Registration forms on-line at: or pick one up at the Deno on Saturday (can register and weigh then). Contact Coach Kaiser for details:
WHEN: February, 6th 2011 Wrestling will begin at 9:00 a.m. Div. 1 & 2 11:30pm Div 3 & 4
WHERE: Athens High School, 1-High School Road, The Plains Ohio 45780
WEIGH-INS: Saturday (Feb 5th) 4-6 pm, Sunday (Feb 6th) 7-8 am D1D2 / D3D4 10-11 am @ AHS
ENTRY FEE: $20.00 Walk-ins welcomed contact Coach Kaiser by Feb 5th weigh-ins
TO: ATTN: Paul Kaiser, 1 High School Road, The Plains, OH 45780 $10.00 for additional division or weight class ~ WALK-INS ~ CALL-INS~by Feb 5th weigh-ins Make checks payable to Athens Wrestling Boosters ~NO REFUNDS~
Questions: Tournament Director: Coach Paul Kaiser at: [email protected]
AWARDS: Individual trophies 1st - 4th trophy’s
ADMISSION: Adults $5.00 Students $2.00 Family $12.00
5-Mats Div 1 & 2 starts at 0900 am (weigh-in 7-8:00 am) Div 3 & 4 starts at 1130 (weigh-in 1000-1100)
FORMAT: Double elimination, small brackets may wrestle a pool format to ensure the most matches.
Three 1- minute periods, modified high school rules apply with sudden death overtime, and 12 point tech-fall ends the match. Tournament director reserves the right to amend tournament format if needed.
RULES: Age as of the day of the tournament, proof of age will be required if questioned.
LIMIT 2 ENTRIES PER WRESTLER. May enter more than one division or weight class.
TOURNAMENT held unless state directed cancellation!
AGE (day of tourn.) WEIGHT CLASSES (may be combined if necessary)**1lb Weight allowance
Div 1: 6 & UNDER 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, HWT (limit 75)
Div 2: 7 & 8 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90, HWT ( limit 120)
Div 3: 9 & 10 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 ,75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, 130, HWT ( limit 150)
Div 4: 11 & 12 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 115, 125, 135, 150, HWT (limit 200)
_ COPY FORM FOR 2nd ENTRY Detach & send: Paul Kaiser, 1 High School Road, The Plains, OH 45780-
NAME________________________________AGE__________WT CLASS______/ DIV_______ PHONE____________ ADDRESS___________________________BIRTH DATE____________
ACTUAL WT_________/ nails/hair cleared referee initials_________ official use only
In consideration of acceptance of this entry I hereby release Athens High School, the coaches, staff, board of education, lessors of the premises, and anyone affiliated with the school, of any liability/responsibility of any injury or accident that may occur to my son/daughter while at the 2011 Athens “Little Deno†Youth Wrestling Tournament, in the building or on the school grounds.
PARENTS SIGNATURE_________________________________________________DATE______________________
Youth Little Deno this Sunday
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