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SOYWL Championship Tournament Planning Meeting

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 3:57 pm
by nybucksmom
There will be a SOYWL championship tournament planning meeting next Wednesday, January 20th, starting at 6:30 pm, in Athens. I have scheduled a classroom in Grover W109...because the conference room we normally meet in has been scheduled for another meeting. I believe we were supposed to meet this Wednesday, but Coach Greenlee was unable to attend.

If you have not already done so, please send your roster and schedule to Coach Greenlee ASAP! He told me that he has most of them, but not all of them. They were due to him a few weeks ago.

Also, the tournament fee will be due at the meeting. The fee is $250.00 this year, because we now have to pay for custodial services.

Please plan on attending or send a representative on your behalf. Also, I have not received any contact information from the New Lexington youth reps/coaches. Would you please email me that information at [email protected]? Thanks!