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SE District Coaches Clinic - Sat Feb 16 @ VCHS

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:30 pm
by coach k
The Southeast Ohio Track and Cross Country Coaches' Association will be putting on track clinic for all coaches within the Southeast District (or anyone who would like to attend). The clinic will be held at Vinton County High School from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturday, February 16. The cost of the clinic will be $10. Checks can be made out to SEOTCA. Lunch will be from 12:00-1:00.

All coaches presenting are from the SE District and have had athletes and teams will incredible success. I will be finalizing the schedule within the next day or so. I'm just waiting on word from a coach, so I know how to avoid a scheduling conflict. We will be running concurrent sessions throughout the day, so coaches will have a choice as to which session to attend.

As part of the clinic, Greg Cronacher and Tim Thomas from Ironton will be providing the pole vault safety certification session from 9:00-12:00. Pole vault safety certification is required of those who coach pole vault and must be renewed every three years.

The following coaches will be presenting...
Long Jump - Greg Potter - Jackson - 2012 Girls DII State Champion
High Jump - Jon Lindner - Vinton County - 2012 Girls DII State Qualifier
Discus - Alan Smathers - Athens - 2011 Girls DII State Champion
100/200 and Relay Exchanges - Adam Gonczy - Athens - 2012 Boys Oak Hill District 4x100 Champion
400 - Rod O'Donnel - OATCCC Hall of Fame Coach
800 - Josh Fogle - Reedsville Eastern - 2012 Girls 4x800 State Qualifier
1600/3200 - Fitz Read - Athens - 2011/2012 Girls XC State Qualifiers

If anyone would like to do a session on the shot put or hurdles, feel free to contact me. I have one slot open at 3:00 if anyone is interested.

Coaches, be sure to pass this information along to your assistants and your middle school coaches. This will hopefully be a great training tool for the up and coming coaches in our district.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 740-591-8831.


Josh Kirkpatrick
Vinton County Cross Country/Girls' Track