Waterford wrestling
Waterford wrestling
Waterford does not have a full team, but the wrestlers they do have will be real tough. They have Jones, Farley, Fulton, Smith, and Reed returning from last year, and Crock, Miller,Branham, and Bauerbach moving up from junior high. I think that they will supprise alot of people this year.
Waterford took 8 wrestlers to the Bellair St John Tourn. and had 5 in the finals. Reed 1st 103, Miller 3rd 125, Farley 2nd 135, Smith 2nd 140, Jones 1st 145, Crock 112 2-2, Brannam 119 2-2, Bauebach 171 2-2, Waterford don't have the numbers, but what they lack there they more than make up for in talent. GO WILDCATS