SOYWL Championship Tournament Results

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SOYWL Championship Tournament Results

Post by nybucksmom »

Before I put in the results, I just want to give a great-big THANKS out to all the folks who helped work at and make this tournament possible. There are just too many names to mention, and there is no way I want to forget a name and hurt someone's feelings. all the team coaches, parents, fans, and wrestlers.....all the table workers and people who ran all over the place doing tasks that needed OU's Coach Greenlee, Assistant Coach's Saxon and Hansen, and the whole OU wrestling team for spending their day working this tournament.....THANK YOU!!! :-D

Everything didn't go perfect, but that's how we all learn to make things better.....and I believe with this group, we can make anything happen. I love this sport and you have no idea how much I appreciate everyone involved in this league. You all did an awesome job on Sunday and on the days and weeks leading up to this tournament. Thank you so much! :-D

Now for the results and a big CONGRATULATIONS to all the wrestlers.....

Team Scores (total team points):

Sheridan - 94 points (top 20 wrestlers made 72 points)
Warren - 62 points (only 19 placed making 62 points)
Philo - 52 points (only 17 placed making 52 points)
Nelsonville - 37 points
Tri-Valley - 34 points
Logan - 33 points
Meadowbrook - 33 points
Belpre - 31 points
Vinton County - 28 points
Morgan - 25 points
Meigs - 21 points
Waterford - 19 points
Athens - 17 points
John Glenn - 17 points
Trimble - 17 points
Alexander - 11 points

Along with Sheridan at 1st, Warren at 2nd, and Philo at 3rd place.....Belpre won the first ever "Best Effort by a Small Team" award.

Individual Results:

6 and Under Age Group
Peyton Keller - Warren
Carter Dosch - Tri-Valley
Jordan Brown - Athens
Zane Moore - Trimble

Casey Simmons - Belpre
Gabriel Flores - Athens

Brady Oberdier - Warren
Tyler Crawford - Tri-Valley
Andrew Diehl - Philo
Lance Montgomery - Vinton Co.

Austin Colburn - Meigs
Tierra Tillis - Meigs
Ryan Marks - Alexander
Gabriel Alan - Trimble

Noah Imboden - Logan
AJ Collins - Tri-Valley
Jonathan Kimbell - Athens
Ethan Boyd - Sheridan

Jordan Barnett - Sheridan
Evan Mata - Logan
Miguel Satiago-Flores - Athens
Levi Deal - Philo

50 A
Colt Keith - Meadowbrook
Austin Smith - Alexander
Carson Rupe - Philo
Shaun Turley - Trimble

50 B
Logan Merrew - Philo
Garrett Clendenning - Meadowbrook
Jordan Boring - Alexander
Logan Ward - Vinton Co.

Billy Luft - Sheridan
Hunter Gilbert - Belpre
Dalton Workman - Meigs
Gage Clark - Warren

Dylan Anderson - Warren
Chance King - Sheridan
Zeen Misner - Trimble
Trent Hoffman - Logan

Lincoln Hayes - Vinton Co.
Bradley Blatner - Meadowbrook
Bryson Lane - Meigs
Kiah Smith - Athens

Brandon Hickman - Meadowbrook
Breanna Brammer - Nelsonville

7-8 Age Group
Justin Tayler - Warren
Elijah Ross - Warren
Jon Hinze - John Glenn
Wyatt Linder - Warren

Brian Buskirk - Warren
William Harris - Tri-Valley
Ryan Simonzette - Belpre
Kaden Dosch - Tri-Valley

55 A
Issac Tollius - Warren
Griffin Burkhart - Morgan
Carter Frasure - Logan
Austin Lingling - Tri-Valley

55 B
Bailey Caruthers - Meigs
Brody Turner - Sheridan
Colton Kanson - Morgan
Alex Shriner - Warren

60 A
Noah Barnett - Sheridan
Wyatt Webb - Vinton Co.
Tanner Tritipo - Athens
Logan Wolverton - Meadowbrook

60 B
Tyler Speelman - Nelsonville
Luke Brown - Sheridan
Jordan Rothe - Nelsonville
Ethan Carpenter - Sheridan

Wyatt Nicewanger - Morgan
Michael Madinger - Philo
James Wallace - Alexander
Carter McCutchan - Athens

Colt Yinger - Nelsonville
Nathan Baker - Philo
Trenton Grogg - Sheridan
Donovan McCollister - Nelsonville

Silas Davis - Morgan
Stephen Rochette - Morgan
Austin Boyer - Sheridan
Zack Wheeler - Vinton Co.

Brady Garren - Logan
Levi Wickman - Nelsonville
Gabriella Newell - John Glenn
Allison Boring - Alexander

Ryan Williams - Nelsonville
Gaven Bauman - Logan
Brandon Brammer - Nelsonville

Randy Pierce - Tri-Valley
Brock Buskirk - Warren
Trey Davisson - Sheridan
Brady Lane - Meigs

9-10 Age Group
Austin Farris - Philo
Josh Gorland - Sheridan
Grey Bennett - Sheridan
Dalton Johnson - Meadowbrook

Jacob Mohler - Tri-Valley
Lane Householder - Sheridan
Nathaniel Kehn - Sheridan
Hayden Bolyard - Trimble

R. Kaplinsky - Tri-Valley
Ty Garrett - Morgan
Neal Shriner - Warren
Steven Redrup - John Glenn

Claton Jackson - Philo
Dylan Hickman - Nelsonville
Josh Simmons - Belpre
Drew McCutchen - Athens

John Haines - Morgan
Nick Young - Philo
Zachery Carpenter - Sheridan
Tyler Silverthorn - Philo

Isaiah Davis - Morgan
Coleman Jackson - Philo
Kolt Moore - Philo
Dakota Tittle - Sheridan

Daniel Law - Belpre
Victor Davis - Athens
Corey Brown - Sheridan
Jack Dowbell - Sheridan

Trey Mincks - Waterford
Breanna Colburn - Meigs
Maverick Schmidt - Waterford
Dakota Bright - Philo

Cody Bishop - Philo
Austin Walraven - Warren
Roderick Pennington - Vinton Co.
Brice Gearhart - Belpre

Trevor Davison - Sheridan
Louie Reicher - John Glenn
Dakota Kiger - Tri-Valley
Helen Calvert - Meadowbrook

Blake Heiss - Waterford
Deryk Grosse - Sheridan
Jacob Stevens - Trimble
Matt Colvin - Belpre

Wyatt Edwards - Vinton Co.
Jeremy Ward - Vinton Co.
Matt Carter - Nelsonville

Sean Caudill - Vinton Co.
Hegan Robertson - Sheridan

Jarret Frame - Sheridan
Tommy Hayden - Logan
Kyle Schrader - Warren
Sean Bobo - Alexander

11-12 Age Group
Jack Stevens - Sheridan
Cameron Moore - Philo
Austin Webb - Vinton Co.
David Matheny - Logan

Levi Congleton - Warren
Slade Tyson - Tri-Valley
Andrew Dillhoff - Logan
Jordan Brookholder - Logan

Cameron Jones - Philo
Manney Tollios - Warren
Casey Phillips - Logan
Billy Gardner - Trimble

Cayne Bennett - Sheridan
Ryan Shriner - Warren
Cody Mack - John Glenn
Matt Lockhart - Warren

Codi Dornick - Warren
Luke Miller - Philo
Kasey Guseman - Trimble
Michael Chapman - Sheridan

Richard Clark - Meadowbrook
Ryan Efaw - Waterford
Austin Himler - Morgan
Garrett Killian - John Glenn

Bryce Smathers - Nelsonville
Cord Cardy - Sheridan
Justin Dolan - Trimble
Evan Parkinson - Sheridan

Nick Maniskas - Logan
Ryan Eversole - Sheridan
Chris Pierce - Meadowbrook
Trevin Gregg - Sheridan

Emory Chapman - Sheridan
Matt Tom - John Glenn
Kenny Loy - Meadowbrook
Kaleb Strock - Trimble

John Roberts - Belpre
Devin King - Sheridan
Shawn Hickman - Waterford
Joey Howard - Nelsonville

Justin Ayers - Meadowbrook
Ethan Edward - John Glenn
Harley Ours - Sheridan
Austin Romine - Sheridan

Jamie Barrett - Belpre
Jon Stevens - Trimble
Camerson Little - Tri-Valley
Tim Kinker - Warren
Last edited by nybucksmom on Fri Feb 15, 2008 6:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Logangrad »

Congrats to my nephew for winning the 11-12 year old division in 110 pounds

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Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:43 pm

Post by nybucksmom »

I made a couple of corrections on the results:

0-6 Age Group/60 Weight Class:

Zeen Misner who took 3rd place wrestles for Trimble, not Tri-Valley.

11-12 Age Group/HWT

Jon Stevens who took 2nd place wrestles for originally was not listed.

Team scores were not significantly changed (did not make a difference in placement). So, no changes were made there. Our league did vote that once the championship tournament is over, team scores are final.

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