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Southeastern Invite-4/8/21

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 11:31 pm
by noreply66
Teams-Adena, Circleville, Eastern W, Fairfield, Hillsboro, Huntington, McClain, North Adams, Paint Valley, Peebles, Piketon, Southeastern, Unioto, Washington, Waverly, Westfall, Zane Trace

This meet had members from five different conferences. FAC, SHAC, MS, SOC, SVC

1st places
North Adams-1600, 300, Long Jump
Zane Trace-8x800, 800
Circleville-4x200, 400
Hillsboro-200, Pole Vault
Adena-High Jump, Shot Put

bad weather shorted this meet to 14 events for the girls and 15 on the boy's side

# of events scored in
McClain 14
Hillsboro 13

After four events McClain had 33, Hillsboro 24, Circleville 23, Waverly 12, Eastern W 10, Washington 10, Zane Trace 10. McClain picked up 20 more points in the last four events to have 53, Hillsboro came up with 11 more to be in second with 35 points, Circleville score 10 more to stand in the third spot, North Adams had a big last four events getting 23 points and fourth place with 28, Washington 26, Waverly 25.50, Peebles 24, Unioto 18, Adena 16, Zane Trace 13, Eastern 10, Fairfield 10, Westfall7, Huntington 6, Paint Valley 4.50, Southeastern 3, Piketon 0. With 12 events score it was McClain picked up 25 more point to stay in first with 78, Hillsboro is in second after scoring 17 more points with 52, North Adams made a big jump scoring 22 points and getting the third spot two points back of Hillsboro. Peebles moves to the fourth spot with 35, Circleville didn't score in the last four events and dropped to the fifth spot with 33. Washington 32, Eastern 29, Waverly 28.5, Zane Trace 27, Adena 26. Final score has McClain winning with 86.33, Hillsboro held on to take the second spot with 76.50, North Adams Held off Circleville four the third spot with 55, Circleville 51.50 for fourth. Peebles 39, Washington 32, Waverly 31.50, Eastern W. 29, Zane Trace 27, Adena 26.33, Westfall 23.33, Unioto and Huntington with 19, Fairfield 18, Paint Valley 7.50, Southeastern 3, Piketon 2.

McClain picked up 26 points in the sprints, 21 in the hurdles, 14 in the distance, 14 in the relays and 11.33 in the field events.
Hillsboro scored 19 in the sprints, 11 in the hurdles, only 1 in the distance, 16 relays and 29.50 in the field.
North Adams score just about even across the board 10 sprints, 12 hurdles, 10 distance, 8 relays and 12 field.
Circleville 23 sprints, 18 relays and 10.50 field. They came up empty in the Hurdles and distance.


1st places
Adena-400, Discus, High jump, Shot put
Waverly-4x800, 100, 200
Westfall-110, 300
Circleville-1600, Pole Vault
North Adams-800
Southeastern-Long Jump

# events scored in

McClain 12
Westfall 11
Waverly 10
Circleville 10
Zane Trace 10

Weather cut this down to 15 events

With the first four events in the books Waverly is leading with 32, Circleville 16, McClain 16, Paint Valley 16, Adena 14, Southeastern 11, Hillsboro 10, Westfall 10, Zane Trace 9, Fairfield 8, Huntington 6, Eastern W 5, Unioto 3. After 8 events Adena has moved in to first after scoring 31 points in the last four events, Waverly score just 10 points after failing to score in two of the last four events, Circleville scored 10 more to have 36, paint Valley has 36 after scoring 20 more, Hillsboro scored 20 more to stand at 30. With 12 events scored it is Adena scoring 26 more points in first, Waverly has 56, Circleville 47, Hillsboro is fourth after scoring in only one of the last four events, Paint Valley 37, McClain 34, Southeast 30. With the meet over it is Adena 81.50 to get the win, Waverly scored 10 more points in the last three events to hold on the # two spot, Circleville score 17.50 more to take third, Hillsboro 54, McClain 42, Zane Trace 41.50, Paint Valley 40.50, Southeastern failed to score in the five of the last six events to take 8th, Westfall 25, Huntington 24.50, North Adams 24, Unioto 23, Fairfield 20, Eastern W 19, Piketon 16, Peebles 5.50.

Adena scored 40.50 points in the field events.
Waverly scored 28 in the sprints
Circleville scored about even across the board
Hillsboro was big in the relays and field
McClain sprints
Zane Trace field
Paint Valley field
Southeastern field
Westfall hurdles
Huntington field