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Southeast Ohio All-Star Preview Nov. 28th

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:15 am
by tric118
Coaches the All Star Preview will Be Saturday Nov. 28th at Nelsonville-York high school I have rosters from New Lexington, Sheridan,Washington Court House, Gallia Academy, Paint Valley,Fairfield Union, Warren Local Circleville, Athens and Nelsonville-York 10 teams I would like more. If you want to be included in this event please get me a list of your District Qualifiers, State Qualifiers, State Placers and Junior high State Qualifier or placer for incoming freshman.
Weigh-ins +5
Coaches Meeting 4:30 weigh ins 5:00 Wrestling starts at 6:00. Dues $25.00

Please send me a final roster of kids weights by Thursday if you have changes from orginal list. [email protected] or 740-590-9597