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Southern Ohio Youth Wrestling League Meeting January 16th...

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:58 pm
by nybucksmom
We will be having our championship tournament planning meeting next Wednesday, January 16th. It will be in a first floor classroom in Grover Center at 7:00 pm again. I'll follow-up after I get the room scheduled.

Please be sure to bring your most current roster. It needs to include the wrestlers' names, weights, ages as of February 3rd, and their t-shirt sizes. Please be sure to include the coaches' names and t-shirt sizes (no, I don't need their weights or!).

The website is still not a reality...yet. I haven't had the time to work on it, but hopefully will get a chance in the next week. I have only received 3 team pictures, which means 13 of you still need to get those to me. I'm working on typing a nice schedule to post, but I'm missing some teams, which are Alexander, John Glenn, and Meadowbrook. Also, I would like to get some team results from your duals. Even though it is after the season has started, to get this info out for folks to see is a good thing.

Be thinking about a nice t-shirt design for our league shirts. I'm going to contact some local t-shirt vendors for prices. I'll bring that information with me to the meeting.

Any questions, you know where I am! Just shoot me an email or give me a call! - Janey

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:55 am
by nybucksmom
We will be meeting in Grover Center W119.

See ya'll next week! :-D

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:38 pm
by nybucksmom