Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

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Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by 90goldeneagle »

Warren Youth Wrestling Tournament
WHEN: Sunday December 14, 2008 Wrestling will begin at 10:00 am. LIMITED TO 350 ENTRIES
WHERE: Warren High School, 130 Warrior Drive, Vincent, Ohio 45784
WEIGH-INS: Saturday (Dec 13) 6-8 pm, Sunday (Dec 14) 7-8:30 am @ Warren High School
ENTRY FEE: $18.00 PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY Postmarked by Dec 6th
$12.00 for additional division or weight class Make checks payable to WWC
MAIL TO: Scott Congleton, 195 Emmaus Road, Belpre, Ohio 45714 (740)423-7996, (740)525-6128
AWARDS: Trophies 1ST- 4TH participation awards for all other wrestlers.
ADMISSION: Adults $3.00 Students: $2.00
FORMAT: Double elimination, small brackets may wrestle pool format to ensure the most matches. Three 1
minute periods, modified high school rules apply with sudden death overtime, and 12 point lead ends match.
Tournament director reserves the right to amend tournament format if needed.
RULES: Age as of the day of the tournament, proof of age required if questioned. 1st & 2nd year wrestlers only please.
LIMIT 2 ENTRIES PER WRESTLER. May enter more than one division or weight class.
AGE (day of tourn.) WEIGHT CLASSES (may be combined if necessary)**1lb Weight Allowance
6 & UNDER 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, HWT (limit 75)
7 & 8 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 90, HWT ( limit 120)
9 & 10 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 ,75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 110, 120, HWT ( limit 150)
11 & 12 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 115, 125, 135, 150, HWT (limit 200)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ PLEASE COPY FORM FOR SECOND ENTRY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NAME_____________________________________AGE___________WT CLASS___________PHONE__________________
ADDRESS___________________________________________ BIRTH DATE________________ACTUAL WT___________
In consideration of acceptance of this entry I hereby release Warren High School, the coaches, staff, board of education, lessors of the
premises, and anyone affiliated with the school, of any liability/responsibility of any injury or accident that may occur to my son/daughter
while at the 2008 WWC Beginners Wrestling Tournament, in the building or on the school grounds.
PARENTS SIGNATURE_______________________________________________DATE________________________________

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by 90goldeneagle »

Here is a link to the entry form:


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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by boogerred »

If I have an 8yr.old that is bigger than 120, does he have to wrestle the next age class up, or can he not wrestle at all?

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by 90goldeneagle »

He will have to wrestle in the next age group up.

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by boogerred »

fair enough

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by Lil&BigBucksMom1 »

A good tournament for beginners! I believe this was the first tournament my son ever wrestled in a several years ago! It got his feet wet without having to go against more experienced wrestlers! Good Luck!

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by NYBucksDad »

This is a great tournament for kids starting out, it was my youngest sons first tournament and he won and that was the greatest thing in the word for him. My oldest son a 6th grader decided to wrestle this year and we were looking forward to this tournament and it just so happened that it falls on his church Christmas play.

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by Auburntgrfan »

What a turnout. The place was packed. I was however disappointed when I saw beginners?????? running legs, cross body ride, saturday night ride 3/4 nelson, etc. Either those are the next big thing in wrestling, gifted or sombody can't read. I had two grandkids wrestling in their very first ever time on the mat and they did well for their first time out. Both won matches and one placed. So all in all a noisy, good time was had by all.

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by otterslide »

Unfortunatly, it is hard to monitor whether or not a kid is first or second year. You basically have to go by peoples word in most cases. I know the coaches and the tournament director do there best to keep everything honest! All you can do is hope others can be honest. If not and they are not honest and dominate I sure hope they feel good about what they did and if that is the only way there wrestler can succeed then so be it. They have to live with it, not the honest folks. However, I think there is much more honest folks than truth strechers.
Warren has a bunch of good folks running their tournaments and I am from the rival High School. It pains me....lol :-D :-D :-D :122249 :122249 :122249

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Re: Warren 1st & 2nd Year Beginners Tournament Sunday Dec. 14

Post by 90goldeneagle »

Thanks for the kind words otter and thank you to all who came out and helped us have another very succesful tournament! Thanks for your support.

We did have a great turnout, over 300 kids showed up ready to wrestle and hopefully all of them had fun and gained some valuable experience on the mat. We wrestled over 500 matches on the day in about 6 hours and finished things up by around 4:30.

For anyone who is interested, here is a link to the results from the tournament:


On another note, don't forget about our open tournament coming up on Sunday January 4th.

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