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Calling Tric

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:43 am
by wch125
I have a question for you, I believe you have been doing a 6 team dual tournament for sometime now. I am running my first one what is the criteria you use to break ties for teams with the same record? Any help would be appreciated.

Re: Calling Tric

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 12:31 pm
by tric118
I use team points in our dual tournament. You could go by head to head competetion and also keep a running total of point scored for the day. Such as

N-Y 32 WCH 31
Trimble 37 NY 26
WCH 37 Trimble 33

All went 1-1
1st Trimble 70 points scored in 2 duals
2nd WCH 68
3rd N-Y 58

And then you say well WCH beat Trimble yes but N-Y beat WCH.

If two teams have the same points WCH 70 and Trimble 70 who ever won the dual head to head would be first in this case it would be WCH because they beat Trimble. Hope this helps. You can call me at 740-590-9597 with any other questions.

Re: Calling Tric

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:45 am
by wch125
Thanks a ton this helps out alot. Good luck to you and your team this weekend.