...Marcum.....River Valley
28' 06 1/4"...Stamper.....River Valley-District
23' 04 1/2"...Burge.....South Point-district

Boys 4x100

45.88.....Burton, Suttles, Hogsten, Henry.....Coal Grove-45.88 district
45.77.....McCarty, Patrick, Payne, Leonard.....South Point---1st 46.10-45.77 district
46.57.....Collins, Hintz, Jones, Thompson.....Chesapeake--2nd 46.57
48.64.....Brooks, Zhu, Stuart, Manns.....Fairland---3rd 48.64
48.85.....Bickers, Morrison, Quals, Tanner.....River Valley--4th 50.26-48.85 district
49.35.....Dalton, Akers, McClaskey, Carey.....Rock Hill-District

Boys 4x200

1:33.42.....Smith, Willis, Pierce, Pleasants.....Coal Grove.....2nd 1:36.54-1:33.42 district
1:34.88.....Jones, Hintz, Thompson, McMaster.....Chesapeake---1st 1:34.88
1:37.02.....McCarty, Huff, Townsend, Leonard.....South Point--3rd 1:37.82-1:37.02 district
1:38.47.....Campbell, Nylund, Manns, Brooks.....Fairland--4th 1:39.32
1:39.89.....Bickers, Mabe, Tanner, Williams.....River Valley--5th 1:39.89

Boys 4x400

3:27.02.....Wireman, Rowe, Stewart, Mattie.....Fairland--2nd 3:45.01-3:39.21 District-3:27.02 State
3:33.42.....Steel, Pauley, Jewell, Bare.....Coal Grove--1st 3:41.58-3:38.26 district-3:33.42 REG
3:47.29.....Bennett, Sanders, Thompson, Ashworth.....Chesapeake--3rd 3:55.01-3:47.29 district
3:56.30.....Workman, Bickers, Jackson, Mabe.....River Valley--4th 4:01.04
4:02.39.....Porter, Townsend, Mathes, Huff.....South Point--5th 4:02.39

Boys 4x800

8:16.17.....Brooks, Stewart, Rowe, Wireman.....Fairland--2nd 8:33.60-8:16.17 Reg.
8:30.40.....Pennington, Pennington, Kerns, Willis.....Coal Grove--1st 8:30.40
8:56.98.....Oxley, Bennett, Ashworth, McCombs.....Chesapeake--3rd 8:56.98
9:12.00.....Hollingsworth, Jackson, Shuler, Wolfe.....River Valley--4th 9:12.00
9:31.71.....Archambault, Mathes, Mathes, Samples.....South Point--5th 9:34.81-9:31.71 district
Last edited by noreply66 on Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:13 pm, edited 117 times in total.

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

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boys updated from Ironton meet

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

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Girls entered from Ironton meet

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

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Stats have been entered for Fairland

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new results for Fairland and River Valley have been entered from Gallipolis Rotary relays

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River Valley girls have been entered from Gallia County Championship

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Fairland and Chesapeake have been added from Oak Hill Invite

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

Post by osumufan »

Lady Tigers, Pointers win Lions’ Club
Published 1:22am Monday, April 16, 2012
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Tribune Sports Editor

SOUTH POINT — The Ironton Lady Fighting Tigers and South Point Pointers came away as champions at the 45th annual Chesapeake-Proctorville Lions Club Track Meet on April 6.

Ironton had 88 points to win the girls’ meet with Spring Valley second at 78 points. Chesapeake was third with 71 points, Rock Hill had 61 and South Point 52.

“You’re number one goal is to get better and number two is to win. It was nice to win. The girls gave a good effort. I was proud of them,” said Ironton coach Tim Thomas.

The Lady Tigers used their depth and four first-place finishes to win. Katie Barron won the 100-meter dash, Hannah Cronacher the 200, Ariel Schweickart the 1600 run and Melissa Jenkins the discus.

The Pointers racked up 142 points to easily win the boys’ meet. Chesapeake was second with 83 points followed by Ironton with 27, Spring Valley 26 and Rock Hill had 23.

South Point’s Tre Campbel won the long jump along with the 100- and 200-meter dashes. Tyler Mathes claimed the 3200 run and John Archambault the 1600. Bracken Patrick won the high jump while Brady Slone won the 110- and 300-meter hurdles.

Lions Club Meet Results

Girls’ Team Scores

1, Ironton 88; 2, Spring Valley 78; 3, Chesapeake 71; 4, Rock Hill 61; 5, South Point 52.

Field Events

Shot Put: 1, Beth McWhorter (Ch) 34-11.25; 2, Morris (SP); 3, Alexis Nelson (RH); 4, Melissa Jenkins (Ir); 5, Ashlee Miller (Ch).

Discus: 1, Melissa Jenkins (Ir) 85-11; 2, Jillian Ellis (Ch); 3, Morris (SP), 4, Ashlee Miller (Ch); 5, Madison Damron (SP).

High Jump: 1, Amanda Ruffner (Ch) 4-10; 2, Mounts (SV); 3, Bennett (Ch); 4, Patti Riffe (RH); 5, Tori Koukos (SP).

Long Jump: 1, Taylor Martin (Ch) 15-3.25; 2, Katie Barron (Ir); 3, Brooklyn Massie (RH) 4, Chelsea Williams (SP), 5, Jessica Scott (Ir).

Pole Vault: 1, Maddie Malone (RH) 8-0; 2, Meadows (Ch); 3, Hannah Cronacher (Ir); 4, Macy Wise (Ir); 5, Barbara Collins (SP).

Running Events

100M Hurdles: 1, Brooklyn Massie (RH) 18:37; 2, M. Porter (SV); 3, Maddie Malone (RH); 4, Caitlin Piazza (Ch); 5, M. Ronk (SV).

100M Dash: 1, Katie Barron (Ir) 13.64; 2, Tori Starr (SP); 3, Taylor Martin (Ch); 4, Allison Sites (RH); 5, Tarique Lewis, (RH), Jessica Scott (Ir).

1600M Run: 1, Ariel Schweickart (Ir) 5:40.7; 2, Sarah Letchford (SP); 3, Criswell (SV); 4, Maggie Thomas (Ir); 5, McGraw (SV).

400M Dash: 1, A. Steward (SV) 1:03.9; 2, Katie Barron (Ir); 3, Mounts (SV); 4, Kaylyn Montero (RH); Tori Koukos (SP).

300M Hurdles: 1, Maddie Malone (RH) 54.19; 2, Porter (SV), 3, Meadows (Ch); 4, Brooklyn Massie (RH); 5, Macy Wise (Ir).

800M Run: 1, K. Lemons (SV) 2:30.7; 2, Ariel Schweickart (Ir); 3, Kaylyn Montero (RH); 4, Maggie Thomas (Ir); 5, Bellemy (SV).

200M Dash: 1, Hannah Cronacher (Ir) 28.26; 2, Taylor Martin (Ch); 3, Bre Bacon (SP); 4, Tori Starr (SP); 5, Mounts (SV).

3200M Run: 1, A. Stewart (SV) 13:47.2; Colleen Walker (Ir); 3, Ashton McMackin (Ir).


4×800: 1, Spring Valley 11:03; 2, Ironton (Colleen Walker, Shannon Walker, Macy Allen, Brooklyn Shope); 3, Rock Hill; 4, Chesapeake.

4×200: 1, Spring Valley 1:55.4; 2, South Point; 3, Rock Hill; 4, Chesapeake.

4×100: 1, South Point 54.5; 2, Chesapeake, 3, Rock Hill; 4, Ironton.

4×400: 1, Spring Valley 4:36.0; 2, Ironton; 3, South Point; 4, Chesapeake.

Boys’ Team Scores

1, South Point 142; 2, Chesapeake 83; 3, Ironton 27; 4, Spring Valley 26; 5, Rock Hill 23.

Field Events

Long Jump: 1, Tre Campbell (SP) 21-10.5 (meet record); 2, Brady Slone (SP); 3, Tim Maynard (Ir).

Shot Put: 1, Carey (RH) 42-2; 2, McCoy (Ch); 3, Webb (Ir); 4, McMillan (Ch); 5, Matney (RH); 6, Webb (SP).

Discus: 1, Steve Carey (RH) 127-1; 2, Taylor Banaei (Ch) 119-0; 3, Ethan Baker (RH_ 108-3; 4, T.J. McCoy (Ch) 104-9; 5, Adam Webb (Ir) 103-1; 6, Ryan Webb (SP) 99-10.

High Jump: 1, Bracken Patrick (SP) 5-10; 2, Brady Slone (SP) 5-10; 3, Joe Bowling (Ir) 5-4; 4, Drew Oxley (Ch) 5-0.

Pole Vault: 1, Drew McKenzie (Ch) 9-6; 2, Nate Smith (Ch) 9-0; 3, Zach Samples (SP) 7-0; 4, Ryan Webb (SP).

Running Events

110M Hurdles: 1, Slone (SP) 17.78; 2, Jones (SP) 20.71.

100M Dash: 1, Tre Campbell (SP) 11.68; 2, Collins (Ch) 11.98; 3, Drew Wells (Ir) 12.26; 4, Lane (RH) 12.32; 5, Patrick (SP) 12.4; 6, Joe Bowling (Ir) 12.72

1600M Run: 1, John Archambault (SP) 5:06.5; 2, Mathes (SP); 3, Oxley (Ch); 4, Billups (SV); 5, Mitchell (SV); 6, Scott (Ir).

400M Dash: 1, Jacob Kilgore (SV) 53.02; 2, Josh Payne (SP) 55.65; 3, Ryan George (SV) 55.69; 4, Nate Smith (Ch) 60.25; 5, Tyler Porter (SP) 62.42.

300M Hurdles: 1, Slone (SP) 51.0; 2, Jones (SP) 58.27.

800M Run: 1, Ryan Ashworth (Ch) 2:15.12; 2, Tanner Mathes (SP); 3, Jayden Bennett (Ch); 4, T.J. Adkins (SV); 5, Nick Mitchell (SV); 6, Bobby Borders (SP).

200M Dash: 1, Tre Campbell (SP) 23.93; 2, Jacob Kilgore (SV) 24.3; 3, Drew Wells (Ir) 25.01; 4, Ryan George (WV) 25.03; 5, Jacob Collins (Ch) 25.37; 6, Carey (RH).

3200M Run: 1, Tyler Mathes (SP) 11:54.5.


4×800: 1, South Point 10:07.8; 2, Chesapeake 10:14.5.

4×200: 1, South Point 1:46.5; 2, Chesapeake 2:10.8.

4×100: 1, South Point 47.45; 2, Chesapeake 56.24.

4×400: 1, Chesapeake 3:56.37; 2, South Point 4:05.31; 3, Ironton 4:19.7.

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

Post by osumufan »

Coal Grove boys, girls win CJT meet
Published 1:21am Monday, April 16, 2012
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Tribune Sports Editor

COAL GROVE — The Coal Grove Hornets weren’t very good hosts.

The Hornets hosted the CTJ’s Embroidery and Screen Printing Invitational track meet on Thursday and it wasn’t even close.

Coal Grove the boys’ and girls’ meets easily. The boys amassed 181 points while runner-up Greenup County had 113. The Lady Hornets racked up 143 points to Rock Hill’s 104 total.

Greg Bender and Jacob Pauley each won two events to lead the Hornets. Bender won the shot put and the discus while Pauley was first in the 1600 meters and the 800.

The Hornets also won all four relays events.

The Lady Hornets did not have any multiple winners, instead relying on their depth.

They did have four first-place finishes as Madison McKenzie won the discus, Haley Johnson was first in the long jump, Morgan Harrison took the 100-meter hurdles and Kimberly Short won the 100-meter dash.

CJT’s Embroidery & Screen Printing

Boys’ Team Scores

1, Coal Grove 181; 2, Greenup County 113; 3, Spring Valley 62; 4, Russell 45; 5, Raceland 32; 6, Ironton 19; 7, Rock Hill 18; 8, Portsmouth Notre Dame 6; 9, Green 0.

Field Events

Shot Put: 1, Bender (CG) 48-4.25; 2, Carey (RH); 3, Burton (CG); 4, Thomas (Ra); 5, Manis (Ra); 6, Webb (Ir).

Discus: 1, Bender (CG) 144-1; 2, Wilson (CG): 3, Carey (RH); 4, Baker (RH); 5, Hannah (GC); 6, Webb (Ir).

High Jump: 1, Steele (CG) 6-4; 2, Linthicum (GC); 3, Messer (Ra); 4, Adkins (CG); 5, Willis (GC); 6, Bowling (Ir).

Long Jump: 1, Linthicum (GC) 21-8.5; 2, Murphy (GC); 3, Lewis (Ir); 4, Bare (CG); 5, Nance (CG): 6, Whittaker (Ru).

Pole Vault: 1, Messer (Ra) 11-6; 2, Yates (Ru); 3, McFarland (CG); 4, Estep (CG); 5, Dalton (GC); 6, Wellman (GC).

Running Events

110M Hurdles: 1, Messer (Ra) 16.41; 2, Schultz (CG); 3, Rowe (GC); 4, Estep (CG); 5, Dalton (GC).

100M Dash: 1, Murphy (GC) 11.12; 2, George (SV); 3, Nance (CG); 4, Wilson (CG); 5, Lewis (Ir); 6, Lane (RH).

1600M Run: 1, Pauley (CG) 4:52; 2, Stacey (SV); 3, Adkins (CG); 4, Mitchell (SV); 5, Maynard (Ir); 6, Matkins (Ir).

400M Dash: 1, Kilgore (SV): 51.8; 2, Steele (CG); 3, George (SV); 4, Willis (GC); 5, Bowling (Ir); 6, Sowards (GC).

300M Hurdles: 1, Rowe (GC) 44.5; 2, Barrett (CG); 3, Schultz (CG); 4, Dalton (GC).

800M Run: 1, Pauley (CG) 2:14; 2, Coovert (Ru); 3, Adkins (CG); 4, Sowards (GC); 5, Adkins (SV); 6, Mitchell (SV).

200M Dash: 1, Murphy (GC) 23.1; 2, Linthicum (GC); 3, Steele (CG); 4, Kilgore (SV); 5, Nance (CG); 6, George (SV).

3200M Run: 1, Billups (SV) 11:22; 2, Kazee (CG); 3, Glcokner (ND); 4, Vallance (Ru); 5, Brisson (CG): 6, Liles (GC).


4×800: 1, Coal Grove; 2, Greenup County; 3, Russell.

4×200: 1, Coal Grove 1:37.1; 2, Greenup County; 3, Russell.

4×100: 1, Coal Grove 46.7; 2, Greenup County; 3, Russell.

4×400: 1, Coal Grove 3:47; 2, Spring Valley; 3, Russell; 4, Greenup County; 5, Ironton.

Girls’ Team Scores

1, Coal Grove 143; 2, Rock Hill 104; 3, Spring Valley 88; 4, Russell 66; 5, Ironton 55; 6, Greenup County 33; 7, Portsmouth Notre Dame 11; 8, Green 0.

Field Events

Shot Put; 1, Nelson (RH) 29-4; 2, Hankins (CG); 3, McKenzie (CG); 4, Conley (Ru); 5, Hackworth (RH); 6, Greene (Ir).

Discus: 1, McKenzie (CG) 81-3; 2, Hankins (CG); 3, Butler (RH); 4, Jenkins (Ir); 5, Casey (RH); 6, Conley (Ru).

High Jump: 1, Stump (Ru) 4-10; 2, Marchyn (ND); 3, Riffe (RH); 4, Murhy (Ir); 5, Mulkey (CG).

Long Jump: 1, Johnson (CG) 15-2; 2, Hein (Ru); 3, Romans (SV); 4, Massie (RH); 5, Jones (CG); 6, Hanson (Ru).

Pole Vault: 1, Cronacher (Ir) 8-6; 2, Malone (RH); 3, Erwin (CG): 4, Wise (Ir); 5, McDade (Ru).

Running Events

100M Hurdles: 1, Harrison (CG) 17.7; 2, Masie (RH); 3, Porter (SV); 4, Malone (RH); 5, Lander (CG); 6, Hales (GC).

100M Dash: 1, Short (CG) 13.8; 2, Sits (RH); 3, Harris (GC); 4, Lewis (RH); 5, Scott (Ir); 6, Sammons (GC).

1600M Run: 1, Coldiron (GC) 6:02; 2, Stewart (SV); 3, Hanson (Ru); 4, McGraw (SV); 5, Cassidy (ND); 6, Stormes (CG).

400M Dash: 1, Stewart (SV) 1:04; 2, Weisgarber (Ir); 3, Johnson (CG); 4, Montano (RH); 5, Erwin (CG); 6, Taylor.

300M Hurdles: 1, Malone (RH) 53.7; 2, Short (CG); 3, Porter (SSV); 4, Sloan (Ru); 5, Logan (GC); 6, Hales (GC).

800M Run: 1, Lemons (SV) 2:29; 2, A. Schweickart (Ir); 3, Mulkey (CG); 4, Montano (RH); 5, Criswell (SV); 6, Thomas (Ir).

200M Dash: 1, Stewart (SV) 27.3; 2, Cronacher (Ir); 3, Harrison (CG); 4, Cole (Ru); 5, Stump (Ru); 6, Cade (RH).

3200M Run: 1, Coldiron (GC) 12:42; 2, Holmes (CG); 3, Hanson (Ru); 4, Nelson (RH); 5, Litton (SV).


4x800M: 1, Spring Valley 11:10; 2, Coal Grove; 3, Rock Hill.

4x200M: 1, Russell 1:54; 2, Coal Grove: 3, Rock Hill; 4, Greenup County; 5, Spring Valley.

4x100M: 1, Coal Grove 53.96; 2, Russell; 3, Rock Hill; 4, Greenup County; 5, Spring Valley.

4x400M: 1, Spring Valley 4:36; 2, Coal Grove: 3, Ironton; 4, Rock Hill; 5, Russell.

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

Post by Pirate4Life »

Chesapeake and River Valley were both at the Wheelersburg invite this week. Results are on baumspage.

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

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added results from Wheelersburg invite

Had some problems making out score sheet

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

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River Valley updated from Unioto

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

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new results for Fairland have been posted

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Re: OVC 2012 Updates

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Girls has been updated from Arthur Lydiard Classic

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Boys has been updated from Arthur Lydiard Classic

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River Valley added from Chillicothe Invite

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River Valley added from Nelson/York Invite

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updated from Rock Hill

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updating OVC from league meet

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OVC League meet has been entered

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