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tournament schedule question
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:17 am
by CoachVinny
Hi, my family has just moved to SE Ohio in the last few weeks. I have an 8th grader (13 yr old) who wrestles.
Can anyone direct me to info for tournaments and where to get the registration papers? He has a couple of team tournaments scheduled, but would like to go somewhere almost every weekend. Thanks very much!
Re: tournament schedule question
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 10:54 am
by Nybucks70-80
Once the season starts he cannot wrestle in a tournament that is not with his school team!
For open tourny's go to and .
Re: tournament schedule question
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:31 pm
by jscbowhunter
Welcome to the wonderful world of the OHSAA... If you are dedicated and wrestle year round, you may consider foregoing your local junior high's schedule and hit major tourneys in WV and PA. That, of course depends on your schools scheduling. If you have quality practice partners and good coaching, go for it. If not, find a club. Ohio wrestling is def one of the best in the nation, but it could be even better if the OHSAA would lighten up. My 2 cents. I won't read this thread again, so hack away.