2010 Summer Wrestling Tournament
July 10th, 2010
Location: Tri-Valley High School
46 E. Muskingum Ave
Dresden, Ohio 43821
Registration Fee:
 $15.00 (Pre-registered) Entry fee & registration form must be received by July 3rd. to be considered pre-registered.
 $18.00 Walk-in to include Friday evening weigh-ins
 All participants will be entered in a Raffle for a $50.00 pre-paid gas card
 $25.00 For all returned checks
 Wrestlers may wrestle in 2 Divisions for an additional $10.00 fee per wrestler. Separate registration required for each division.
 Absolutely No Refunds.
Weigh-ins & Schedule:
 Friday, July. 9th from 6:00-8:00 PM & Saturday, July. 10th from 7:30-9:00 AM
 Wrestling begins @ 10:30
 Sorry, Absolutely no call-in weights, don’t ask
General Admission: (Cash only)
 Adult $5.00
 Students (K-12) $3.00
 Children Under 5 Free
 There will be 3, 1min. periods for Div. 1 – 3 & 3, 1.5min. Periods for Div. 4-6
 Modified High School Rules will apply to all Divisions
 Tech Fall, (12 Point difference in score)
 “Sudden Victory†Overtime 1st point scored wins, no time limit.
 We reserve the right to combine weight classes to ensure @ least 3 wrestlers per weight class
 All weight classes will be Round Robin
 Officials will be sanctioned (Their rulings/Decisions are final)
 Medallions for top 3 Placers in each Division
Weight Classes: (Proof of age must be submitted upon request) (Age as of day of the tournament)
 6 Divisions on 5 Mats
 Divisions as follows; (I, 6 & Under) (II, 7 &

(Weight classes will be determined at the close of weigh-ins. Wrestlers will be placed in groups, to provide the maximum amount of competition.)
Concessions: (All day)
 Breakfast served
 Reasonably Priced
Information & Registration:
 Contact Mike Milner before 9:00PM @ (740) 607-2912 (cell) or e-mail to [email protected]
 Make checks payable to: Zanesville Police Athletic League Wrestling
 Mail registration with check to: Zanesville Police Athletic League
C/O Mike Milner
1910 Hazel Ave.
Zanesville, Ohio 43701
Wrestler’s Name: ____________________________________ Team/Club Name: _______________________________________
Address: ________________________________ City/State: ______________________________ Phone: ____________________
Age: _______ Division: _________ D.O.B. _____________ E-Mail Address: ___________________________________________
Approximate weight: __________ Actual weight: _____________ (Tournament use only)
I agree to waive and release the Zanesville Police Athletic League and Tri-Valley High School, sponsors, volunteers, officials, and all affiliated with the Zanesville PAL Wrestling Tournament from any and all liabilities of injuries, or damages, or loss of property, or suffering resulting in participation of the Zanesville PAL Wrestling Tournament. This is hereby understood of the parent/guardian and wrestler.
Signature of Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________