OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

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OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »



16.24.....SR.....Tori Koukos.....SP
16.90.....SR.....Emily Conzelt.....Fa
17.60.....SO.....Ally Stewart.....RH
17.76.....JR.....Brooklin Bennett.....FA
20.06.....SR.....Shelby Neagele.....FA
20.17.....SO.....Ally Stewart.....RH
20.78.....SO.....Hannah Keating.....Ir
22.82.....SO.....Savannah Maynard.....CG


13.02.....JR.....Atiya Spaulding.....Ch
13.02.....FR.....M. Long.....IR
13.11.....SR.....Maddie Malone.....RH
13.26.....JR.....Daniella Spencer.....SP
13.67.....JR.....Jacy Jones.....CG
13.89.....JR.....Cheyenne Brown.....Fa
13.95.....SO.....Chelsie Curry.....CG
14.13.....SO.....Cheyanne Berkley.....SP
14.48.....SO.....Lexi Eldridge.....Fa
14.49.....JR.....Makayla Lewis.....RH
14.84.....SO.....Molley Saunders....CG
15.13.....SO.....Tenia Bacon.....SP
15.20.....FR.....L. Fields.....CG
15.60.....FR.....E. Wilson.....IR
15.66.....JR.....Ayanna Martin.....SP
15.90.....FR.....A. Deeds.....SP
16.03.....JR.....Lexie Chapman.....SP
16.67.....JR.....Novyle Kanooz.....Fa
16.54.....SO.....Kenndt Estep.....SP
16.81.....SO.....Sydney Collins.....SP
17.26.....JR.....Haylie Combs.....SP


26.85.....JR.....Atiya Spaulding.....Ch
27.60.....FR.....M. Long.....IR
28.29.....SR.....Leslie Mulkey.....CG
28.39.....JR.....Daniella Spencer.....SP
28.50.....SO.....Chelsie Curry.....CG
28.82.....SR.....Jacy Jones.....CG
28.96.....SO.....Cheyanne Birley.....SP
29.96.....JR.....Cheyenne Brown.....Fa
30.22.....SR.....Emily Conzelt.....Fa
30.71.....SO.....Hannah Pratt.....Ch
30.89.....JR.....Makayla Lewis.....RH
30.92.....SO.....Lexi Eldridge.....Fa
30.99.....JR.....Cassidy Skeens.....RH
31.60.....SO.....Tenia Bacon.....SP
33.07.....JR.....Ayanna Martin.....SP
33.28.....SO.....Tayla McKenzie.....RH
33.50.....FR.....B. Pritchard.....SP


0:50.06.....SR.....Tori Koukos.....SP
0:50.29.....JR.....Atiya Spaulding.....Ch
0:54.29.....JR.....Brooklin Bennett.....Fa
0:54.34.....SR.....Emily Conzelt.....Fa
0:57.32.....SR.....Maddie Malone.....RH
1:00.40.....SR.....Shelby Neagele.....Fa
1:04.56.....SR.....Tori Holmes.....CG


1:01.05.....SR.....Leslie Mulkey.....CG
1:04.80.....FR.....M. Long.....IR
1:04.92.....JR.....Madison Riley.....SP
1:06.36.....SO.....Hannah Pratt.....Ch
1:06.84.....SO.....Chelsie Curry.....CG
1:08.73.....JR.....Atiya Spaulding.....Ch
1:10.60.....SR.....Emmy Fulks.....Fa
1:10.60.....JR.....Cheyenne Brown.....Fa
1:11.32.....JR.....Daniella Spencer.....SP
1:11.65.....JR.....Sarah McFann.....RH
1:14.23.....SO.....Ally Stewart.....RH
1:16.40.....FR.....A. Deeds.....SP
1:16.50.....FR.....T. Brickey.....IR
1:17.17.....SR.....Macy Wise.....Ir
1:18.72.....JR.....Kimberly Schmidt.....CG
1:22.40.....FR.....C. Cook.....SP
1:28.71.....SO.....Kaylan Hager.....Fa
1:34.90.....FR.....J. Garrido.....CH


2:24.44.....SR.....Jessica Price.....Fa
2:34.64.....SR.....Leslie Mulky.....CG
2:43.18.....SR.....Shanna Ashton....Fa
2:44.70.....FR.....L. Lawson.....SP
2:50.87.....SR.....Emmy Fulks.....Fa
2:51.57.....SO.....Mariah Ramey.....Ch
2:56.59.....SO.....Tylan Eastham.....RH
2:57.20.....FR.....C. Lewis.....CG
3:00.00.....JR.....Brooklyn Shope.....Ir
3:00.07.....FR.....J. Taylor.....CH
3:01.86.....SO.....Hannah Wilson....Fa
3:02.97.....SO.....Bailey Mils.....Ch
3:11.72.....SO.....Madison Henry.....RH
3:16.03.....JR.....Madison Riley.....SP
3:17.86.....JR.....Stormie Ward.....SP
3:19.10.....FR.....M. Starr.....SP
3:20.70.....FR.....J. Hammomds.....IR
3:21.38.....SO.....Darby McCloud.....Ch
3:32.55.....JR.....Kimberly Schmidt.....CG
3:34.71.....JR.....Megan Arcchambautt.....SP
3:46.11.....JR.....Shelby Dalton.....RH


5:46.71.....SR.....Jessica Prive.....Fa
5:47.63.....SR.....Tori Holmes.....CG
5:56.21.....SR.....Shannon Ashton.....FA
5:57.40.....FR.....L. Lawson.....SP
6:28.81.....JR.....Sarah McFann.....RH
6:33.79.....SR.....Ciurtney Lewis.....SP
6:35.50.....FR.....M. Starr.....SP
6:37.20.....FR.....J. Taylor.....CH
6:44.61.....SO.....Tylan Eastham.....RH
6:46.03.....SO.....Hannah Wilson.....Fa
7:18.42.....SO.....Darby McCloud.....Ch
7:27.89.....JR.....Alicia Massman.....CG
7:36.45.....SR.....Summer Willis.....CG
7:42.60.....SO.....Madison Henry.....RH
7:45.15.....SO.....Alaina Brown.....SP
8:10.40.....FR.....J. Garrido.....CH


12:34.00.....SR.....Shannon Ashton.....Fa
13:41.18.....SR.....Tori Holmes.....CG
13:43.00.....JR.....Sarah McFann.....RH
13:56.85.....SR.....Courtney Lewis....SP
14:18.57.....JR.....Paige Looney.....Fa
14:52.00.....SO.....Angel Wallace.....Fa
14:54.00.....SO.....Kaylan Hager.....Fa
16:02.93.....SO.....Tylan Easyham.....RH
17:54.00.....JR.....Shelby Dalton.....RH

High Jump

5' 04".....JR.....Atiya Spaulding.....Ch
4' 10".....SR.....Leslie Mulkey.....CG
4' 08".....SO.....Mackenzie Fugitt.....SP
4' 06".....FR.....L. Wise.....IR
4' 04".....SR.....Patty Riffle.....RH
4' 04".....JR.....Olivia Abner.....SP
4' 04".....SO.....Hannah Wilson....Fa
4' 02".....SO.....Alley Stewart.....RH
4' 02".....FR.....S. Wellman.....CH
4' 02".....FR.....K. Johnson.....CH

Long Jump

15' 10.00".....JR.....Madison Riley.....SP
15' 08.75".....SR.....Tori Koukos.....SP
14' 09.00".....JR.....Cheyenne Brown.....Fa
14' 06.25".....SR.....Jacy Jones.....CG
14' 04.25".....JR.....Olivia Abner.....SP
13' 08.00".....FR.....N. Hall.....CH
13' 02.50".....SO.....Karly Williamson.....
12"11.00".....SO.....Kaylan Hager.....Fa
12' 07.50".....FR.....E. Chapman.....FA
12' 00.00".....FR.....M. Bradburn.....SP
11' 09.25".....SR.....Emmy Fulks.....Fa
11' 09.00".....SR.....Tori Holmes.....CG
11' 08.75".....SO.....Hannah Wilson.....Fa
10' 03.50".....FR.....I. Craft.....SP
08' 06.00".....SR.....Summer Willis.....CG


093' 05".....SR.....Maddie McKenzie.....CG
089' 10".....SO.....Sarah Nicchols.....CG
073' 11".....JR.....Cassidy Porter.....Ch
070' 11".....SR.....Laura Collins.....RH
067' 09".....SO.....Cherokee Alfrey.....Ir
066' 06".....JR.....Shelby Blevins.....Fa
066' 06".....JR.....Brea Marey.....Fa
056' 01".....JR.....Abbey Ward.....Fa
053' 00".....JR.....Tiffany Fitzpatrick.....SP

Shot Put

47' 10.50".....SO.....Jordan Porter.....Ch
28' 11.00".....SO.....Sarah Nichols.....SP
28' 05.25".....SR.....Maddie McKenzie.....SP
26' 08.00".....JR.....Haylie Combs.....SP
25' 08.25".....SO.....Sydey Collins.....SP
25' 04.00".....JR.....Brea Maxey.....Fa
24' 00.75".....JR.....Shelby Blevbins.....Fa
23' 11.50".....JR.....Abby Ward.....Fa
21' 05.00".....JR.....Tiffany Fitzpatrick.....SP
20' 00.75".....SO.....Cherokee Alfrey.....Ir

Pole Vault

09' 02".....SR.....Maddie Malone.....RH
08' 06".....SR.....Jessica Price.....Fa
08' 06".....SO.....Julie Price.....FA
08' 00".....SR.....Shelby Neagele.....Fa
07' 06".....SO.....Kelly Romans.....Ch
07' 00".....JR.....Kaylee Beals.....CG
06' 06".....SR.....barbara Collins.....SP


53.44.....South Point.....Cheyanne Berkley, Daniella Spencer,
55.58.....Chesapeake.....Kelly Romans, Bailey Mills, Hannah Pratt
56.61.....Rock Hill.....Maddie Malone, Makayla Lewis, Patti Rife,
58.59.....Coal-Grove.....Chelsie Curry, Molly saunders, Kaylee Beals
58.63.....Fairland.....Brooklyn Bennett, Julie Price, Emmy Fulks, Lexi Eldridge


1:56.88.....South Point.....Cheyanne Berkley, Daniella Spencer, Selena Marcus
1:59.97.....Fairland.....Brooklyn Bennett, Emily Conzette, Cheyenne Brown
2:01.79.....Chesapeake.....Mariah Ramey, Kelly Romans, Bailey Mills, Hannah Pratt
2:03.01.....Coal Grove.....Chelsie Curry, Molley Saunders, Bethany Moore, Kaylee Beals
2:05.39.....Rock Hill.....Cassidy Skeens, Makayla Lewis, Patti Rife,


4:37.37.....Fairland.....Jessica Price, Emmy Fulks, Cheyenne Brown
4:47.05.....South Point.....Tenia Bacon, Selena Marcum, Cheyanne Berkley
4:47.89.....Chesapeake.....Mariah Ramey, Bailey Mills, Kelly Romans, Hannah Pratt
4:55.38.....Coal Grove.....Molly Saunders, Bethany Moore, Leslie Mulkey
5:19.76.....Rock Hill.....Kaci Blagg, Ally Stewart, Dana Grant, Callie Layne


11:16.91.....Fairland.....Shannan Ashton, Emmy Fulks, Paige Looney, Jessica Price
12:38.06.....Coal Grove.....Tori Homes, bethany Moore, Kimberly Schmidt, Alicia Mossman
12:51.82.....Rock Hill.....Alaina Brown, Madison Henry, Abbi Marshall, Kaci Blagg
13:30.74.....South Point..... Megan Archambault, Stormie Ward, Olivia Abner



11.51.....SR.....James Leonard.....SP
11.99.....SR.....Mason White.....SP
12.00.....SR.....Kevin Zhu.....Fa
12.10.....FR.....C. Fletcher.....CH
12.17.....SO.....Tanner Henry.....CG
12.21.....JR.....Tyler Milleson.....Ir
12.38.....SR.....Durren Bishop.....Fa
12.59.....JR.....Rance Large.....CC
12.66.....SR.....Kodey Hager.....Ch
12.76.....JR.....Cory Speaker.....SP
12.78.....JR.....Grant Hawthrome.....Ch
12.87.....SO.....jacob Clark.....CG
12.88.....SR.....Ramey Shears.....RH
12.90.....FR.....M. Daniels.....IR
13.06.....SO.....Dimitri Callens.....Ch
13.22.....SO.....Tim Adkins.....RH
13.45.....SO.....Tim Huff.....SP
14.04.....JR.....Porter Scherewark.....Fa
14.12.....SR.....Tim Maynard.....Ir
14.20.....SO.....Cole Wells.....SP
14.50.....FR.....N. Crawford.....FA
17.44.....JR.....Jack Thompson.....Ir


16.91.....SR.....Darren Bishop.....Fa
16.93.....SR.....Jake Wiseman.....Fa
17.15.....SR.....Joe Akers.....CG
17.40.....SR.....Brady Sloan.....SP
17.70.....JR.....David Dillow.....SP
18.50.....JR.....Rance Large.....CG
19.62.....SO.....Brennan Carter.....SP


23.82.....JR.....Stephen Wagner.....SP
23.85.....SR.....Gage Townson.....SP
24.48.....SO.....Tanner Henry.....CG
24.69.....JR.....Tyler Milleson.....Ir
24.80.....JR.....Tanner Dolen.....CG
24.90.....FR.....C. Fletcher.....CH
25.13.....SR.....Liam Huff.....SP
25.43.....SR.....Kevin Zhu.....Fa
25.45.....JR.....Rance Large.....CG
25.52.....SO.....Drew Blatt.....Fa
25.78.....SR.....Stevie Ross.....Ch
25.93.....SR.....Logan McCloud.....Ch
26.40.....Fr.....T. Linthicum.....IR
26.49.....JR.....Burdiff Brandon.....RH
26.66.....JR.....Grant Hawthrome.....Ch
27.82.....SR.....Raney Shears.....RH
28.44.....SO.....Cole Wells.....SP
29.70.....FR.....B. Carrico.....CH


42.91.....SR.....Jake Wireman.....Fa
45.12.....SR.....Joe Akers.....CG
45.59.....JR.....Trent Patterson.....SP
46.76.....JR.....David Dillow.....SP
46.92.....SR.....Darren Bishop.....Fa
47.99.....SR.....Tyler Sanders.....Ch
48.16.....SO.....Tyler Damron.....RH
49.65.....SO.....William Bordens.....SP
53.28.....JR.....Porter Schenewark.....Fa
57.41.....JR.....Zach Hager.....Ch


0:53.60.....JR.....Stephen Wagner.....SP
0:55.32.....JR.....Tanner Doler.....CG
0:55.40.....FR.....C. Fletcher.....CH
0:55.76.....JR.....Gage Stephens.....SP
0:57.45.....SO.....Tresten Wilson.....Fa
0:58.36.....JR.....Bundiff Brandon.....RH
0:58.62.....SR.....Stevie Ross.....Ch
0:58.70.....SO.....Brady Knipp.....RH
0:58.90.....FR.....K. Sites.....CG
0:59.11.....SO.....David Dotson.....Ch
0:59.12.....JR.....Derek McCallister.....Ir
0:59.22.....SR.....Tyler Waddle.....CC
0:59.33.....JR.....Cody Huthinson.....SP
0:59.38.....SR.....Josh Pannell.....Fa
0:59.66.....SR.....Kodey Hager.....Ch
0:59.67.....SR.....Zach Samples.....SP
1:01.32.....SO.....Michael Carr.....Fa
1:03.31.....JR.....Rance Large....CG
1:04.60.....FR.....Z. Wright.....CH
1:06.74.....JR.....Trevoe Christian
1:26.03.....JR.....Austin Pemberton.....IR


2:05.73.....SR.....Josh Sifford.....Fa
2:06.31.....SR.....Branson Adkins.....CG
2:08.03.....SR.....Micah Harris.....SP
2:09.60.....SR.....Austin Blankenship.....Ch
2:14.70.....Sr.....Kodey Hager.....Ch
2:17.56.....SO.....Issiah Long.....Ir
2:18.13.....SR.....Jonathan Joseph.....SP
2:20.20.....FR.....G. Johnson.....CH
2:20.31.....JR.....Alston Haas.....RH
2:21.02.....SR.....Chad Garris.....Ir
2:21.77.....SO.....Jim Hart.....SP
2:23.36.....JR.....Jeremy Luther.....Fa
2:23.92.....SR.....Wyatt Schultzz.....CG
2:30.40.....FR.....T. Morrow.....CG
2:33.81.....JR.....Tim Secoy.....RH
2:35.30.....FR.....C. Mills.....CH
2:36.00.....JR.....Michael Cleer.....Fa
2:43.50.....FR.....B. Bowman.....FA
2:56.58.....JR.....Eli Lucas.....SP
3:25.10.....SO.....Noah Phillips.....RH


4:48.80.....JR......Seth Miller.....RH
4:51.59.....SO......Brebdon McCormick.....RH
4:52.02.....SR.....Tanner Mathis.....SP
4:54.52.....SR.....Tyler Mathis.....SP
4:55.06.....SR.....Jonathan Joseph.....CG
4:55.38.....SR.....Josh Sifford.....Fa
5:02.13.....SO.....David Dotson.....Ch
5:08.00.....SR.....Chad Garris.....Ir
5:12.00.....JR.....Conner Flynn.....Fa
5:18.03.....SR.....Michael Knuckles.....CG
5:20.90.....FR.....G. Johnson.....CH
5:22.97.....SR.....Wyatt Schultzz.....CG
5:27.90.....SO.....Bryson Bias.....Fa
5:41.00.....JR.....jeremy Luther.....Fa
5:41.45.....JR.....Josh Pierce.....CG
5:53.60.....FR.....I. Guthrie.....CH
5:56.39.....JR.....Tim Secoy.....RH
6:01.10.....FR.....T. Wiseman.....CG
6:18.35.....SO.....Tanner McDaniel.....CG
6:21.00.....SO.....Alex Naegele.....Fa
6:30.90.....FR.....G. McClung.....FA
7:03.80.....FR.....A. Bodmer.....IR


10:00.90.....JR.....Seth Miller.....RH
10:50.94.....SO.....Brendon McCormick.....RH
10:53.37.....JR.....Conner Flynn.....Fa
11:07.46.....SR.....Tyler Mathis.....SP
11:18.23.....SR.....Johnathan Joseph.....CG
11:29.27.....SO.....Jimmy Hart.....SP
11:30.64.....SO.....David Dotson.....SO
12:24.48.....SR.....Miahael Knuckles......CG
12:52.00.....SO.....Jake Wheeler.....Fa
13:06.00.....SO.....Conner Lacraix.....Fa
13:08.52.....JR.....Josh Pierce.....CG
13:17.13.....JR.....Eli Lucas.....SP
13:52.79.....SR.....Austin Willis.....CG

High Jump

6' 08".....SR.....Brandon Adkins.....CG
6' 03".....SR.....Brady Sloan.....SP
5' 08".....SO.....Hunter Ashton.....Fa
5' 06".....SO.....Matt Keeney.....SP
5' 04".....SR.....Josh Siffoed.....Fa
5' 02".....JR.....Brandon Porter.....Fa
4' 11.75..JR.....Porter Schenewark.....Fa
4' 10".....FR.....C. Eplion.....SP
4' 08".....FR.....G. Carrico.....IR

Long Jump

20' 09.50".....SR.....Gage Townson....SP
19' 07.00".....JR.....Grant Hawthorme.....Ch
18' 08.25".....JR.....Tanner Dolen.....CG
18' 05.25".....SR.....Jake Wireman.....Fa
17' 11.00".....SO.....Drew Blatt.....Fa
17 '02.25".....SO.....Jacob Clark.....CG
16' 09.00".....SO.....Matt keeney.....SP
16' 05.00".....SO.....Issiah Long.....Ir
16' 02.50".....SO.....Tyler Damron.....RH
15' 09.50".....FR.....B. Holley.....CH
15' 09.50".....FR.....K. Jones.....CH
15' 05.50".....JR.....Derek McCallister.....Ir
15' 01.50".....JR.....Trevor Christian.....Fa
14' 02.00".....SR.....Ramy Shears.....RH


145' 08".....SR.....Austin Pleasant.....CG
143' 02".....SR.....Zach Mckenney.....Fa
126' 02".....SR.....Ryan Webb.....SP
106' 03".....JR.....Logan Glieichauf.....Ir
104' 06".....JR.....Sidney Tucker.....Fa
102' 03".....SO.....Tyler Webb.....Ir
097' 02".....JR.....Cole Christian.....SP
091' 01".....JR.....Chase Reffett.....Ir
081' 07".....SR.....Brandon Matrey.....RH

Shot Put

46' 06.25".....SR.....Austin Pleasant.....CG
45' 09.75".....SR.....Ryan Webb.....SP
44' 11.50".....SR.....Zach McKinnis.....Fa
41' 05.50".....JR.....Sidney Tucker.....Fa
39' 09.00".....SO.....Tyler Webb.....Ir
38' 06.50".....JR.....Gage Riley.....Ir
37' 09.50".....SO.....Brad Roach.....SP
35' 02.50".....SR.....Brandon Metrey.....RH
35' 01.25".....JR.....Cole Christian
32' 09.00".....SR.....matt McComas.....Fa

Pole Vault

12' 06.00".....SR.....Josh Sifford.....Fa
12' 01.00".....SR.....Jake Wireman.....Fa
12' 00.00".....SO.....Eli Willis.....CG
11' 06.00".....SR.....Tim Maynard.....Ir
10' 11.75".....JR.....Porter Schenewark.....Fairland
10' 06.00".....SO.....William Borders.....SP
10' 06.00".....SO.....Ryan Brown.....SP
10' 00.00".....SO.....Dimitri Callens.....Ch
09' 06.00".....SR.....Logan McCloud.....Ch
09' 00.00".....SO.....Tyler Dameron.....RH
08' 06.00".....SO.....Alex naegele.....Fa


45.38.....South Point.....Stephen Wagoner, Gage Townson, Mason White, James Leonard
47.86.....Fairland.....Kevin Zhu, Tristan Kittle, Drew Blatt, Darren Bishop
xxxxx....Coal Grove.....Tanner Dolen, Tanner Henry, Isaiah Gunther,


1:35.70.....South Point.....Stephen Wagoner, Gage Townson, Mason White, James Leonard
1:36.20.....Coal Grove.....Tanner Henry, Jacob Clark,
1:40.87.....Fairland.....Kevin Zhu, Tristan Kittle, Drew Blatt, Darren Bishop
1:43.01.....Chesapeake.....Logan McCloud, Grant Hawthorne, Tyler Sanders, Steve Ross


3:45.13.....Coal Grove.....Brandon Adkins, Tanner Henry, Tanner Dolen
3:51.39.....Chesapeake.....Austin Blankenship, Tyler Sanders, Kodey Hager
3:56.21.....Fairland.....Josh Sifford, Tristan Wilson, Drew Blatt
3:58.84.....South Point.....Liam Huff, Zach Samples, Micah Harris, Jimmy Hart
4:00.82.....Rock Hill.....Brady Knipp, Brandon Burditt, Seth Miller, Brendon McCormick


9:00.40.....South Point.....Micah Harris, Gage Stephens, Jimmy hart, Tyler Mathis
9:05.09.....Chesapeake.....Kody Hager, David Dotson, Austin Blankenship
9:12.97.....Coal Grove.....Brandon Adkins, Jon Joseph, Wyatt Schultz, Tyler Waddle
9:45.78.....Fairland.....Tristan Wilson, Jeremy Luther, Conner Flynn
10:16.17...Rock Hill.....Brandon Burditt, Alston Haas, Tim Secoy, Zach Dailey
Last edited by noreply66 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:42 pm, edited 60 times in total.

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »

did some changes for the girls

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

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did some changes for the boys

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

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added seniors for girls

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

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senior boys added

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »

JR boys and girls have been added

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by Pirate4Life »

Thanks for doing this. Are you going to include chesapeake ironton and portsmouth?

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »

pirate4life wrote:Thanks for doing this. Are you going to include chesapeake ironton and portsmouth?
Portsmouth will stay in the SEOAL this year. I will be putting Peak and Ironton in the OVC

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »

I have added some boys and girls for Chesapeake...the ones listed are the only ones I could find what grade they are in.

If you know any boy or girl on the team and grade let me know

Samething goes for Ironton

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »

A early look at the OVC Girls looks like the advantage would go to Fairland

Coal Grove and South Point to battle for 2nd

Chesapeake to take 3rd

Rock Hill 4th

Followed by Ironton

Boys looks like South Point will have a small edge over Fairland

Coal Grove will be third and could slip into 2nd if DQ happen to anyone of the top 2

Rock Hill and Chesapeake will fight it out for 4th

Ironton just doesn't have the numbers to keep them out of the cellar

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

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added some freshman

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

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have added relay returns

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »

For the OVC girls I can see Fairland and South Point winning 5 events each with Chesapeake winning 4

2nd and 3rd place points will have Fairland and Coal Grove pulling in the most followed by South Point. Rock Hill should also pick up a number of point in the 2nd and 3rd positions.

Fairland looks to be strong in the 800, 1600,3200, 4x4 4x8.... Fairland should get two places in 6 events....Fairland weakest events may be the 100m,200m,400, and most of the field events with only a good showing the pole event

South Point should be strong in the hurdles, Long Jump and the 4x100, 4x200.....should pick up big points in the 400m, all field events but the pole vault....look for a 2nd in the 4x4.....I can see them getting 2 places in four events...the 200m, discus, along with the pole vault may be the events that keeps South Point from catching Fairland.

Coal Grove will probably win a couple events but pick up a lot of points from the 2nd and 3rd places.....200m, 800m, 1600, 3200, HJ,Discus and 4x400, 4x800....see them getting two places in 2 events.....events that could hurt them 100m, 100H, 300h, Pole vault, Shot put.....bottom of the pack in the 4x1, 4x2, 4x4

Chesapeake could win four events and shouldn't pick up too much in 2nd and 3rd places.....Only see one event where they could get two places....400, 800, 1600, 3200 LJ, will be their weak events

Roch Hill looks to take one event and get strong 2nd and 3rd place points in 100m, 100h, 3200, 4x1, 4x8..... Only one event could bring them two places...200m, 400, LJ, SP, may not bring them any points at all and near bottom finishes in 3 of the relays

Ironton probably won't get a first place but will have good showings in the 100m, 200m, 400m....with a little hard work these three events could give the Tiger three winning events.......Don't see Ironton place two girls in any event. Hurdles will hurt the Tigers along with 800, 1600, 3200, LJ, PV, SP,

Once again I have made my picks not knowing what freshman will help along with any knew girls coming out plus girls that choose not to come out.

Right off I don't have any OVC girl teams as my top teams, but there are girls that should make the state from the OVC

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Re: OVC-2015 Top SR, JR, Soph

Post by noreply66 »

On the boys side I can see South Point winning seven events. Fairland and Coal Grove 4 each and Rock Hill 2

2nd and 3rd place points would be close between South Point and Fairland followed by Coal Grove, Chesapeake and Rock Hill.

South Point should be strong in the 100, 200, 400, LJ, 4x1, 4x2, 4x8--South Point could very well get 2 places in 100, 110, 200, 300, 400, 1600, 3200, HJ, PV--South Points weak events could be 800, LJ, Discus, Shot Put. South Point could take 3 of the 4 relays

Look for Fairland to be strong in 110, 300, 800, PV---Should have two places in the110, 300, HJ, LJ, Discus, Shot Put, PV.. Fairland low points look to be in 200,1600, Should be at the middle on the average for the relays.

Coal Grove could win the HJ, Discus, Shot Put and 4x4--2nd and 3rd point could be won in 300, 400, 800, 100, 200, LJ, 4x1, 4x2, 4x8--Coal Grove will probably pick up points in every event but 100, 1600, 3200, might keep them from this.

Rock Hill could take first and second in the 1600, 3200---other than the relays Rock Hill might find it hard picking up points in the other events

Don't look for Chesapeake to grab any top spots but the LJ, 4x4 and 4x8 should bring in the good points and along with some here and there they should fight Rock Hill for 4th place

Ironton doesn't look to be back with their track program yet---Their points will come from the bottom half of five events other than the relays and I do not see many point coming from them

Don't have any of the boys from the OVC in my top 10 but I look for South Point to have the best chance.

The OVC will have a good chance to get some boys to the state meet

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