All-North Results

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Riding the Bench
Posts: 80
Joined: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:47 pm

All-North Results

Post by pf26 »

Team Scores
1. Mt. Vernon 197.5
2. Upper Arlington 117.0
3. Westerville Central 107.5
4. Olentangy Orange 104.0
5. Gahanna Lincoln 94.5
6. Hilliard Davidson 92.5
7. Logan 91.0
8. Dublin Jerome 87.5
9. Dublin Scioto 83.5
9. Grove City 83.5
11. Amanda Clearcreek 80.0
12. Shadyside 67.0
13. Westland 15.5
14. Westerville South 15.0
15. Northland 9.0

126 Wyatt Garren 3rd, 152 Joey Bolin 3rd, 170 Thomas Wright 3rd, 195 Tommy Hayden 2nd

full results and brackets on

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