2008 Marietta JV Tournment Results

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2008 Marietta JV Tournment Results

Post by schenk11 »

Congratulations to all the SEO kids.

2008 Tiger JV Wrestling Tournament
Marietta High School
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Final Teamn Scores
1......John Marshall......304

4......John Glenn.........101
6......Chillicothe Unioto..16

Wt: 103

Round: 1
AJ Pennell, John Glenn, Fall Matthew Bobo, Athens, 2:23
Dylan Aulenbacher, John Marshall, Fall Justin Rine, John Marshall, 3:21

Round: 2
Justin Rine, John Marshall, Dec AJ Pennell, John Glenn, 11-6
Dylan Aulenbacher, John Marshall, Fall Blake Elliott, Marietta, 1:46

Round: 3
Justin Rine, John Marshall, Fall Matthew Bobo, Athens, 2:15
AJ Pennell, John Glenn, Fall Blake Elliott, Marietta, 2:14

Round: 4
Dylan Aulenbacher, John Marshall, Fall Matthew Bobo, Athens, :29
Justin Rine, John Marshall, Fall Blake Elliott, Marietta, :30

Round: 5
Matthew Bobo, Athens, Fall Blake Elliott, Marietta, 2:35
Dylan Aulenbacher, John Marshall, Fall AJ Pennell, John Glenn, 3:50

Wt: 12/19

Round: 1
John Gonchoff, John Marshall, Fall Austin Parker, Marietta, 2:28

Round: 2
Chad Ingram, John Marshall, Fall Travis Rains, Unioto, 1:37

Round: 3
Travis Rains, Unioto, Fall Austin Parker, Marietta, :18

Round: 4
Chad Ingram, John Marshall, T-Fall John Gonchoff, John Marshall, 15-0

Round: 5
John Gonchoff, John Marshall, Fall Travis Rains, Unioto, 2:49
Chad Ingram, John Marshall, Fall Austin Parker, Marietta, :18

Wt: 25-35

Round: 1
Paul Flores, John Marshall, Fall Austin Kunz, Marietta, :25
James Lackey, Athens, Fall Betty Sells, John Marshall, 1:04

Round: 2
James Lackey, Athens, Fall Austin Kunz, Marietta, 1:34
Christian Durig, John Marshall, Fall Betty Sells, John Marshall, :19

Round: 3
Paul Flores, John Marshall, Fall James Lackey, Athens, 5:44
Christian Durig, John Marshall, Fall Austin Kunz, Marietta, :18

Round: 4
Paul Flores, John Marshall, Fall Betty Sells, John Marshall, :36
Christian Durig, John Marshall, Fall James Lackey, Athens, :34

Round: 5
Christian Durig, John Marshall, Def Paul Flores, John Marshall,
Austin Kunz, Marietta, Fall Betty Sells, John Marshall, 5:14

Wt: 140

Round: 1
Carl Wiencek, John Glenn, Dec Kyle Johnston, John Glenn, 8-7
Cory McKenzie, Athens, Fall Nick Smith, John Glenn, :52

Round: 2
Cory McKenzie, Athens, Fall Kyle Johnston, John Glenn, :20
Nick Smith, John Glenn, M-Dec Drake Chilcote, Athens, 11-1

Round: 3
Carl Wiencek, John Glenn, Fall Cory McKenzie, Athens, 1:30
Kyle Johnston, John Glenn, Fall Drake Chilcote, Athens, 1:13

Round: 4
Nick Smith, John Glenn, M-Dec Carl Wiencek, John Glenn, 17-6
Cory McKenzie, Athens, Fall Drake Chilcote, Athens, :37

Round: 5
Carl Wiencek, John Glenn, Fall Drake Chilcote, Athens, 2:29
Nick Smith, John Glenn, Dec Kyle Johnston, John Glenn, 7-5

Wt: 145

Round: 1
Teddy Davis, John Glenn, Fall Thomas Yoho, John Marshall, 2:45
Christopher Holliday, Athens, Fall Colton Sturtz, John Glenn, 5:55
Lewis Mason, John Marshall, Fall Jordan Parker, John Glenn, 5:07

Round: 2
Christopher Holliday, Athens, Dec Teddy Davis, John Glenn, 4-0
Jordan Parker, John Glenn, Dec Thomas Yoho, John Marshall, 19-16
Lewis Mason, John Marshall, Fall Colton Sturtz, John Glenn, 2:34

Round: 3
Teddy Davis, John Glenn, Fall Jordan Parker, John Glenn, 1:39
Christopher Holliday, Athens, Fall Lewis Mason, John Marshall, 3:29
Colton Sturtz, John Glenn, Fall Thomas Yoho, John Marshall, 1:33

Round: 4
Lewis Mason, John Marshall, Dec Teddy Davis, John Glenn, 4-2
Colton Sturtz, John Glenn, Fall Jordan Parker, John Glenn, 1:00
Christopher Holliday, Athens, Fall Thomas Yoho, John Marshall, 1:53

Round: 5
Teddy Davis, John Glenn, Fall Colton Sturtz, John Glenn, 2:18
Lewis Mason, John Marshall, Fall Thomas Yoho, John Marshall, 1:34
Christopher Holliday, Athens, Fall Jordan Parker, John Glenn, 1:29

Wt: 152

Round: 1
Thomas Schwing, John Marshall, Fall Brad Baker, John Marshall, :51
Cody McLaughlin, Athens, Fall Jordan Alverson, Coshocton, 3:20
Casey Tebay, Marietta, Dec Chris Buckey, John Glenn, 8-6

Round: 2
Thomas Schwing, John Marshall, Fall Cody McLaughlin, Athens, :41
Casey Tebay, Marietta, Fall Brad Baker, John Marshall, 3:45
Chris Buckey, John Glenn, Fall Jordan Alverson, Coshocton, 3:57

Round: 3
Thomas Schwing, John Marshall, Fall Casey Tebay, Marietta, 1:35
Chris Buckey, John Glenn, Dec Cody McLaughlin, Athens, 10-3
Brad Baker, John Marshall, Fall Jordan Alverson, Coshocton, 2:24

Round: 4
Thomas Schwing, John Marshall, Fall Chris Buckey, John Glenn, 4:30
Casey Tebay, Marietta, Fall Jordan Alverson, Coshocton, 1:09
Cody McLaughlin, Athens, Fall Brad Baker, John Marshall, 5:26

Round: 5
Thomas Schwing, John Marshall, Fall Jordan Alverson, Coshocton, :59
Chris Buckey, John Glenn, Fall Brad Baker, John Marshall, 3:45
Casey Tebay, Marietta, Fall Cody McLaughlin, Athens, :55

Wt: 60-71

Round: 1
Aaron Smith, John Glenn, Fall Devan McClure, John Marshall, 2:48
Shawn Lindsey, Marietta, M-Dec Noah Alassaf, Athens, 19-8
Austin Gaskins, Marietta, T-Fall Dustin Baker, Marietta, 15-0

Round: 2
Shawn Lindsey, Marietta, Fall Devan McClure, John Marshall, 3:25
Austin Gaskins, Marietta, Fall Aaron Smith, John Glenn, 1:32
Dustin Baker, Marietta, Fall Noah Alassaf, Athens, 3:30

Round: 3
Austin Gaskins, Marietta, Fall Devan McClure, John Marshall, :38
Dustin Baker, Marietta, Fall Shawn Lindsey, Marietta, 1:32
Aaron Smith, John Glenn, T-Fall Noah Alassaf, Athens, 24-6

Round: 4
Dustin Baker, Marietta, Fall Devan McClure, John Marshall, 4:35
Austin Gaskins, Marietta, Fall Noah Alassaf, Athens, :34
Shawn Lindsey, Marietta, Fall Aaron Smith, John Glenn, :28

Round: 5
Devan McClure, John Marshall, M-Dec Noah Alassaf, Athens, 10-1
Dustin Baker, Marietta, Fall Aaron Smith, John Glenn, 2:46
Austin Gaskins, Marietta, Fall Shawn Lindsey, Marietta, :14

Wt: 189-A

Round: 1
Nicholas Proctor, Athens, Fall Tyler Crow, John Marshall, 2:30
Michael Simmons, John Marshall, Fall David Fouty, Unioto, 2:51

Round: 2
Nicholas Proctor, Athens, Fall Michael Simmons, John Marshall, 4:44
Tyler Crow, John Marshall, Fall David Fouty, Unioto, :32

Round: 3
Nicholas Proctor, Athens, Fall David Fouty, Unioto, :48
Tyler Crow, John Marshall, Fall Michael Simmons, John Marshall, 5:20

Wt: 189-B

Round: 1
Michael Gonchoff, John Marshall, Fall Tim McCauley, Marietta, 1:02
Travis Taylor, Athens, Dec Tracy Milligan, Marietta, 8-3

Round: 2
Michael Gonchoff, John Marshall, Fall Tracy Milligan, Marietta, 1:09
Tim McCauley, Marietta, Fall Travis Taylor, Athens, 1:58

Round: 3
Michael Gonchoff, John Marshall, Fall Travis Taylor, Athens, :55
Tim McCauley, Marietta, M-Dec Tracy Milligan, Marietta, 13-2

Wt: 189- Placement 1st-4th

Championship - 1st Round
3rd - Nicholas Proctor, Athens, M-Dec Tim McCauley, Marietta, 12-2
1st - Michael Gonchoff, John Marshall, Fall Tyler Crow, John Marshall, 1:25

Final Round
Tyler Crow, John Marshall, Fall Tim McCauley, Marietta, 1:42
Michael Gonchoff, John Marshall, Fall Nicholas Proctor, Athens, 1:15

Wt: 189- Placement 5th-8th

Conosolation - 1st Round
Michael Simmons, John Marshall, Dec Tracy Milligan, Marietta, 4-3
Travis Taylor, Athens, Dec David Fouty, Unioto, 7-3

Final Round
Tracy Milligan, Marietta, Def David Fouty, Unioto,
Travis Taylor, Athens, Dec Michael Simmons, John Marshall, 5-1

Wt: 215

Round: 1
Zaccory Martin, Athens, Fall Justin Lillibridge, Coshocton, 3:06
Michael Aaberg, Coshocton, Fall Logan Banks, Coshocton, :28

Round: 2
Zaccory Martin, Athens, Dec Logan Banks, Coshocton, 2-0
Michael Aaberg, Coshocton, Fall Dakoto Davis, Unioto, 1:24

Round: 3
Justin Lillibridge, Coshocton, Fall Logan Banks, Coshocton, 1:11
Zaccory Martin, Athens, Fall Dakoto Davis, Unioto, :41

Round: 4
Michael Aaberg, Coshocton, Fall Justin Lillibridge, Coshocton, 4:36
Logan Banks, Coshocton, Def Dakoto Davis, Unioto,

Round: 5
Justin Lillibridge, Coshocton, Def Dakoto Davis, Unioto,
Zaccory Martin, Athens, M-Dec Michael Aaberg, Coshocton, 10-2

Wt: 285

Round: 1
Michael Berardi, John Marshall, Fall Keiffer Johnson, Marietta, 5:59

Round: 2
Jimmy Herron, Marietta, Fall Stan Smathers, Athens, 3:55

Round: 3
Keiffer Johnson, Marietta, Fall Stan Smathers, Athens, :51

Round: 4
Jimmy Herron, Marietta, Dec Michael Berardi, John Marshall, 11-10

Round: 5
Michael Berardi, John Marshall, Fall Stan Smathers, Athens, 1:00
Keiffer Johnson, Marietta, Fall Jimmy Herron, Marietta, 1:09

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