Meigs High Wrestling
Meigs High Wrestling
hey all ohio wrestlers, this is meigs 171 wrestler. i would like 2 start by saying that you should ignore Meigs_53 when he said that 4 of our wrestlers are going 2 state. We have a good chance like everyone else but, i would not like 2 jump 2 conclusions. Thank you and i hope to see some of you wrestlers december 6th. 

- JV Team
- Posts: 395
- Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:51 pm
Re: Meigs High Wrestling
whoa whoa whoa i never said we would have 4 state qualifiers alright. i said we have the potential to have maybe 1 or 2 go to state this year. second of all i just think our team has potential so yea
Re: Meigs High Wrestling
hey i said that i would not like to jump to conclusions. i never said that i did not have faith in the meigs wrestlers, i was saying that we will have 2 work for a chance 2 send some of our wrestlers to state. so That is what this whole topic is about. goodbye and have a good day.
Re: Meigs High Wrestling
Okay enough of the fighting... First of all, both of you are in your first high school season so let someone else be the judge of the state potential. Second, I have been on this team when there was only 8 people so I have to say I am extremely excited that we have so many! Therefore I expect a lot of guys on the team to do well, and hope some can go to at least districts; however, it is too early for anyone to say which guys will be at state. It is a long hard road and only the deserving will make it. As for you two bickering all the time, it is embarassing for our team and school when all our athletes do is get on here bashing each other and arguing... so have so team spirit and quit acting like kids.
Re: Meigs High Wrestling
Meigs-74 very classy very classy well spoken. I totally agree with you post. You seem like a leader and a smart young man. Take your team by the horns and lead them in a positive direction you seem like a great leader. Good luck this year and keep your teammates close and working together.