Div. III Sectionals at Nelsonville York Feb 15-16
- nybucksmom
- JV Team
- Posts: 322
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:43 pm
I can see that! We "old" folks need to get with it, I guess! Tim McGraw has a song out that talks about how the meaning of words have changed since he was a kid. Now we have the internet and cell phones. Not only do we have to figure-out what every day words mean in this day and age, but we have to decipher (did I spell that right?), abbreviations. Being a military wife made it even worse for me...I've had to decipher acronyms through-out my married life! lol!
Back to wrestling...
The best of luck to all the TVC teams at Sectionals this weekend...let's show the rest of the state what SE Ohio is made of!

Back to wrestling...
The best of luck to all the TVC teams at Sectionals this weekend...let's show the rest of the state what SE Ohio is made of!

- Waterboy
- Posts: 32
- Joined: Tue Jan 01, 2008 2:05 pm
Some of us older people on here (maybe only me) hardly know how to turn on the computer, or operate a cell phone, and don't have a clue about text messaging. I really didn't know what lol meant (thought it meant lots of luck) so when I saw lolol I was truely confused. I thought that I made myself clear in the first post on this thread that the eariler post by athensmom was my misunderstanding. Then to be attacked by some of you smug individuals (expecially the selfprofessed king of every thing) really ticked me off.
I guess I shouldn't be so sensitive, but at tvc I heard NY, and Tremble fans discussing how Packard moved up to avoid wrestling Norway, and my grandparent protect mode kicked in.
Good luck to all the wrestlers at sectionals.
Go Eagles.
I guess I shouldn't be so sensitive, but at tvc I heard NY, and Tremble fans discussing how Packard moved up to avoid wrestling Norway, and my grandparent protect mode kicked in.
Good luck to all the wrestlers at sectionals.
Go Eagles.
the brackets will be posted sometime after 7:00 this evening. We have to wait until all D3 seed meetings in the state have at least been started. The southwest and northeast districts seed tonight starting at 7:00. They will be at this link: http://www.baumspage.com/sesect/ny3/index.htm
When I post the brackets, I will also post what changes I am aware of up to that point. Right now, there are three.
When I post the brackets, I will also post what changes I am aware of up to that point. Right now, there are three.
I will say this over and over and over myself Coach Yinger and Robert Norway never once thought or believed that Ashton would run from Robert if as a grandparent you listen to the crowd that is crazy. Robert and myself have only respect for Ashton. We considered running from Ashton at the TVC but decided to take our chances at 160 and when Ashton moved up it worked out well for us. I can't and will never say Robert or any of may wrestlers will loose to Asthon but so far it has not been good in the previous meetings 152: Ashton Packard(Belpre) maj. dec. Robert Norway(Nelsonville-York) 17-5 this was last year TVC so why would we be saying Ashton ran. I know what Ashton is capable of no reason to think myself or Robert feels any different. I respect coach Adams and the Belpre program. I understand that Belpre does not feel the same about me and N-Y and I guess that is kind of earned if coach Adams puts a big run together I may start throwing stones back at him. lol Just joking. Good luck this weekened. I was not trying to attack you but you was on Athenswrestlingmom about the running thing. And I do agree with you I can't text and don't understand half of the little abbreviations. LOL I do know so I thought you was giving her a hard time sorry. But to continue to say people said that Ashton ran from Robert sounds just flat out crazy. Again sorry for the confusion.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 72
- Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:33 am
- nybucksmom
- JV Team
- Posts: 322
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:43 pm
gpm...I understand where you are coming from. I know Coach Yinger and Robert doesn't think that about your grandson. Sometimes you just have to ignore what some people say in a crowd (or on these forums, for that matter). Some people don't know all the details and can run their mouths without thinking. Remember, I went through this last year with my son when it came to him earning the MVW at TVC and at one point, when he changed weight classes his Junior year.
These are our kids, that we have a family bond with and it does tick us off when someone criticizes them. It's just that paternal or maternal instinct kicking in.
Plus, it's a real sensitve time of year. These are the "big ones" coming up for those in wrestling. You hope to see your wrestler up at Columbus during the last weekend. We all do.
So, to you and everyone else on here...I wish each of you the best of luck this next 3 weekends. I miss it so much.
These are our kids, that we have a family bond with and it does tick us off when someone criticizes them. It's just that paternal or maternal instinct kicking in.
Plus, it's a real sensitve time of year. These are the "big ones" coming up for those in wrestling. You hope to see your wrestler up at Columbus during the last weekend. We all do.
So, to you and everyone else on here...I wish each of you the best of luck this next 3 weekends. I miss it so much.

Reed (Wat)
Piazza (Ches)
Lump (PV)
Crock (Wat)
Graves (PV)
Border (Cald)
Hook (NY)
Boyd (Cald)
Farley (Wat)
Morgan (Trim) ;)
Jones (Wat)
Shonkwiler (WF)
Cooper (Bel)
Staggs (PV)
Border (Cald)
Norway (NY)
Jackson (Fair)
Shiflett (ZT)
Packard (Bel)
Norway (NY)
Stewart (Riv)
Lockard (Well)
Starr (Riv)
Wiggers (Bel)
Waderker (Bel)
Schenkel (Cald)
Hesson (Cald)
Moore (Shen)
Paint Valley
Zane Trace
Reed (Wat)
Piazza (Ches)
Lump (PV)
Crock (Wat)
Graves (PV)
Border (Cald)
Hook (NY)
Boyd (Cald)
Farley (Wat)
Morgan (Trim) ;)
Jones (Wat)
Shonkwiler (WF)
Cooper (Bel)
Staggs (PV)
Border (Cald)
Norway (NY)
Jackson (Fair)
Shiflett (ZT)
Packard (Bel)
Norway (NY)
Stewart (Riv)
Lockard (Well)
Starr (Riv)
Wiggers (Bel)
Waderker (Bel)
Schenkel (Cald)
Hesson (Cald)
Moore (Shen)
Paint Valley
Zane Trace
- bucksfan08
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 140
- Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:34 pm
From Baum's Page (http://www.baumspage.com/sesect/ny3/res08.htm)
2008 Nelsonville-York Division III Sectional Scores
1. Caldwell 82.5
2. Waterford 63.0
3. Belpre 61.5
4. Wellston 53.0
5. Paint Valley 51.0
6. Fairland 40.0
7. Zane Trace 39.5
8. Trimble 38.0
9. River 35.0
10. Nelsonville-York 29.0
11. Crooksville 18.0
12. River Valley 13.0
13. Shenandoah 13.0
14. Westfall 10.5
15. Chesapeake 4.0
First Consolation
135: Marcus Boedeker(Zane Trace) pin Dominique Brown(Southeastern) 2:21
Michael Hargis(Fairland) dec. Tyler Brown(Nelsonville-York) 9-2
140: Tyler Ollom(River) pin Nathan Daniels(Westfall) 3:17
Michael Rohrbaugh(Caldwell) pin Jordan Miller(River Valley) 0:42
171: Josh Flint(Zane Trace) pin Sean Dillon(Chesapeake) 1:39
103: Tyler Reed(Waterford) pin Justin Schrader(Zane Trace) 0:50
Jordan Schobelock(Paint Valley) advanced with bye
Joshua Bartrug(River) advanced with bye
Adam Fairchild(Wellston) pin Derek Deeter(Trimble) 1:46
112: Corey Lump(Paint Valley) pin Eric Doerr(Fairland) 0:50
Zachary Strickland(River) maj. dec. Brady Norman(Wellston) 12-2
Josh Wilson(Zane Trace) pin Craig Shirkey(Trimble) 0:44
Billy Crock(Waterford) pin Anthony Cangemi(Nelsonville-York) 0:37
119: Clark Graves(Paint Valley) pin Andrew Thompson(Zane Trace) 3:14
Kurt Dennis(Crooksville) pin Jason Crego(Nelsonville-York) 1:27
Casey Branham(Waterford) pin Zach Browning(Chesapeake) 2:25
Jacob Border(Caldwell) pin Shawn Cox(Trimble) 0:55
125: Zach Hook(Nelsonville-York) pin Colton Rowell(Westfall) 2:16
Dean Miller(Waterford) pin Jeremyah Tennant(Paint Valley) 0:40
Cory Smathers(Trimble) dec. Matt Boedeker(Zane Trace) 14-7
Clint Boyd(Caldwell) dec. Allen Barnhill(Wellston) 15-8
130: Corey Morgan(Trimble) pin Dakota Phillips(Nelsonville-York) 1:29
Weston Davis(Zane Trace) maj. dec. Richie Zinn(Wellston) 12-3
Tyler Canaday(River Valley) dec. Jordan Ott(Paint Valley) 5-3
Corey Farley(Waterford) pin Craig Davis(Caldwell) 2:48
135: Dennis Jones(Waterford) pin Mike Fulk(Crooksville) 1:40
Tyler Dyla(Trimble) pin Josh Stump(River Valley) 1:42
Matt Leasure(Caldwell) dec. Jorge Wilkos(Shenandoah) 11-4
Gabe Shonkwiler(Westfall) tech. fall Roger Vickers(Wellston) 18-2
140: Tyler Cooper(Belpre) pin Dustin Sexton(Chesapeake) 0:29
Justin Smith(Waterford) dec. Anthony Fleming(Wellston) 12-7
Garrett Wireman(Fairland) pin Steven Chethuan(Southeastern) 1:08
Sean Staggs(Paint Valley) pin Zach Cunningham(Trimble) 1:44
145: Jared Border(Caldwell) pin Colton Branscomb(Paint Valley) 0:53
Tyler Wilburn(Wellston) maj. dec. James Mercer(Shenandoah) 18-4
Zac Fannin(Fairland) pin Justin Caynor(Chesapeake) 4:38
Patrick Norway(Nelsonville-York) pin Kacey Cruse(Trimble) 2:19
152: Chris Jackson(Fairland) pin Trent Holcomb(River Valley) 5:10
Brandon Claypool(Crooksville) dec. Matt Kelley(Wellston) 9-4
Colton Joyce(Trimble) pin Clay Cottrill(Paint Valley) 1:30
Eric Shiflett(Zane Trace) pin Patrick Pickenpaugh(Caldwell) 2:40
160: Ashton Packard(Belpre) tech. fall Dakota Black(Paint Valley) 20-4
John Penn(Zane Trace) maj. dec. Nathanial Brewer(Fairland) 21-13
Nathan Abbott(Caldwell) tech. fall Trevor Arthur(Wellston) 18-0
Robert Norway(Nelsonville-York) pin John Abner(Southeastern) 1:31
171: Josh White(Paint Valley) dec. Seth Todd(Caldwell) 8-6ot
R.J. Walker(Belpre) pin Paden Stewart(River) 4:12
Nick Wells(Shenandoah) pin Schulyer Moore(Fairland) INJ
Matt Lockard(Wellston) pin T.J. Stewart(Crooksville) 2:39
189: Troy Starr(River) tech. fall Logan Michel(Shenandoah) 17-0
Dave Johnson(Paint Valley) maj. dec. Casey Martin(Trimble) 16-4
Phillip Wiggers(Belpre) pin Bryan Bowling(Westfall) 1:37
John Boney(Caldwell) pin C.J. Noble(Chesapeake) 1:11
215: Mike Waderker(Belpre) pin Kenneth Bently(Southeastern) 3:45
Benny Grey(Wellston) pin Joey Wheeler(Shenandoah) 2:51
Stephen Walker(Fairland) pin Aaron Arnold(Zane Trace) 1:18
Tom Schenkel(Caldwell) pin Gage McFadden(Paint Valley) 3:24
285: Derick Hesson(Caldwell) pin Jerrod Roberts(River Valley) 0:24
Josh Jones(Wellston) pin Brad Wiley(Chesapeake) 2:40
Tyler Carr(Belpre) pin Joe Whitley(Fairland) 4:18
Troy Haslam(River) pin Andrew McLaughlin(Trimble) 1:32
First Round
119: Clark Graves(Paint Valley) pin Journey Wayts(River) 3:34
Zach Browning(Chesapeake) pin Gunner Hess(Belpre) 1:21
125: Zach Hook(Nelsonville-York) pin Brody Parrish(Belpre) 1:04
Dean Miller(Waterford) pin Seth Stickley(Shenandoah) 3:28
Matt Boedeker(Zane Trace) dec. Thomas Lewis(Chesapeake) 6-4
Clint Boyd(Caldwell) pin Ben Bolte(Southeastern) 0:08
130: Corey Morgan(Trimble) pin Clay Sprankle(Crooksville) 0:29
Weston Davis(Zane Trace) tech. fall James West(River) 15-0
Tyler Canaday(River Valley) pin Caleb Eversole(Westfall) 3:51
135: Dennis Jones(Waterford) pin Flint Postle(River) 0:57
Josh Stump(River Valley) pin Dominique Brown(Southeastern) 1:04
Tyler Dyla(Trimble) dec. Marcus Boedeker(Zane Trace) 9-3
Matt Leasure(Caldwell) pin Jimmy Everhart(Paint Valley) 5:37
Roger Vickers(Wellston) dec. Michael Hargis(Fairland) 11-9
Gabe Shonkwiler(Westfall) pin Tyler Brown(Nelsonville-York) 2:41
140: Tyler Cooper(Belpre) pin Cody Smith(Shenandoah) 3:08
Justin Smith(Waterford) pin Tyler Ollom(River) 1:31
Anthony Fleming(Wellston) pin Nathan Daniels(Westfall) 3:17
Garrett Wireman(Fairland) pin Nick Ganus(Zane Trace) 1:20
Zach Cunningham(Trimble) pin Michael Rohrbaugh(Caldwell) 5:06
Sean Staggs(Paint Valley) pin Jordan Miller(River Valley) 1:57
145: Jared Border(Caldwell) pin Eli Kimble(River Valley) 1:41
Tyler Wilburn(Wellston) pin Cody Moore(Westfall) 2:55
Zac Fannin(Fairland) maj. dec. Nate Patrick(Zane Trace) 12-2
160: Ashton Packard(Belpre) pin Nate Gussler(Crooksville) 1:47
171: Josh White(Paint Valley) pin Casey Nicholson(Westfall) 1:04
Paden Stewart(River) pin John Stanley(Southeastern) 4:46
T.J. Stewart(Crooksville) pin Sean Dillon(Chesapeake) 3:18
Matt Lockard(Wellston) maj. dec. Josh Flint(Zane Trace) 12-2
189: Troy Starr(River) tech. fall Cody Stonerock(Zane Trace) 15-0
Dave Johnson(Paint Valley) pin Sean Massie(Wellston) 2:29
Phillip Wiggers(Belpre) pin Richard Tumbleson(Southeastern) 2:58
John Boney(Caldwell) pin Derek Fulk(Crooksville) 3:07
215: Mike Waderker(Belpre) pin Josh Hughes(Chesapeake) 2:46
Joey Wheeler(Shenandoah) pin Lance Trudeau(Westfall) 5:59
Stephen Walker(Fairland) pin Terry Higgins(Crooksville) 0:32
Tom Schenkel(Caldwell) pin Alex Smith(River Valley) 3:01
285: Derick Hesson(Caldwell) pin Miles Cutright(Crooksville) 0:17
Josh Jones(Wellston) pin Anthony Hall(Southeastern) 1:31
Troy Haslam(River) dec. Thomas Moore(Shenandoah) 6-4
2008 Nelsonville-York Division III Sectional Scores
1. Caldwell 82.5
2. Waterford 63.0
3. Belpre 61.5
4. Wellston 53.0
5. Paint Valley 51.0
6. Fairland 40.0
7. Zane Trace 39.5
8. Trimble 38.0
9. River 35.0
10. Nelsonville-York 29.0
11. Crooksville 18.0
12. River Valley 13.0
13. Shenandoah 13.0
14. Westfall 10.5
15. Chesapeake 4.0
First Consolation
135: Marcus Boedeker(Zane Trace) pin Dominique Brown(Southeastern) 2:21
Michael Hargis(Fairland) dec. Tyler Brown(Nelsonville-York) 9-2
140: Tyler Ollom(River) pin Nathan Daniels(Westfall) 3:17
Michael Rohrbaugh(Caldwell) pin Jordan Miller(River Valley) 0:42
171: Josh Flint(Zane Trace) pin Sean Dillon(Chesapeake) 1:39
103: Tyler Reed(Waterford) pin Justin Schrader(Zane Trace) 0:50
Jordan Schobelock(Paint Valley) advanced with bye
Joshua Bartrug(River) advanced with bye
Adam Fairchild(Wellston) pin Derek Deeter(Trimble) 1:46
112: Corey Lump(Paint Valley) pin Eric Doerr(Fairland) 0:50
Zachary Strickland(River) maj. dec. Brady Norman(Wellston) 12-2
Josh Wilson(Zane Trace) pin Craig Shirkey(Trimble) 0:44
Billy Crock(Waterford) pin Anthony Cangemi(Nelsonville-York) 0:37
119: Clark Graves(Paint Valley) pin Andrew Thompson(Zane Trace) 3:14
Kurt Dennis(Crooksville) pin Jason Crego(Nelsonville-York) 1:27
Casey Branham(Waterford) pin Zach Browning(Chesapeake) 2:25
Jacob Border(Caldwell) pin Shawn Cox(Trimble) 0:55
125: Zach Hook(Nelsonville-York) pin Colton Rowell(Westfall) 2:16
Dean Miller(Waterford) pin Jeremyah Tennant(Paint Valley) 0:40
Cory Smathers(Trimble) dec. Matt Boedeker(Zane Trace) 14-7
Clint Boyd(Caldwell) dec. Allen Barnhill(Wellston) 15-8
130: Corey Morgan(Trimble) pin Dakota Phillips(Nelsonville-York) 1:29
Weston Davis(Zane Trace) maj. dec. Richie Zinn(Wellston) 12-3
Tyler Canaday(River Valley) dec. Jordan Ott(Paint Valley) 5-3
Corey Farley(Waterford) pin Craig Davis(Caldwell) 2:48
135: Dennis Jones(Waterford) pin Mike Fulk(Crooksville) 1:40
Tyler Dyla(Trimble) pin Josh Stump(River Valley) 1:42
Matt Leasure(Caldwell) dec. Jorge Wilkos(Shenandoah) 11-4
Gabe Shonkwiler(Westfall) tech. fall Roger Vickers(Wellston) 18-2
140: Tyler Cooper(Belpre) pin Dustin Sexton(Chesapeake) 0:29
Justin Smith(Waterford) dec. Anthony Fleming(Wellston) 12-7
Garrett Wireman(Fairland) pin Steven Chethuan(Southeastern) 1:08
Sean Staggs(Paint Valley) pin Zach Cunningham(Trimble) 1:44
145: Jared Border(Caldwell) pin Colton Branscomb(Paint Valley) 0:53
Tyler Wilburn(Wellston) maj. dec. James Mercer(Shenandoah) 18-4
Zac Fannin(Fairland) pin Justin Caynor(Chesapeake) 4:38
Patrick Norway(Nelsonville-York) pin Kacey Cruse(Trimble) 2:19
152: Chris Jackson(Fairland) pin Trent Holcomb(River Valley) 5:10
Brandon Claypool(Crooksville) dec. Matt Kelley(Wellston) 9-4
Colton Joyce(Trimble) pin Clay Cottrill(Paint Valley) 1:30
Eric Shiflett(Zane Trace) pin Patrick Pickenpaugh(Caldwell) 2:40
160: Ashton Packard(Belpre) tech. fall Dakota Black(Paint Valley) 20-4
John Penn(Zane Trace) maj. dec. Nathanial Brewer(Fairland) 21-13
Nathan Abbott(Caldwell) tech. fall Trevor Arthur(Wellston) 18-0
Robert Norway(Nelsonville-York) pin John Abner(Southeastern) 1:31
171: Josh White(Paint Valley) dec. Seth Todd(Caldwell) 8-6ot
R.J. Walker(Belpre) pin Paden Stewart(River) 4:12
Nick Wells(Shenandoah) pin Schulyer Moore(Fairland) INJ
Matt Lockard(Wellston) pin T.J. Stewart(Crooksville) 2:39
189: Troy Starr(River) tech. fall Logan Michel(Shenandoah) 17-0
Dave Johnson(Paint Valley) maj. dec. Casey Martin(Trimble) 16-4
Phillip Wiggers(Belpre) pin Bryan Bowling(Westfall) 1:37
John Boney(Caldwell) pin C.J. Noble(Chesapeake) 1:11
215: Mike Waderker(Belpre) pin Kenneth Bently(Southeastern) 3:45
Benny Grey(Wellston) pin Joey Wheeler(Shenandoah) 2:51
Stephen Walker(Fairland) pin Aaron Arnold(Zane Trace) 1:18
Tom Schenkel(Caldwell) pin Gage McFadden(Paint Valley) 3:24
285: Derick Hesson(Caldwell) pin Jerrod Roberts(River Valley) 0:24
Josh Jones(Wellston) pin Brad Wiley(Chesapeake) 2:40
Tyler Carr(Belpre) pin Joe Whitley(Fairland) 4:18
Troy Haslam(River) pin Andrew McLaughlin(Trimble) 1:32
First Round
119: Clark Graves(Paint Valley) pin Journey Wayts(River) 3:34
Zach Browning(Chesapeake) pin Gunner Hess(Belpre) 1:21
125: Zach Hook(Nelsonville-York) pin Brody Parrish(Belpre) 1:04
Dean Miller(Waterford) pin Seth Stickley(Shenandoah) 3:28
Matt Boedeker(Zane Trace) dec. Thomas Lewis(Chesapeake) 6-4
Clint Boyd(Caldwell) pin Ben Bolte(Southeastern) 0:08
130: Corey Morgan(Trimble) pin Clay Sprankle(Crooksville) 0:29
Weston Davis(Zane Trace) tech. fall James West(River) 15-0
Tyler Canaday(River Valley) pin Caleb Eversole(Westfall) 3:51
135: Dennis Jones(Waterford) pin Flint Postle(River) 0:57
Josh Stump(River Valley) pin Dominique Brown(Southeastern) 1:04
Tyler Dyla(Trimble) dec. Marcus Boedeker(Zane Trace) 9-3
Matt Leasure(Caldwell) pin Jimmy Everhart(Paint Valley) 5:37
Roger Vickers(Wellston) dec. Michael Hargis(Fairland) 11-9
Gabe Shonkwiler(Westfall) pin Tyler Brown(Nelsonville-York) 2:41
140: Tyler Cooper(Belpre) pin Cody Smith(Shenandoah) 3:08
Justin Smith(Waterford) pin Tyler Ollom(River) 1:31
Anthony Fleming(Wellston) pin Nathan Daniels(Westfall) 3:17
Garrett Wireman(Fairland) pin Nick Ganus(Zane Trace) 1:20
Zach Cunningham(Trimble) pin Michael Rohrbaugh(Caldwell) 5:06
Sean Staggs(Paint Valley) pin Jordan Miller(River Valley) 1:57
145: Jared Border(Caldwell) pin Eli Kimble(River Valley) 1:41
Tyler Wilburn(Wellston) pin Cody Moore(Westfall) 2:55
Zac Fannin(Fairland) maj. dec. Nate Patrick(Zane Trace) 12-2
160: Ashton Packard(Belpre) pin Nate Gussler(Crooksville) 1:47
171: Josh White(Paint Valley) pin Casey Nicholson(Westfall) 1:04
Paden Stewart(River) pin John Stanley(Southeastern) 4:46
T.J. Stewart(Crooksville) pin Sean Dillon(Chesapeake) 3:18
Matt Lockard(Wellston) maj. dec. Josh Flint(Zane Trace) 12-2
189: Troy Starr(River) tech. fall Cody Stonerock(Zane Trace) 15-0
Dave Johnson(Paint Valley) pin Sean Massie(Wellston) 2:29
Phillip Wiggers(Belpre) pin Richard Tumbleson(Southeastern) 2:58
John Boney(Caldwell) pin Derek Fulk(Crooksville) 3:07
215: Mike Waderker(Belpre) pin Josh Hughes(Chesapeake) 2:46
Joey Wheeler(Shenandoah) pin Lance Trudeau(Westfall) 5:59
Stephen Walker(Fairland) pin Terry Higgins(Crooksville) 0:32
Tom Schenkel(Caldwell) pin Alex Smith(River Valley) 3:01
285: Derick Hesson(Caldwell) pin Miles Cutright(Crooksville) 0:17
Josh Jones(Wellston) pin Anthony Hall(Southeastern) 1:31
Troy Haslam(River) dec. Thomas Moore(Shenandoah) 6-4
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 72
- Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:33 am
Cory Morgan Trimble (130lbs) You did it!!!!!!!!Got 1st at Sectional we are so very happy with all that you have done this year. Mostly last weekend all the stuff you was dealing with, but you did it GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!Good luck at Districts.

Last edited by athenswreslingmom on Sat Feb 16, 2008 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 72
- Joined: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:33 am
Congrats to Caldwell, Belpre, and Wellston!
A couple of suprises, not tooo many though.
I will look into the next day or two what individuals have a legitimant chance for state.
BTW, we shouldn't be knocking on the 130 from ZT or the coach that posted his comment (even though he said JK at the end of it).Who had the closer match with Morgan?
Goodluck to all SE wrestlers next week at districts! Hopefully we have a large number representing our area at state!
A couple of suprises, not tooo many though.
I will look into the next day or two what individuals have a legitimant chance for state.
BTW, we shouldn't be knocking on the 130 from ZT or the coach that posted his comment (even though he said JK at the end of it).Who had the closer match with Morgan?
Goodluck to all SE wrestlers next week at districts! Hopefully we have a large number representing our area at state!

- nybucksmom
- JV Team
- Posts: 322
- Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:43 pm
Congrats to the N-Y wrestlers who made it out...Zach Hook, and Patrick and Robert Norway!!! The best of luck to you three next weekend!!!
Also, congrats to Cory Morgan on your championship. Your Mom and I talked about how much she's going to miss not getting to watch you wrestle next year. It is tough...so, I hope you end your senior year with a bang! Hope to see you up at Columbus! Good luck buddy!!!

Also, congrats to Cory Morgan on your championship. Your Mom and I talked about how much she's going to miss not getting to watch you wrestle next year. It is tough...so, I hope you end your senior year with a bang! Hope to see you up at Columbus! Good luck buddy!!!

- Varsity
- Posts: 423
- Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:28 pm
Final team results from Baums page-
2008 Nelsonville-York Division III Sectional Scores
1. Caldwell 197.5
2. Belpre 148.5
3. Wellston 148.5
4. Waterford 142.5
5. Paint Valley 138.0
6. Fairland 103.0
7. Trimble 101.0
8. River 96.5
9. Zane Trace 96.5
10. Nelsonville-York 85.0
11. Westfall 51.0
12. Shenandoah 47.0
13. Crooksville 45.0
14. River Valley 21.0
15. Chesapeake 18.0
16. Southeastern 15.0
3 of the top 4, and 4 of the top 7 are TVC teams. Not bad for the league.
2008 Nelsonville-York Division III Sectional Scores
1. Caldwell 197.5
2. Belpre 148.5
3. Wellston 148.5
4. Waterford 142.5
5. Paint Valley 138.0
6. Fairland 103.0
7. Trimble 101.0
8. River 96.5
9. Zane Trace 96.5
10. Nelsonville-York 85.0
11. Westfall 51.0
12. Shenandoah 47.0
13. Crooksville 45.0
14. River Valley 21.0
15. Chesapeake 18.0
16. Southeastern 15.0
3 of the top 4, and 4 of the top 7 are TVC teams. Not bad for the league.
- Trimblemom
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 104
- Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:42 am
I was told the match that Morgan from Trimble had with Zane Trace kid was a good match and i was aslo told that the best match Morgan had was with Farley not trying to be mean or smart but z coach now who has Morgan went against i wished i could have been there congrats Cory Morgan i hear this makes 2 years in a row for you being the champ good luck next weekend
- Trimblemom
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 104
- Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:42 am
- Trimblemom
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 104
- Joined: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:42 am