Washington Co. Quad

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Post by swamisez »

injuries, and lots of forfeits in the lower weights

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Post by afan »

At seasons end I guarantee you that Belpre's best 5 wrestlers will advance farther in the post season than Waterford's best 5. Surely I'm not the only one that feels this way. What happened to all you Belpre fans; cat got your tongue.

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Post by hardrock21 »

I think I remember you saying that last year and neither Packard or Randolph made it out of districts. Wow, very bold statement considering the quality of wrestlers Waterford has. I'll probably take Waterfords top 5 over Belpre's. Jones, Farley, Reed, Miller was junior high SQ. After Randolph and Packard their is a significant drop off.

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Post by afan »

Hrock:You are right I did say that, but as I recall no Warren, or Waterford wrestlers advanced.
Dennis Jones placed 6th. Tim Randloph sustained a knee injury and had to withdraw, and Packard placed 5th. and was an alternate to the state.
Even though I thought they would do much better, Belpre did go a little farther than Warren and Waterford.

With that said, Jones, Farley, Reed, are some of the best wrestlers in the area, and are nothing but a class act, as is the Waterford wrestling program. But to imply that they are better than Waderker, Walker, Randolph, and Packard is Absurd. I guess, that if my team got their butt kicked 54-18, and the 18 was from forfiets, I might be tempted to take sides against said team.

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Post by gpgm6566 »

I'm just curious, how many of Waterfords wrestlers are returning tvc champs?... Sectional champs?
Good luck to Waterford till TVC.

Go Eagles.

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Post by hardrock21 »

How many of Belpre's points were from forfeits in that dual? I dont pay much attention to your "guarantee's" anymore after everyone you predicted last year failed. Yeah Belpre's better than Warren this year congratulations. Wanna look at the all time record between these programs, going to be ugly for Belpre. Hasaflook wouldn't even wrestle Warren for years because he knew he would be dominated and thats a fact.

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Post by tric118 »

That is sad I hated to chime in on this but you no it is bad when a guy has to bring in the all-time record. I remember when Junior wore that burlap sack out there and pinned ole jedediah lol. Come on it is today you need to worry about. Heck look at Nelsonville-York I wish I could talk about the old teams not the present one.

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Post by afan »

Hrock...Are we lashing out? Take away the forfiets in the Belpre vs Warren match and it would have been a SKUNK. About the failed predictions, I didn't predict state qualifiers, I said Belpre would do better in the post season than Warren, and they did.

The answer to your argument is simple, Which team did better against Warren, Belpre or Waterford. If you don't know ask your coaches, I'd bet that they would agree with me.

Belpre and Waterford meet two more times, River tourn, and tvc, just watch and see how it plays out.

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Post by tsracer91 »

I don't know why these arguments have to happen. All of these kids wrestled their hearts out. For us to sit here and "what if" everything is just crazy. There is alot of respect and friendship between all four of these teams. We all could learn alot from our wrestlers about sportsmanship. Just my opinion.

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Post by nybucksmom »

Heck, I didn't see anyone fail last year...what I saw were a group of kids from all of these teams wrestle their hearts out. My son didn't make it to state last year (was predicted to), but that doesn't make him a failure. I'm proud of all his accomplishments. Come to my house sometime and you'll see that...pictures, trophies everywhere. Hell, he's my hero!

I'm proud of each and every one of our kids from SE Ohio. Tric118 is right...look at today. I'll add...learn from yesterday.

Every year is different. Some years your team is the bomb...some years they bomb...depends on where you put it in a sentence. Regardless, it doesn't mean they're failures because they're not #1. A true failure is someone who doesn't try or make an attempt at trying.

Good luck to all these teams! :-D

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Post by afan »

No one is saying these kids aren't giving it their all, or in any way atempting to be negitive towards any individual; these are discussions between heated rivals in an attempt to promote their team, and an attempt to get more fans to involved in these forums. This would be a pretty boring place without rivalrys.

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Post by gpgm6566 »

Any time a fan posts on this forum, that( A) team's player is faster than (B) team's player, they shouldn't be affended when (B) team supporters defend their position. Then it would be good if there were some facts involved to support their opinion.

It's good to see some of the NY fans taking an interest, I know that your numbers are down, but you'll get it worked out, good luck.

This quad wasn't the true indicator of Warrens ability on the mat. When they get healthy, and get their lineup in order, they will be a different team. Did anyone but me notice how strong those Warren kids are?

Go eagles.

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Post by black_and_orange »

This event really has brought the four schools closer together and created a family relationship. They practice together come post season, look in the papers and on the internet to see how the others are doing, and in some cases get together on Sunday and work out together as extra practice.

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Post by nybucksmom »

That's awesome! N-Y did that with some other teams through-out my son's career. One reason why I'm a big Corey Morgan (Trimble) fan! :)

Yes, there has always been a big rivalry between Belpre and Warren, I've heard some pretty interesting stories about the good 'ol days from my husband...those boys were ornery back then! lol!

I just get upset when someone calls a kid's name out and attaches the term "failure" or any other negative remark to them. It's good to get the conversation going on here, but remarks like that aren't necessary. You can have some fun with "trash talk" without being a meanie (do I sound like a Mom or what???). lol!

Good luck to all the Washington County teams this season, except of course, at league, cause I'm backin' my Buckeyes all the way that day! :-D

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Post by otterslide »

Okay all my typing fingers are a bit rusty as of late so bare with me.

Congrates to all the Belpre wrestlers and congrates to Waterford wrestlers. They both wrestled their hearts out.

Secondly, it is plain to see that Belpre AND Waterford have a hell of a team. Unfortunatly, Waterfords numbers are a bit low. However, to make a statement that Waterford was the class act and not to make the gesture to all the other teams is a little bias. I think they all were class acts.
We all could sit here and say well Belpre has the better team over Waterford or Waterford has the better team over Belpre. But what happened is Belpre beat Waterford head to head. Belpre gave up forfeits as well. This comment is not intended to take anything from Waterford what so ever. I hope they have very good success and more kids come back out year after year.
Now to say that Tyler Carr and Wadiker (sorry about the spelling) only wrestled 1 match and that is hardley being undefeated. The last time I looked undefeated is not lossing a match.


1. Not yet beaten in a war, competition, etc

Thesaurus: triumphant, unbeaten, victorious, winning.

I see nothing that states you have to have a certain number to be undefeated. So I call bull on that statement.

To call a kid out on here is not cool and very disrespectful. For those calling out kids in a negative manner stop hidding behind your username and see how it feels to have your name plastered all over a forum in a negative manner.
I never thought I would ever agree with AFAN but hey it is the holidays...lol. Afan I have to agree with all your statements and sorry for not being on here sooner.
I hear alot here in Belpre. Especially at the local coffee shop and those know what I am talking about. I hear a certain group of guys talking High School sports all the time. The one thing is they never say anything negative about another school. As matter of fact I heard one gentleman say "it sure is a shame that NY number are down this year, they have always been a great team. I hope they get their numbers back up."
The other guys said, " oh , they have a great program their numbers will come back up."
These are guys that have no kids involved but respect Belpre High School athelets and all others.

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Post by otterslide »

Oh by the way. If anyone is interested in seeing our future southeastern ohio wrestlers. 16 youth wrestling teams from southeastern Ohio will be competing at Ohio University Jan. 3rd 2008.

How about that advertisement NYbucksmom?...... ;-)
Last edited by otterslide on Sat Dec 15, 2007 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by nybucksmom »

Good plug there otterslide! lol! ;-)

However, it's 16 teams. And, yes, I would love to see everyone come down for this on February 3rd to watch these future TVC, SEOAL, and MVL wrestlers in action! 8)

Nice to hear folks in the area think a lot of the N-Y team, too! Where's that coffee shop, maybe when we drive through the area, we'll stop for a cup. Do they serve french vanilla cappicianos? Did I spell that right? :-D

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Post by hardrock21 »

Stop spazing about the post... if you read the post carefully you would realize no "kids are being slammed" I pointed out the fact that he made a prediction which was wrong aka. a "failure", not that the kids were "failures". Stop overreacting to something that wasn't said. Sorry I was more impressed by Waterford which is MY OPINION, and last time i checked this forum was based on people's opinions.

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Post by eagles09 »

Hardrock, your observations are always insightful. Maybe you should contact Brian Brakeman and give him some pointers on Rankings based on speculation and pure gut feeling. If he could come up with the class of the season on pure speculation and a gut feeling and we wouldn't have to wait til january. Last years Quad you boldly stated one of your wrestlers who lost that night was on "a different level." Everyone saw how that turned out. I don't know how you do it ? It must be pure inituition. I have to rely on going by scores and who actually wins. My goodness Belpre's margin of victory was the best, 152 through heavyweight never had a close match, Belpre won the Quad for the second time out of three years. Yet you had the gift of seeing through all of the unimportant stats, scores, wins, etc to bring us the class of the quad. You Sir "are on a Different level" than the other fans. Belpre wrestlers the Quote "it drops off after Randolph and Packard is pure jiberish. Belpre has 4 TVC champions, more than the class of the Quad. Waderker hasn't been beat by a wrestler from this area in 2 years with the exception of Hesson. He lost to Hesson by 2 points, beat him once and lost 3rd match by 2 points , Hesson placed 7th at state last year and is ranked 3rd this year. Wadeker you are with Packard and Randolph. If you guys have to choose Between being 2nd class of the Quad or being Quad champions. Be the champions.

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Post by otterslide »

Okay let me get this straight.
Swamisez states:
"i think Waderker wrestled once, maybe twice in the 4 tries. "

Okay I am not even close to being the smartest person here but I want to give this a shot. Washington County Quad. Quad meaning 4 correct?
So if Waderker had "4 tries" did he wrestle as an independent? If he wrestles for Belpre did he wrestle someone from his own team? If not, then would he have had the possiblity of 3 matches?

Additionally, you saved your self in stating the works "I think". Because he wrestled 2 times. Guess what! He won both..WOW! So he had 1 forfeit. Geeee....I saw alot of kids have forfeits that night.

Again I am not the smartest person but I think I might have this one right. "Open the Case!"

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