SCOL 2015-2016 Talk and Results

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SCOL 2015-2016 Talk and Results

Post by wch125 »

Here are last years results as we begin anew. League title looks like it runs through Wilmington who returns a lot or Clinton Massie Young Guns, and as always the Defending Champs Miami Trace until someone knocks them off.

SCOL Tournament Results and Notes

SCOL Tournament

Team Score
1. Miami Trace 190.0
2. Washington 150.0
3. Clinton-Massie 112.5
4. Wilmington 99.0
5. Chillicothe 72.5
6. Hillsboro 64.0
7. McClain 45.5
8. East Clinton 42.0

SCOL Duals
  1. Miami Trace7-0
  2. Washington CH 6-1
  3. Clinton Massie 5-2
  4. Wilmington 4-3
  5. Greenfield McClain 2-5
  6. Hillsboro 2-5
  7. East Clinton 1-6
  8. Chillicothe 1-6
Final Standings

1. Miami Trace
2. Washington
3. Clinton Massie
4. Wilmington
5. Chillicothe
8.East Clinton

Underclassmen in Bold

1 Asher C
2 Rawlings G
3 Carter H
4 Brock EC

1. Gibbs CM 2xChampion
2. Thomas WCH
3. Florea EC
4. Flaugher MT

1. Steele W
2. Moore M
3. Mills CM
4. Nelson WCH

1. Warrington H
2. Hughes MT
3. Conger WCH
4. Green W

1. Murphy WCH 2xChamp
2. Boldman W
3. Lawhorn CH
4. Dillow CM

1. Laytart MT 3x Champ
2. Hester WCH
3. Whaley H
4. Tissandier CM

1. Lovett MT
2. Lennon CM
3. Morgan EC
4. Barden WCH

1. Tunon CM 2xChamp
2. Price CH
3. Moore MT
4. Bloch EC

1. Grooms MT
2. Collins CH
3. Brausch
4. Badgley

1. Miller MT 2xChamp
2. McEvoy W
3. Payne WCH
4. Ash GM

1. McCane WCH
2. Jarrell W
3. Hottinger MT
4. Asmus H

1. Jones MT 2x Champ
2. Smith GM
3. Bond Pennington CH
4. Murphy H

1. Aveja MT
2. Hicks WCH
3. Mathis CH
4. Risley H

1. Morris MT
2. Wade WCH
3. Colley CH
4. Suiter EC

Teams Returning Place winners and Champions

Miami Trace 7 Returning 2 Champions
Washington 7 Returning 1 Champion
Clinton Massie 5 Returning 2 Champions
Wilmington 4 Returning 1 Champion
East Clinton 4 Returning
Greenfield McClain 3 Returning
Hillsboro 3 Returing
Chillicothe 2 Returning

This year in the League we had
5 2x Champions and only 1 3xChampion

Gibbs Clinton Massie
Murphy Washington CH
Tunon Clinton Massie
Miller Miami Trace
Jones Miami Trace

Laytart Miami Trace

Asher of Clinton Massie was a Fr. Champion at 106 and will have the opportunity to become 1 of the rare 4 time winners.

4 Time League Champions I can think of you may add to the list

Kole Trigg Washington CH
Riley Shaw Washington CH
Kordell Ford Hillsboro
Travis Mcintosh Miami Trace? Not sure if he lost to Running of massie 1 year.
Trent Duffy Miami Trace

Team Champions All time
1969 Wilmington
1970 Wilmington
1971 Circleville
1972 Circleville
1973 Circleville
1974 Circleville
1975 Circleville
1976 Circleville
1977 Circleville
1978 Circleville
1979 Circleville
1980 Circleville
1981 Miami Trace
1982 Teays Valley
1983 Miami Trace/ Teays Valley
1984 Teays Valley
1985 Hillsboro
1986 Hillsboro
1987 Wilmington
1988 Wilmington
1989 Wilmington
1990 Miami Trace
1991 Miami Trace
1992 Miami Trace
1993-2003 League Disbanded
2004 Miami Trace
2005 Miami Trace
2006 Miami Trace
2007 Miami Trace
2008 Miami Trace
2009 Miami Trace
2010 Clinton Massie
2011 Miami Trace
2012 Washington CH
2013 Miami Trace
2014 Miami Trace
2015 Miami Trace

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Joined: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:12 am

Re: SCOL 2015-2016 Talk and Results

Post by dodgecity15 »

Trace will be down but I see them competing for the league title again.

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